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Chapter 14

Hand in hand Roxanne and Savannah walked towards the food court. Savannah had gotten everything she needed for now and she planned on just grabbing a late lunch before going back to their dorm. It was nice to show her new girlfriend just a little while longer before they got back to the privacy of their dorm where Savannah planned to have some real fun.

Savannah led Roxanne straight to a table on the outer corner of the terrace that reach almost to the middle of the main hall. It was the table that was most visible, and they would surely get a lot of looks. Savannah grew excited at the thought that so many people would see that Roxy was her girlfriend. Roxanne also realised this spot would draw in a lot of unwanted attention, and just like Savannah she felt a sexual thrill from the thought alone. Only hers originated from the embarrassment she felt.

Sitting down Savannah patted her lap with a broad smile. “Put your bags down and then you can sit right here. That way we can stay very close all throughout lunch, now isn’t that wonderful my little slut.” Savannah said loud enough for the people around them to hear as well, which sent another jolt of shameful pleasure to Roxanne’s pussy. 

Roxanne’s face turned bright red in colour, another shameful jolt went to her pussy as she did exactly like Savannah had suggested. She sat down on her roommate’s lap feeling overly embarrassed. Doing this in front off all these people was way worse than in the privacy of their dorm, and way worse than the relative privacy of the stores even.

Apparently Savannah wasn’t happy with just letting Roxanne sit on her lap either. Instead she opened her legs making her roommate slip onto her left thigh only, with one of her legs on each side of Savannah’s leg. Before the girl could reposition herself, Savannah closed her legs trapping one of Roxanne’s between her own.

The position was made even more awkward by the shortness of Roxanne’s skirt. It had risen up when sitting down and since she hadn’t been allowed to wear panties she was now sitting with her naked butt and pussy on Savannahs tights covered leg. The shame of it all made her pussy drip even more than before. 

It only took a minute for Savannah to realise the exact same thing. “Oh you dirty little slut, sitting your naked cunt down on my leg and I can telly you are sopping wet. You have soaked all the way through my tights you naughty girl.” Savannah whispered coyly into Roxanne’s ear.

She would have preferred to say it out loud, but she still needed to show some restrained. Afterall she didn’t want the mall security to end their trip prematurely by escorting them out for indecent exposure. She could draw attention as long as they toed the line of acceptable lewdness. Having Roxanne sit on her lap certainly stretched that line a bit. If they know what was happening underneath the table though. The way Roxanne was sitting on her lap and drag attention to exactly that then they would have most definitely crossed that line big time.

As long as it remained somewhat secret between the two of them though she guessed they would be okay. “You know, I’m going to be honest with you. All this kinkiness you are showing me, this whole new perverted world of yours Is getting me kind of hot. As well, it kind of makes me think that maybe we were made for each other. I’m not quite sure I can really handle your level of perverseness, but it really makes me think that maybe we should officially become lovers. I do need to give it a lot more thought though so don’t get your hopes up just yet. I don’t even know if I’m ready to commit to a relationship.” Savannah whispered in Roxanne’s ear.

The way she picked her words once again fit perfectly into her plan. She had just pinned all the perverted stuff on Roxanne, warmed her roommate up to the idea that the two of them might become a couple, but also giving her some slack that it wouldn’t happen anytime soon. Savannah guessed Roxanne wasn’t ready yet, but she would gently start to prepare her for that next step. She had also picked her words to make it clear that if the time was right, it would be entirely Savannahs decision, while making it feel like Roxanne should be honoured.

A few weeks ago, Roxanne would have just told her to fuck off, anyone in their right mind would have done so. Savannah had been twisting Roxanne’s mind into thinking the way she wanted to for so long that this didn’t even sound as too much of a stretch to the girl. Somewhere in the back of her mind she was even thinking that it might be best. At the moment she was still way to worried about how she would tell it to Chad and her friends to really consider it though. 

She was no where near ready to come out as Savannah’s full on devoted girlfriend yet. Savannah did feel confident that they would get there though over time. Just look how far she had gotten little miss perfect already.

