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Chapter 4

The following morning Savannah woke up very early despite it being a Sunday. There was just no way she was going to risk missing Roxanne incase she would head out for one of those morning runs she sometimes did. No for her plan to work it was very important that she placed the command as soon as possible so it had time to play out in the way she had planned. With a big smile she got dressed opting into wearing just a pair of neon pink hip hugger panties with a lace waistband, a neon pink tank top and last but not least she rolled the neon pink hypnotic knee-highs up her thick calves.

With a confident smile she walked to the couch were she layed back, feet up on the armrest like last time. Her panties were already starting to get moist at the thought of what would soon happen. The next command would change everything for her if it worked as desired and following that she would soon be able to go over to the blackmail phase. She smirked thinking about how Roxanne would squirm under the confrontation as well as the things she would have her agree to on her own accord.

When the door to Roxannes room finally opened Savannahs face instantly lit up, victory wasn’t far away now she thought as she watched her roommate walk towards her in her nightie, freezing as soon as her eyes locked onto her soles. Perfect she thought as she snapped another pic just to be sure. This time she didn’t waste any time enjoying her roommates stares however, afterall soon things she would enjoy far more would follow. “Roxy, you can’t ever put something in the laundry basket before thoroughly smelling up close if it belongs in there or not, no matter the state of the garment. With thorough I mean every part separately” Savannah said firmly before lowering her feet just incase Roxanne would notice them while they didn’t work.

“Y…yeah ofcourse” Roxanne stammers snapping out of her confused state as she carries on walking to the kitchen preparing her breakfast as usual. She was relieved that Savannah wasn’t there with her feet up on the table like previous mornings. If she had known what Savannah was doing instead she wouldn’t have been so happy.

Right after Roxanne had gone into the kitchen Savannah got up and walked back towards her room. She changed her socks for normal neon pink knee-high socks and then she picked up the panties she had masturbated in last night. The white cotton fabric felt slightly damp to the touch making them even better than she had hoped for. Carrying them out in the hall where she dropped them making it only a matter of time before Roxanne would find them and be helpless to walk into the trap. That done she walked back to the kitchen where she poured a bowl of her overly sweetened cereal. “You know Roxy, if you hadn’t been so mean yesterday I would have indulged your fetish again and allowed you to look at my feet during breakfast which I know you love so much” Savannah rudely stated just wanting to get a reaction out of the unsuspecting girl.

A reaction she got as Roxanne immediately lashed out again “just shut it with your fetish acquisitions, we both know they aren’t true and in fact I am happy to finally be able to enjoy my breakfast again” she retorted angerly 

“keep telling yourself that Roxy” Savannah replied in a mocking tone while Roxanne finished her breakfast as fast as she could just to get away from her annoying roommate. Once she was done she put away her plate and headed straight to her room which prompted Savannah to instantly start filming.

When Roxanne saw the panties laying there she screamed another annoyed “and stop fucking lithering your laundry everywhere” before slamming her door shut. By now Savannah had moved so she had a full view of the hallway, but she was left stunned that Roxy hadn’t taken the bait. She couldn’t know that the fact those panties lay there was nagging Roxanne enormously. Just as she was about to stop her recording Roxanne came out again and to her glee picked up the soiled panties. Savannah felt overjoyed seeing that petite white girl handling her panties, shuddering as she picked up the damp cloth. Sure it might have been a shudder of disgust but if things played out it would appear to have been a shudder of secret pleasure.

A shiver of pleasure ran trough Savannahs spine as she watched in wide eyed amazement how Roxanne moved the panties to within an inch of her face letting out a loud sniff that was audible on the recording. Soon after came a torrent of gagging however, but those gags only made her seem more incriminated as she fingered through the panties to give the crotch and then the back side a good sniff as well. The film came out way better than she could have hoped for.

