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The time to speak out your ideas for the WEEKLY illustration!

+ Please write down in the comments section on this post  with the character or characters and in what kind of action they're doing.

+ You can only give one idea.

+ Giving references is very welcome! I'll leave an aiding tip to deliver it.

  • [Your aweasome idea]
  • [Character Name] : [Source of Reference]
  • [The other character Name] : [The other source of Reference]
  • [Any other source you might think it might help!
  • You can add space by "SHIFT+Enter"

The restrictions beforehand;  Ideas that slanders real people for means to slander or that have any political message won't be taken. (And women only pls)

+ Repeating characters on the poll: If your idea features a character that has been mentioned in a posted idea on the Idea Gathering of that week, plese consider posting another idea.

+ If your idea is chosen, there will be a Cooldown period of 4 weeks. During that time, pls refrain from giving ideas until that cooldown period expires.

And on a final note, if patreon gives you trouble posting in the comments, please let me know, either private message, or sending me an e-mail to pugilismx@gmail.com. There souldn't be any problem, but stuff sometimes happen. But for sake of transparency is 100% better to leave the idea in the comment section.




Mavis from hotel transilvania https://sta.sh/01dkbo9dg2p6 vs Morticia Adams from adams family https://sta.sh/02dci7o5qcka Both contenders are squaring off in the ring, Mavis has been taking and giving damage from her more experienced older counterpart, Marticia is clearly having a gap in both strength and experience, seems rough for the young one to make a comeback.   Pose: https://sta.sh/01kvbh7zwbfb


[Idea Gatering Closed]