Roxanne was awfully quiet, but Savannah didn’t really mind. It was something she had planned anyway to only let Roxanne talk when she had something really important to say or when she was asked a question. It fit the idea she had about how an obedient sub girl should act. It seemed like Roxanne was falling into that pattern on her own though so there was no reason to really enforce it yet, besides it would be too soon anyway. Right now, it was probably the shame and the exposure that made her so quiet and that was more than okay.

Spotting that the waitress was coming over to them Savannah pulled Roxy in for a passionate tongue twisting kiss. She loved the power of just doing that whenever she pleased. Especially out here in public. Even better with the waitress witnessing all of it and arriving at their table before they were done kissing. Savannah had a blast making the waitress wait on them but after a few seconds she did break off the kiss just in case the pretty ginger waitress would think about leaving again.

“What can I get you ladies?” The ginger girl asked politely. All though it was not hard to tell that she was uncomfortable taking their order. Not hard to tell for Savannah at least. Roxanne was too embarrassed to even look up at the girl.

“We would like two cheese bacon burgers, a larges portion of fries, a big Cola, a salad and a bottle of water. That’s all sugar.” Savannah said winking at the girl who quickly scurried a way, shivering over how that big black girl had been eyeing here. That right in front of her girlfriend even. Well it was clear that they didn’t have any normal relationship and frankly she wanted to see and know as little about it as she could. She just needed to bring the food and check and that was it.

Savannah hadn’t even allowed Roxanne to order for herself. No, she wanted her to have a taste of what being her girlfriend would mean and so far she was loving it. Despite how much she was loving showing her girlfriend off she was also looking forward to getting back home so she could teach her some new things. All the restrained she had shown had been worth it cause now she was full on reaping the rewards.

A devious smile crossed Savannah’s face as she suddenly started rocking her leg a little causing it to move slightly underneath Roxanne’s slick pussy. It didn’t take long for the overly aroused girl to let out a soft moan, a sign for Savannah to stop what she was doing.

“That’s enough, you are one hell of a naughty perv, enjoying this so much and in public even. We need to stop though because you would definitely draw too much attention and I don’t want to be arrested.” Savannah whispered once again reinforcing the image of Roxanne being a pervert.

“You have been very good though Roxy, and as soon as we are home I will allow you to have one of your supervised masturbation sessions, now isn’t that just wonderful? You might be the biggest perv I know, but I’ll take care of you my sweet Roxy after all I understand that this is just your nature and you can’t help it yourself. I don’t think many people would be this considerate, but I have always been a little more openminded than most.” Savannah whispered affectionately. 

Roxanne just whispered a breathless, “Thank you.” Back at Savannah. She never thought she would think this, but she really was grateful of how considerate her roommate was. She couldn’t think of anyone who would put up with this either, just look at her, a hot bothered mess almost sliding down Savannah’s thigh with how wet she was. To think that she had always hated the girl for being so obnoxious and inconsiderate.

As bad as it sounded she also did look forward to her masturbation session. She knew it would mean that she would once again have to squirm on the floor working her face and pussy with Savannah’s smelly socks. It was a very embarrassing thought, especially since she knew how bad those socks smelled. At the same time the thought was turning her on even more though. God an orgasm would feel so good right about now.

Moments later the ginger waitress returned carrying their order as well as the check. Better to get this over with in one trip than having to return to this table again. “Here is your order ladies, that would be 24.50 dollars please.” The ginger said.

“Here you go sugar, keep the change.” Said Savannah handing the girl a 50 dollar note. The ginger was obviously amazed. She didn’t expect anything but the bare minimum in tips and yet here she was getting a really nice tip instead.

“Have a nice meal.” She finally said before walking off somewhat stunned. Savannah just loved it. She wouldn’t have minded having some fun with that ginger as well, but she knew she could never break her the way she did with Roxy. There was no way the girl would meet up with her to allow her to work her magic. Well you can’t have them all right?