Roxanne didn’t know what had come over her, for some reason she just couldn’t stand the knowledge that those panties were laying there, they belonged in the laundry. She had told Savannah to do it but she certainly wouldn’t and that quickly became too much for Roxanne so she stepped out to pick up the panties herself, instantly shuddering as they felt the dampness, she didn’t want to think about what it was but obviously she knew. Most of all she just wanted to instantly drop them, that wasn’t an option though cause if she wasn’t going to put them away no one would.

For some reason unknown to her she also couldn’t bring herself to just go to the laundry basket and throw them in. She somehow felt like she needed to verify if they were really dirty or not despite how soiled they actually felt and looked. Unable to stop it Roxanne opened up the panties, which were obviously way to large to be hers, with her hands. She brought the inside of the front panel up close to her nose before sniffing deeply. They smelled awful, a horrid mix of just a hint of pee and something strongly musky smelling with a slight fishy undertone. Roxanne really thought her breakfast would come out again as the smell made her nauseous while she burst into a gagging fit. As soon as she recovered slightly she moved the panties up to her nose again this time stretching out the wet crotch area as she repeated the process of sniffing and gagging. She could have told from the front panel alone that they certainly belonged in the laundry and yet she couldn’t find it in herself to go there just yet. 

Her face had gone paler than it was already as she started opening up the backside giving it a good sniff as well, noticing how it had a distinct strong earth scent mixed with a rotten onion like smell of stale sweat. She certainly felt like she was going to be sick, but at least she knew now that those panties definitely belonged in the laundry.

Savannah having seen everything decided now was the time to intervene. “Roxanne! What the fuck are you doing with my soiled panties you sick pervert! You are un-fucking believable only a few moments ago you are claiming you aren’t a pervert yet now as I want to go to my room I find you sniffing my obviously dirty panties. I just knew it, I bet you also snuck my socks up to your room for at least a while instead of just throwing them into the laundry basket like you claimed!”

“S…Sa…Savannah, I…I…” Roxanne starts stammering, pale as a ghost and mortified while still holding the evidence of her crime in her hands.

“Shut it Roxy, I don’t want to hear any excuses anymore, I am sick of it all I want to hear from you is an apology” Savannah snapped

“I…I am sorry Savannah” Roxanne weakly stammered back, she was so scared at the moment god how could this have happened? Why did she even do something like that?

“Sorry for what?!” Savannah shouted back getting so wet, she had Roxanne right where she wanted her.

“I am sorry for taking your panties, I was just going to place them in the laundry basket…” Roxanne replied weakly.

“what?! Really? You fucking bitch, here you go lying again. I told you I didn’t want to hear anymore excuses. You are going to apologise for fondling and sniffing my soiled panties” Savannah instantly interrupted.

“I…I am sorry for fondling and sniffing your soiled panties Savannah” Roxanne meekly repeated.

“And?” Savannah asked to which Roxanne simply froze not knowing what she should say anymore. “And for lying about not being a pervert so you could sneak my smelly socks up to your room to masturbate with” Savannah helped with a satisfied grin.

“I did not do anything like that I swear I would never…” Roxanne quickly replied in all honesty trying to at least defend herself.

“Cut the crap Roxy, you really expect me to believe that after catching you with my panties in the hallway, hell I would almost think you wanted to get caught!” Savannah stated firmly not ready to ease up on her roommate. Roxanne just stood there staring at her with mortified shock. “Say it!” Savannah shouts making the poor girl tremble.

“I… I am sorry for lying about not being a pervert…” Roxanne finally said in defeat she couldn’t quite get herself to repeat that last part. A stern look from Savannah was all it took to make her carry on anyway. “…so I could sneak your smelly socks up to my room to masturbate with” Roxanne finally gave in. it wasn’t true but she would say anything for this mortifying moment to be finally over.

Savannah at least seemed satisfied as she stopped recording. Roxy only now realised that her roommate had out her phone and it instantly got a whimper out of her how long had she had it out? What did she have on tape? Whatever it was it couldn’t be good. Still there was no way she could even begin to protest that right now.

