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If you follow me on twitter, perhaps you've seen this image already. 

For those who don't she's a character from a (soon to be) independent comic called [ The intense physical and emotional feeling experienced at the peak of coitus ] Girl. No, that's not the actual name of the comic, but had to change it so Patreon doesn't flag me for p0rn0graphyc content ( I had to add the "0" instead of "o" to avoid the flag...) 

Sadly it didn't reached the goal that time, it'll be soon re-launched and let us hope they reach it this time.

You might ask "Well, if it's on twitter, why are you showing it here too?" Because my dear patron, I'm adding the spicy content that i didn't post on that social media.

Hope you enjoy!




Nice job !! Glad to see you again! How about last year's weekly illustration between Aura and Elsa