Roxanne found it kind of strange that Savannah would just give that much money away. The black girl had never really come across as rich or anything, but today she had been spending like crazy. She really wondered were all that money came from. Especially since Savannah didn’t seem worried in the slightest.

This trip had certainly put a big dent in the little savings Savannah had, but she didn’t mind. If her plan worked out she would soon earn all that money back. If her plan worked money wouldn’t be an issue for her anymore. Sure, throwing everything away like this was a bit of a gamble, but she had never particularly been cautious before, and she certainly wasn’t going to start being cautious now.

“Alright Roxy, this here is for you. We wouldn’t want you to get fat after all.” Savannah laughed before sliding the salad and the water towards her roommate while taking the Cola, burgers and fries for herself.

During the meal Savannah couldn’t help but rock Roxanne on her leg a little bit until the first moan each time. The fact that Roxanne was so wet, was more than enough proof that her plan was working to a T and she loved teasing her about it. Apart from the occasional leg rocking the meal went by rather uneventful.

It was only after the meal that Savannah opened up her legs to allow Roxanne to get up. “Alright Roxy lets go home. Get up and grab or bags, will you sweetie?” She said waiting for the girl to get up before getting up herself and grabbing Roxanne’s hand.

Looking down Savannah suddenly cried out with an amused smirk. “Oh my Roxy, look at what you have done, leaving such a stain on my pretty tights. You are one hell of a horny little slut you know that?” She laughed. 

Roxanne could feel her cheeks flush bright red as she looked down at the dark green spot on her roommate’s thigh where she had been sitting. Was she really that wet? Apparently she was and Seeing what she had done she instantly felt another rush of excitement going through her.

Like that the two of them walked back to the main entrance dragging just as much stares as before, but this time Roxanne felt even more embarrassed, thinking that everyone who looked at them would see the wet spot on Savannah’s thigh and instantly make the connection. God she really hoped that wouldn’t be the case, but she couldn’t keep herself from feeling like it was.

Chapter 15

Once at the main entrance, the same driver from their trip too the mall was waiting on them. Roxanne instantly wanted to get back inside remembering how embarrassing that trip had been, but Savannah took a firm hold of her hand. “Relax Roxy, that guy surely won’t be stupid enough to try anything like that again. I am here to protect you. Besides to make up for this morning he promised us a free ride.” Savannah said reassuringly.

With that said Savannah lead Roxanne to the back of the car, to deposit their shopping bags in the trunk before shoving her roommate on the backseat and getting in herself. “Alright asshole take us back to the dormitories, you may peak from time to time but you keep your mouth shut Unless I ask you something, understood?” Savannah asked some of her earlier anger boiling up.

The driver stayed quiet only answering by starting the car and heading off. “Alright Roxy, now that we have a little more privacy I think it is time that you clean up the mess you made on my tights.” Savannah said grabbing a hole of the girl’s head and gently moving her down towards her lap. She didn’t need to be forceful, it seemed like Roxanne had given up resisting anyways.

Roxanne was still following her earlier experiment of going along with what Savannah said to discover to just what extend her own perverted desires went. Up until now she had to shamefully admit that she had liked everything so far, even that encounter in the toilet and this time didn’t seem to be any different. The way Savannah had pulled her head down like that where the driver could see send another rush straight to her pussy.

“That’s it, good girl. Now start sucking that dark spot. The only fluid I want to see staining those tights is your saliva, and with how wet you have made them earlier I would say you have a lot of work to do.” Savannah said with a big smile noticing how the driver’s eyes nearly popped out of his head while Roxanne’s face turned bright red. She just loved the way she was able to affect two people at once.

Completely embarrassed Roxanne started sucking at the dark spot on Savannah’s tights tasting her own pussy juices mixed in with just a hint of her roommates sweat. This went on for a couple of minutes while Savannah stroked her hair partly just because she liked it and partly to keep Roxanne’s head down. While Roxanne was sucking she could smell Savannah’s pussy as well. Obviously her roommate was very aroused herself.