“Good, now that we have that out of the way and you finally admit that you are just a perv we can go over to your punishment.” Savannah stated

“P…punishment?” Roxanne asked shocked.

“Yes, you heard that right. You didn’t think I was just going to let you get away with sniffing and violating my intimates behind my back did you. No, you are going to get a spanking and that is final. Now go put my panties in the laundry basket and try not to take too long. Then come knock at my room door and ask for your spanking” Savannah stated in a tone that discouraged argument.

Yet Roxanne couldn’t just let this pass “What?! No, this is ridiculous There is no way I am doing that. Its wrong on so many levels just no. It’s a violation of my…” Roxanne firmly retorted.

Savannah cut her off midsentence however “Wrong on so many levels? A violation, you mean like perving over your roommates soiled intimates?” Savannah asked in a harsh tone before going over to more of a statement “No you are getting a spanking cause it is the punishment I choose and that’s it. Now go on cause I don’t have all day. Ofcourse if you still think this is not fair we can just post the video of you sniffing my panties and the apologies afterwards on the school forum and ask the other students what they think would be a fair punishment.” Savannah said crossing her arms and tapping with her foot impatiently.

Roxanne desperately searched for words but what could she really say? If that video got out she would be ruined she couldn’t even begin to imagine what her friends would say, what Chad would say. A video like this would certainly go viral and soon every student and teacher would know, if she was even allowed to stay at school cause she was pretty sure that doing something like that violated the housing agreement. It took about a minute but eventually Roxanne just swallowed hard and rushed to the bathroom to drop the soiled panties, that she had held all this time and that were the cause of all this, into the laundry basket.

As soon as Roxanne had gone Savannah went into her room quickly setting up her laptop on her desk aimed at the foot of her bed where she would take place. Sure the recording would serve as more blackmail but most of all it would serve as some quality porn to look back to. After making sure it was recording and the screen went black she took a seat on the foot of her unmade bed. Right in time cause there was the knock on her door already.

“who’s there and what for?” Savannah asked out loud.

“Oh come on you know who it is and what the reason is” Roxanne whine behind the still closed door.

“no I don’t so again who are you and what do you want?” Savannah asked with a wide smile.

Roxanne had to do everything in her power not to lash out at Savannah clenching her fists she replied. “It’s me Roxanne, your roommate, I came to ask for my spanking”

“oh sure Roxy, come on in” Savannah said in a gleeful tone that made Roxanne suspect she was way to happy about all of this. With a sigh she opened the door anyway and stepped inside were she saw her roommate still sitting in the way too revealing all neon pink outfit. Hanging her head she walked towards her.

“Look Savannah, I know what I did was wrong, but please can’t we resolve this in another way? I promise it won’t happen again.” Roxanne pleads.

“No we can’t.” Savannah states firmly “So you are going to ask me nicely for your punishment while also giving the reason why you need to be punished. Make it quick before I lose my patience and you know what that means…” she said letting her words trail off to make the threat clear.

That was all Roxanne needed to give in again “S…Savannah, could you please give me a spanking for sniffing and fondling your soiled panties” Roxanne asked nervously looking up at her roommate only to see her look back expectantly. With a sigh she carried on “and also for lying that I wasn’t a pervert so I could sneak your smelly socks to my room to masturbate with” Roxanne finished near tears which made Savannah smile broadly.

“Well Roxy since you asked so nicely I will gladly do so for you. Now come lay over my lap so we can begin” Savannah replied patting her bare meaty thighs. Roxanne looked around trying to find anything that could offer her a way out but remembering the consequences she eventually just gave in and approached her roommate lowering her body over her roommates thick meaty thighs.

