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Greetings Fellas, Time to vote!


+ Every person has the right to vote for two options; 

    -For the 6$ and above Patrons; with the two votes you can choose your own idea and another idea you liked OR two other from your own. 

    - For the 1.5$ Patrons:  You can vote for two ideas you like.

+ You cannot give two votes to one option. If your two votes goes to one option I will count it as One vote.

   - Votes from declined pledges won't be valid.  

+ Above I show the options for this week! You will choose two of them. I'll give the detailed description for those needed in the comments section.

+ Send me your vote through private message here on patreon. You have to go to my profile page ( Careful! not the campaign page!), above there's a blue button that says "Send Message". Please send your message to cast your vote, Votes in the comment section won't be taken as valid.

+ If your idea wins this week, you'll have 4 weeks cooldown; in which I humbly ask to withold of giving ideas on the gatherings until that period ends. 

I would ask you to send Only the numbers in the message. I will be counting them so it will be easier for me that way :>

Happy voting and good luck!




Reiko Hinomoto Knocking out Candy Cane with a strong cross to the cheek, knocking her head to the side her mouthpiece flying out. Reiko Hinomto- https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vgcdatabase/images/3/35/Reiko_02.5.png/revision/latest?cb=20140503021953 Candy Cane- http://www.enginoshouzoku.com/etaru/pictures/candycaneref.jpg


Minnie The Mink and Toots Pye(The Beano) slug it out to see who's the toughest girl in Beano Town. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/550073863275544579/550469558700605451/reference.jpg


Melascula vs. Elizabeth (Seven Deadly Sins) Melascula punches Elizabeth across the cheek as they both have a bloody nose and swollen eye. Melascula's punch knocking Elizabeth's mouthguard out her mouth and making her eyes glazed with a layer of unconsciousness. Elizabeth: http://de.fanpop.com/clubs/thelefteris24/images/40918095/title/seven-deadly-sins-elizabeth-photo Melascula: https://www.pinterest.nz/pin/735353445385785065/


Tylee vs Suki (both from Avatar the Last Airbender). Ty Lee is using the ropes to get back up after Suki knocked her down. Suki ready and waiting to continue the match. Suki and Ty Lee have been having at it for many rounds. Both are skilled fighters with there fists and are giving it there all to claim victory over there opponent. They both have still got fire in them to keep going and will not give up without a fight. As they fight in the ring both fighters have great respect for the other and are giving it all they got. Only one can win thought and which fighter will be the last one standing. The fight has gone on for quite a few rounds and both are showing signs of heavy bruising and sweating. Suki has a serious expression and is breathing heavily. Suki has her left eye almost swollen shut while her right is swollen a little. She has a little blood on her nose and is sweating. Ty Lee has a pained expression as she is trying to get back up. Her right eye is almost swollen shut while her left is starting to swell. She has some blood on her nose,she has a cut under her right eye, and is also sweating. Ty Lee: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ty-lee-vs-azula-7545807 http://i.imgur.com/nhGWIVH.png https://data.whicdn.com/images/316960660/large.png Suki: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/forum/43000/43710_1329818123374_full.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/71/14/b8/7114b83db6e30ff18e6527800ad7a30a.jpg Pose Reference: https://www.deviantart.com/drewhammond/art/Archive-Artdude41-MMB-To-Be-Or-Not-To-Be-Visual-750397189


Decided to up my tier and try to maybe toss out in some ideas myself, luckily in time for idea suggestions too! Galko-Chan vs Mikoto Misaka Feeling envious of her bust size compared to her opponent’s, Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun) opens the fight with a swift uppercut to Galko’s (Oshiete Galko-Chan!) boobs. Beginning of the fight, no damage yet, Galko has a stunned expression while Mikoto has a determined angered expression. Galko-chan: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b0/ea/db/b0eadbc6143e92561c73d2669267de55.jpg Mikoto Misaka: http://static.tumblr.com/ea0eae111c04a70c5884aa2591d8f6d3/mvtbn8z/17Hn13v56/tumblr_static_misaka_mikoto_by_ergheiz33-d3dcqle__1_.png


Megara vs Jessica Rabbit Megara is standing victorious over Jessica who is out on the mat. Megara has both eyes swollen half shut and a bleeding nose. Jessica has one eye swollen shut and is bleeding from both nose and mouth. Both are bruised and sweating. Megara: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/6/64/Megara_transparent.png/revision/latest?cb=20160111052707 and https://www.deviantart.com/malphasbcs/art/Elsa-vs-Megara-769259111 Jessica Rabbit: https://www.patreon.com/posts/jessica-rabbit-5433098 Pose: https://www.deviantart.com/pugilismx/art/Victorious-Ryoko-Vs-Aura-425925234 except Jessica's head is not turned


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You have to send a pug a message to vote. Votes in the comments are not valid