Finally happy with Roxanne’s efforts Savannah wrapped her fingers into Roxanne’s hair and pulled the girl up only to give her another tongue twisting passionate kiss. She kept the Kiss going for more than a minute showing of to the driver that she owned her just incase he would forget.

After the kiss Savannah moved her hand down underneath Roxanne’s short skirt, softly stroking the girls sopping wet slit. “God Roxy, I bet you just can’t wait till we get home you insatiable slut. You are so fucking wet you could probably rehydrate a desert.” Savannah laughed.

Roxanne was blushing, but at the same time she didn’t really care. She was just too lost in her pleasure, moaning loudly to care. Savannah’s teasing words just sent another thrill up her spine just like her fingers did. They felt so good that she didn’t even want them to stop no matter how wrong it was. 

It wasn’t long until Roxanne thought she would orgasm, she craved it. She had been so horny for so long that she really needed that orgasm. She was bracing herself to let the waves of a wonderful orgasm roll over her, but that orgasm never came. Instead she remained right on the edge feeling like she was about to cum for minutes on end. Eventually Savannah stopped stroking getting a disappointed grunt out of Roxanne who didn’t understand why she hadn’t come yet.

This made Savannah laugh, of course she knew why Roxanne hadn’t been able to achieve an orgasm. She still had plans to make the reason known to Roxanne as well, but not yet. “Shhh Roxy, be patient you little slut. You can take my socks to masturbate when we get back home. For now, why don’t you just clean up my fingers? I know how you love the taste of pussy and with how much you are leaking you can use Some recycling to stay hydrated.”

With that said Savannah raised her hand that had just been stroking Roxanne’s pussy up to the girls lips. Her fingers were sopping wet yet that didn’t stop Roxanne from sucking them clean like she had been ordered to do. Once again, she noticed to her great shame that the driver was looking straight at her through the rearview mirror.

“Now my sweet little Roxy, why don’t you get down on your knees in the foot compartment? We still have about half an hour and I just know how much you adore getting to spend quality time with my feet you little slut.” Savannah said with a big smirk as she watched Roxanne slide down from her Seat into the foot compartment in front of her. 

It was a bit risky considering how turned on the girl was. Savannah’s feet not being on her face were the only thing that had kept her from having an orgasm after all, and she didn’t want to spoil that surprise yet. Well she would just have to count on it that the girl wouldn’t cum without added physical stimulation. Even if she did cum she probably wouldn’t make the connection anyway so there wouldn’t be any harm done.

With that in mind Savannah slipped her green nylon covered soles out of her flats and spun around only to place her warm damp soles on Roxanne’s face. “Deep sniffs, That’s a good girl.” Savannah laughed as Roxanne instantly complied.

The car didn’t take long to be filled completely with the horrid smell of Savannah’s feet. It was strong enough to make even the driver upfront cough. If he hadn’t been in this awkward position risking this side job and a potential lawsuit he would have kicked the girls out of his car right away. Especially that black bitch who had threatened him in the first place. God it would feel good to do that, but sadly she had him figuratively by the balls and he knew it.

His eyes teared up slightly from the strong scent, but somehow that petite beautiful girl seemed really into them. She literally had her nose pressed into the source and was sniffing like her life depended on it. The whole situation was honestly revolting.

“You like that don’t you Roxy? You just adore the smell of my feet and if it depended on you you would be smelling them all day, right?” Savannah inquired after letting Roxanne sniff for a couple of minutes.

Roxanne felt that an answer was required. She also knew what answer she was expected to give, but to be honest she didn’t even know if it wasn’t just the truth to begin with. Sure the smell of Savannah’s feet still made her shiver with disgust, but it also seemed to arouse her at the same time. It confused her greatly which just made it easier to accept whatever Savannah was telling her.