She groaned out of pure humiliation, how had this even happened? This was so wrong and yet she was so helpless to stop any of it. The position only made things ten times worse. Her face was bright red, and she believed she had never been so embarrassed in her life before. “Okay Roxy here is how things are going to go, I think one of your problems is you are trying to hide your true nature way too much, so I will help you. I am going to give you… let’s say 15 spanks and during each one you are going to either give me an apology or a confession. I will count the spanks and every time you repeat a previous apology or confession, are too slow to come up with one or if I don’t buy it the spank doesn’t count. Are you ready?” Savannah asked in an overly sweet tone.

Roxy was just about to say something but instead a loud yelp came out as Savannah Quickly lifted the skirt of her nightie, pulling the white panties she was wearing in a tight painful wedgie and fixating her with one of her meaty hands in the middle of Roxannes back. With all that out of the way Savannah gave Roxanne her first hard spank smiling as she saw how the girls pale bottom instantly showed a clear red hand print.

*SMACK* “one!”

“aaaah! Please Savannah this is ridiculous” Roxanne whined

*SMACK* “one!” Savannah shouted once more after giving a second slap.

“Aaaah! That was two already.”

*SMACK* “one!” Shavanna repeated with a smile.

“Aaaah! Okay okay, I’m sorry”

*SMACK* “one!”

“I’m sorry for fondling and sniffing your soiled panties.” Roxanne screamed out finally seeming to get it.

*SMACK* “two!”

“Aaah! I am sorry for lying about being a pervert”

*SMACK* “two-and-a-half!” Savannah laughed

“So I could sneak your smelly socks up to my room to masturbate with”

*SMACK* “three!”


*SMACK* “three!”

“Aaaah! Sorry, I was thinking” Roxanne whines

*SMACK* “three!”

“Aaaaah! Your panties smell great!”

*SMACK* “four!”

“IIIII really wonder what they taste like” 

*SMACK* “five!”

“ Aaaand the backside smelled surprisingly wonderfull” Roxanne screamed her ass was burning having already received 11 hard spanks from her 6 foot tall roommate who didn’t seem to hold back a bit. They hurt so much and now that her flesh had started becoming tender the slaps seemed to hurt even more. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she was making up the most outrageous confessions cause those seemed to please her Savannah the most. She simply couldn’t stand the thought of missing even more queue’s, not with a butt that was so sore already. She knew she had at least 10 more spanks to go and she was afraid that would already prove to be too much to handle.

*SMACK* “Haha Six! You naughty girl, I never realised that but if you say so it must be true.” Savannah laughed at her roommates forced confessions. She knew none of it was true, but the girl certainly brought up things that would prove wonderful for further torment.

“I simply love the smell of your feet, the smell divine” 

*SMACK* “Seven! I knew you would come around. Doesn’t it feel so much better to just admit it and get it out there?” Savannah mocked.

“The smell of your feet just makes me feel so horny, I can’t help it *sob* “ Roxanne said unable to fight back the tears, tears that had formed over the recent humiliation which were now brought out by the intense pain of the spanking.

*SMACK* “eight! You are such a perv Roxy.”

“ I do hate when you put your feet up on the table at breakfast…”

*SMACK* “seven! How dare you, you little skank, that’s minus one for you.” Savannah Said in a sudden angry tone, the smack had cut off Roxanne mid-sentence, a sentence she quickly finished hoping to make Savannah revisit her decision.

“…but only because the sight of them *sob* makes me so turned on, especially if they *sob* smell a little and I don’t have time to masturbate in the mornings *sob*” 

*SMACK* “eight! That’s hilarious, I really didn’t know Roxy, now I get why you would get all cranky towards me. Hahahaha, how inconsiderate of me” Savannah laughed giving the sobbing girl on her lap a small break simply because she was laughing to hard to carry on. In her eyes this was the best thing she had ever seen and heard. She felt so powerful and good being complimented in such intimate ways by a girl she was bossing around. Never before had Savannah felt so aroused and that without even touching herself. She deliberately forgot to correct the earlier penalty and by now Roxanne knew that anything short of a humiliating confession the more outrageous the better she would get another penalty. So instead of complaining she forced herself to come up with something to say that would make her roommate laugh or at least continue on counting.

