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The time to speak out your ideas for the MONTHLY FULL COLOR illustration!

+ Please write down in the comments section on this post  with the character or characters
and in what kind of action they're doing.

+ You can only give one idea.

+ Giving references is very welcome! I'll leave an aiding tip to deliver it.

  • [Your aweasome idea]
  • [Character Name] : [Source of Reference]
  • [The other character Name] : [The other source of Reference]
  • [Any other source you might think it might help!
  • You can add space by "SHIFT+Enter"

The restrictions beforehand;  Ideas that slanders real people for means to slander or that have any political message won't be taken. (And women only pls)

+ Repeating characters on the poll: If your idea features a character that has been mentioned in a posted idea on the Idea Gathering of that week, plese consider posting another idea.

+ If your idea is chosen, there will be a Cooldown period of 4 weeks. During that time, pls refrain from giving ideas until that cooldown period expires.

And on a final note, if patreon gives you trouble posting in the comments, please let me know, either private message, or sending me an e-mail to pugilismx@gmail.com. There souldn't be any problem, but stuff sometimes happen. But for sake of transparency is 100% better to leave the idea in the comment section.




Persona 5 Arena (Persona 5 fight part 2) After Makoto shows the power of her Fists of Justice against Ann defeating her and cementing herself as a Member of the Phantom Thieves it falls upon the youngest members of the Team to also initiate themselves! Futaba vs. Kasumi Futaba being the laziest and least physically able of the group compared to arguably the most athletic member of the group Kasumi which inevitably leads to Futaba eating a rough hook from Kasumi. Kasumi suffering minimal damage as she has far more ability in the ring than Futaba, however, Kasumi's face is a little puffy however she's quite enjoying herself and the excercise but Futaba has been eating hard punches all throughout the match and is extremely dazed from the red head's assaults. Kasumi: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4QZEJdmBKiHqdGcGeU6CQegvzpx8gXnfDeQ&usqp=CAU Futaba: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/9/95/P5_Futaba_Sakura.png/revision/latest?cb=20160517013502 Pose ref: Second Photo Https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/69130068