“Yes Goddess, your feet smell like heaven. I can’t even begin to imagine anything better. It is such an honour to be allowed to smell your feet. Thank you so much.” Roxanne finally said without hesitation. She had pretty much been conditioned to do so by all the required compliments she had been forced to give every time Savannah had made her smell her feet.

“You hear that asshole? That is exactly why she would never go in on the advances of a scumbag like you. She is my pretty little devoted bitch and she is honoured to be just that.” Savannah said with a tone of satisfaction mocking the drivers earlier attempts to steal Roxanne away from her.

It was clear even to the driver that Roxanne belonged to Savannah. He couldn’t believe it. How could a pretty girl like that choose a fat black cow over him. Especially one with such bad smelling feet. How could anyone even stand that, let alone sniff it intentionally. He just couldn’t grasp it, but it hurt his ego in a big way none the less. 

For the remainder of the ride Savannah toyed a little with Roxanne’s head under her feet. She had found some new way to manipulate the girls head and she instantly liked it. It consisted of pinching the girls nose shut between her nylon toes. The ball of her foot pressing against her lips, so she couldn’t open those either. Then all that was left was to wait for Roxanne to run out of breath. It was pretty clear after the first time when that was. 

At first Roxanne had looked confused at her, but that look quickly changed to one of panic as soon as the girl ran out of air. It served as the perfect signal to let Savannah know that she should release the girls nose soon. When she did it was only by opening her toes, so Roxanne’s nose stayed pressed in between her nylon toes making her breath in deeply right from the smelliest part of Savannah’s feet.

The lack of air followed with a deep breath of her foot fumes always made Roxanne feel light headed. This particular treatment literally made Roxanne grow high of Savannah’s foot smell and the black girl was simply loving it. To her it was just hilarious.

This treatment continued for the remainder of the drive back to their dorm. Roxanne was kept in a constant state of lightheadedness underneath her roommate’s feet. Savannah really loved to see the groggy look in her roommates’ eyes and made sure to keep it up by never allowing her more than one deep breath.

When they pulled up in front of the dorm building Savannah pulled her feet back and reinserted them in her flats. “Alright I am going to escort my girlfriend here up to our room, but you stay right here. I still need to discuss something with you asshole and trust me when I say that you will regret it if you do decide to leave before our talk anyway.” Savannah said threateningly.

With that warning out of the way she got out of the car and moved to the back. She took the couple of bags full of socks for Roxy out of the trunk along with her own huge black bag. Savannah could easily carry them all in one hand while she moved to the other side of the car to open Roxanne’s door. 

She smiled down at her roommate who was still sitting in the foot compartment at her side off the car. Just as groggy as she had been when Savannah had gotten out. With her free hand Savannah pulled out the petite white girl and supported her once she was on her feet.

Without Savannah’s help Roxanne probably wouldn’t have managed to walk, but with the necessary support she could. The more fresh air she was breathing the easier it got to walk though and by the time they arrived at the stairs leading up to their dorm level Roxanne could pretty much manage to stand on her own feet again. The constant low levels of oxygen had kept her groggy but now her blood was pretty much saturated with it again.

Upon their arrival at the dorm room Savannah opened the door for them and dropped the bags with tons of leg wear in the entrance. “Alright Roxy, I want you to unload and stash all of these neatly into your closet. When you are done with that I want you to strip completely naked and put on a pair of sheer matching green stockings with a lace border. If you are ready with all that I want you to wait on me on your knees right here in front of the door. Understood? Good.” Savannah explained.

After handing out her orders Savannah went to her own room and dropped of the bag holding her purchases. She quickly put on her hypnotic neon pink knee-high socks over her tights and headed back down stairs straight to the car they had came in. It was time to teach the driver a lesson for trying to steal her girlfriend. 

Savannah had had no qualms turning her roommate into her perfect partner in a fucked-up way and the girl had never even wronged her. This driver however had tried to steal her girl away and insulted her big time so there was no way she was going to be anything less than brutal to him. 

Confidently she got into the back of the car and without saying a word she put her feet up on the driver’s armrest pointing the colourful spiralled soles right at him and kicking his elbow off. 