“your feet are the most beautiful things *sob* I have ever layed my eyes *sob* upon which makes it hard not to stare whenever you are around so *sob* sorry.” Roxanne said, it was hard to keep thinking of things to say, 15 might have not sounded like a lot but when you had to make up 15 outrageous confessions to your horrible roommate it certainly was. The threat of more spanks was a strong motivator though.

*SMACK* “nine! Apology accepted” Savannah laughed obviously having a blast.

“I have always dreamed of smelling your feet in person instead of from some worn socks, but I have always been too *sob* embarrassed to ask”

*SMACK* “ten! Well now that I know I might actually indulge you sometime but no promise, I will have to think about it. First I need to get used to you being such a perv though.” 

“When I masturbate with your socks I always *sob* look through the dorm and the laundry basket to find the smelliest pair”

*SMACK* “eleven! My you must certainly love the smell of my feet.”

“I put my hands in your socks *sob* and press one pair to my nose while using the other one to rub my pussy” 

*SMACK* “twelve! Eeew, that’s gross. I’m never picking up my own dirty socks again as long as I am living with you” Savannah exclaimed in feigned horror like she had ever picked up her own laundry to begin with. She made a mental not to make Roxanne show her what she had just said, the mental image she had of it was just too good not to.

“When I *sob* do so I imagine my hands are your feet”

*SMACK* “Thirteen! Haha you fucking freak” Savannah laughed realising Roxanne was having a hard time coming up with more confessions. She wondered what she would still come up with, it was bound to be good, afterall the confessions had become more and more outrageous each time.

“I always look *sob* forward to *sob* the days when you wear your white adidas sneakers, they look the most worn out but the always make your feet smell the strongest” Roxanne said remembering how she hated those days. At least it was good inspiration now.

*SMACK* “fourteen! Oh my god, just wait until it start to become a bit colder and I take out my boots, those sneakers ain’t nothing compared to those” Savannah laughed thinking about how she might get out her boots sometime soon. They made her feet simply reek when it was cold outside, so she imagined a day wearing them out when it is warm would be horrible.

“I have tried *sob* sniffing some socks from girls on the track team but none compare to the heavenly smell of your feet” Roxanne finished.

*SMACK* “fifteen! Oh god, I can’t imagine your teammates would be very pleased if they found out. I don’t know whether I should be disgusted or honoured” Savannah laughed before unceremoniously pushing Roxanne off her lap on the floor at her feet. Roxannes glowing red butt stood out as a sore thumb especially compared to the white waistband of her panties that were still wedged between her butt cheeks. 

While she was pushing herself up Savannah stopped her. “Roxy, I think you deserve a reward. Afterall you dealt with the spanking pretty well all things considered. Since I am a generous person I will allow you to give both of my soles a kiss” she said with a smirk. “Only one though you sneaky perv” she added with a laugh raising her right foot up to Roxannes face.

The sobbing girl looked stunned at the big meaty neon pink sole in front of her. “Come on Roxy, I don’t have all day, no need to be shy now, you have earned it. I know they don’t smell as much as you’d like but its something right?” Savannah asked in a tone that informed Roxanne that she better get kissing. With a considerable amount of effort Roxanne raised her head off the floor to meet up with her roommates socked sole. She closed her eyes and puckered her lips before planting a quick kiss on the warm meaty sole. The cotton of the socks felt rather soft on her lips and they had a faint foot smell that was only noticeable as she almost touched the sole of Savannahs feet with her nose.

“Good girl” Savannah said in a mocking tone before taking her right foot away and moving the left foot in its place. This time Roxanne didn’t need to be told as she leaned in planting another quick kiss on the left sole. Once she was done Savannah put her feet back on the floor. Once again Roxanne tried to get up and once again she was stopped. “Aren’t you going to thank me for that reward?” Savannah asked rather aggressively.

