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 Guinevere Archer and Aura Greenwood. Face-off before a match. Guin offers Aura to tap gloves, but her daughter rejects the gesture by smashing the gloves down.  




Ouch that's cold

leslie molnar

What happened? Why she angry?


For more context, don't tap the gloves at the start of a fight, it is seen as a lack of respect in boxing. After all, both boxers fight only for sport and not for personal grudges. Although it is not a written rule, it is viewed as unsportsmanlike conduct. Guinevere wouldn't mind much if she was just any rival, but the fact that his own daughter does this to him would make him sad. Although why Aura is angry, I have no idea.


Guinevere looks more hurt by that look and action more than any punches will be doing following this. :(


That pic is amazing, we can feel Aura's anger and Guin's pain


Family boxing :3

That Guy

I love to see the Archer women in the ring!