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  Hello everyone,

Beforehand let me thank you for the support you have given me all this time. 

This announcement is to tell everyone that there will be an increase to the pledges, basically for two reasons.

Firstly, as you may have noticed, I've been investing more time to detail the illustrations better.

Secondly, Patreon takes a certain percentage off your pledges, taking away from what I earn out of what you guys give so generously.  The increase would help compensate for that.

For the $4 patrons, if you don't really utilize the reward (suggest ideas for the weeklys), you can keep your pledge the same.  I'm already thankful you give. 

These changes will be applied in March.

Thank you for understanding and helping me continue to draw what I (and you guys too) love!



How much is the pledge increasing into? I don't mind paying a little more to support you.


:V It's surprise! (I prefer to place te pledge increase at the date when Patreon charges. If people change it before, patreon will charge you imediately, and i'd like to avoid that ;v;)