“Thank you Savannah.” Roxanne meekly replied and yet her roommate didn’t seem happy yet.

“Thank you for what?!” she instantly asked.

“Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of kissing your wonderful feet Savannah” she replied exaggerating in the hope it would be good enough.

“That’s it, now get out of my room I need to take care of something” the large black girl shouted! Roxanne didn’t need to be told twice as she got out as fast as her trembling legs could carry her.

It was nearly noon and she needed to hurry to get to lunch with her friends in time. As she jumped into the shower, finally getting the sobbing under control she checked out the damage to her cute butt which looked very inflamed and was warm to the touch. She realised there was nothing to be done about it, so she opted to try and wash her sorrows away instead. 

Savannah was indeed taking care of something, her arousal which had spiked harder than ever before. Once Roxanne was out a simple stroke was all it took to make her erupt into her panties. She didn’t stop there though she played the whole video of the catch as well as the spanking trough the afternoon cumming more times than she had been able to keep track of. She didn’t even realise Roxanne had gone out until the evening arrived. Not that it really mattered, she had her right where she wanted, from now on things would drastically change around here. 

Savannah spread yesterdays tights, todays panties, socks and tank top trough the apartment knowing what would happen when Roxanne found them. She especially smiled when leaving the panties which were thoroughly soaked after the events of this morning and the numerous masturbation sessions.

Roxanne had trouble not thinking about this morning, her friends had comment numerous times on how quiet she was. She had just played it off as being a bit ill, nothing to worry about but deep inside she was worrying a lot. Every time she had to sit down she had to force herself not to flinch in order not to raise suspicion. All in all she was just glad not to be around Savannah and at some moments she even managed to enjoy herself for a while. The lunch bled into shopping, the shopping into dinner and by the time she went home it was already dark outside. 

Savannah appeared to be in her room, asleep or busy with something, all that mattered was that she didn’t seem to care to come out. Roxanne sighed seeing the mess her roommate had made again but she cleaned it anyway, putting away the used plates before picking up the clothes. The tank top was first. It didn’t smell too bad, although it did smell quite strong around the arm holes. The neon knee highs were subjected to a sniff at the foot part but despite smelling stronger than when she had to kiss them they didn’t smell too bad. Afterall they hadn’t been in any shoes and apart from masturbating Savannah hadn’t done much.

Up next where the teal tights she had worn yesterday. First Roxanne gave a reluctant sniff to the front part of the waist, next to the crotch and then to the back. The smell of Savannahs pussy and sweat mixed together was certainly noticeable but not all too strong as the panties from this morning. Savannah obviously was a girl who wore panties underneath tights and pantyhose. Up next she had a closer sniff of the right foot of the tights which smelled awfully strong. To her despair Roxanne remembered how Savannah had worn those white worn-out sneakers yesterday and how she had been gone on her feet for a whole day. She really just wanted to throw them in the laundry already, but she couldn’t, not before sniffing the left foot as well which made her gag.

Last but not least she was forced to pick up the soaked Neon pink panties, as soon as she touched them she already realised it was going to be horrible. They were the only item that could be smelled from a couple of feet away, that distinct musky, fishy scent she had picked up in the panties this morning. After she completed her Front, crotch and Back sniff she was near tears. Her hands were positively coated in Savannahs juices and she felt lost. Savannah didn’t even look at her so why the hell did she sniff all those filthy clothes? She had no idea. Maybe she really was just a pervert like her roommate claimed.

After depositing the panties in the laundry basket Roxanne instantly started scrubbing her hands clean until they were nearly raw, she felt so disgusted. She could swear she still felt Savannahs juices stick to her fingers but of course that was ridiculous, that was nowhere near possible. Tired and once again truly defeated Roxanne headed to bed. At least sleep seemed to come quickly for her, even if she had to be careful about shifting with how tender her butt still was.


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