In his shocked surprise the driver started screaming at her, momentarily not caring about the blackmail hanging above his head. After all that had to be what this was all about right? Some more extortion. “Hey what the fuck do you think…” The driver started, but as soon as he looked down at what had caused the disturbance his eyes locked onto the mesmerising pattern on the soles of the socks and he fell quiet. 

Savannah just smirked. Everything was going to plan. Now she just needed to sit back and give the socks time to really leave their mark on the drivers subconscious. The longer he stared the better, although it should already work after only a few seconds. She wasn’t in any rush however. She loved having a new victim stare at her feet. It made her feel powerful.

To be honest the power trip of using these socks was a turn on for her. Especially as she started to dream up the ways in which she would fuck this guy over. Unlike with Roxy she didn’t have the time or patience to gradually add things over time. No, she was only planning on taking one shot at this guy and she was going to make it count. 

After all it would be a shame to just let these socks gather dust somewhere in a corner of her room. She had pretty much added everything she wanted to the list of commands for Roxy. She had known from the start that she only wanted to use the power of these socks to nudge Roxy in the right direction and with the latest commands she knew that she could manipulate Roxy into doing whatever she wanted over time. Breaking her down like that was just so much more satisfying and fun. Especially considering that she had pretty much made up her mind about Roxy being her life’s work. Roxy was going to be hers for life and that made all that time and effort to manipulate her worth it.

The same could not be said for this asshole though. He wasn’t even worth a minute of her time in her eyes, but she was going to enjoy fucking him over and getting some personal gain out of it in the process. He was the sole reason she had been confident she could spend that much at the mall and now after half an hour it should be time to solidify this “investment”.

“Alright asshole listen up. From now on your life’s motto will be, a cock a day keeps the doctor away, unless you made a cock cum that day you will start to feel increasingly sick ill at the stroke of midnight. The ill feelings will continue to grow worse and worse until you make a cock cum. When you start feeling ill cause of this reason you will know what to do to make it go away.” Savannah started her command. It was a complicated one but given how well the socks had proven themselves so far that wouldn’t be a problem.

“It goes without saying that your own cock doesn’t count towards that goal. In fact, only the cocks from people willing to pay for it do count towards preventing you from feeling ill. The amount they are willing to pay doesn’t matter at all. It can be a cent for all I care, but they have to pay you, or it doesn’t count. The way in which you make them cum doesn’t matter either. That’s entirely up to your client. You will never be able to turn down a client who is willing to pay either or the same feelings or illness will set in immediately.” Savannah continued getting carried away in her cruelness. Not that she really cared. This whole thing was making her feel so hot. 

“All the money you make whoring yourself out has to be transferred to the bank account you will find on the note on your back seat. You will make a deposit there each Saturday at noon with the entire amount gained whoring yourself out. This amount must be 500 dollars at least or you will start feeling ill. You will constantly look for ways in which you could become better and start earning more money whoring yourself out. It is your life’s work and you will invest in it as much as you can. Everyday you will send a detailed rapport with your days whoring activities along with any idea you might have to improve to the phone number you will find on the same note.” Savannah concluded ensuring that going forward she would have at least an extra 500 dollars a week. An amount that should rise with the added suggestion that he should look to improve his whoring to earn more money.

Her instructions had possibly been a little to difficult and she might have gone overboard with it, but she would jut have to wait and see what stuck. Of course she hoped everything would, but she would already settle for the daily cock pleasing. Even if without the detailed rapports she would have no way of knowing.

Oh well as far as she was concerned she had had her revenge. So without another word she Pulled her socks off, breaking the spell and put her flats back on. She dropped a note with her phone number and bank account on the backseat and stepped out of the car heading back towards her dorm where she knew Roxanne would be waiting on her like she had been ordered to and if not, that just meant that Savannah had a little more work to do than expected to mould her roommate, not that it mattered. She had all the time she could possibly need.


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