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Phew! c⌒っ╹v╹ )っ

Where do i Start here? aha
This was for Sure one of the most Interesting Projects i´ve ever worked in so far.
Let alone Animate all these Models all at once (✪ฺܫ✪ฺ)
But for me, it was just a Tues...ehm totally worth it (✿ヘᴥヘ)
(Also wanted to do more then a simple Omage to Fluffy his Creation,
Hope i did Justice to our Lost Boy)

I really do Wish you all gonna Love this one, not only once of course (★O∀O*)◇+。

Let alone gathering the VA´s felt like Collecting for the Infinity Stones ahaha

Marie and Honoka Voiced by: CottontailVA
Bordeaux Black

Audio/SFX/FX: Hentaiborg

-Honoween 2023 1K-
-Honoween 2023 2K-

ENJOYOOOO! ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

Happy Halloween Everyone, Have Fun and as always Take care of yourselfs oke?
Or else S.U.N.0. is gonna Haunt you all (人´∀`).☆.。.:*・°

Huge Special Thanks goes to Spizzy ma Brah, for the Big Help(These Physics man..ahahaha)
And Hentaiborg for his Superb Meticulous Work on all the Sound department etc

Thank You Everyone! (つ◕౪◕)つ━☆゚.*・。゚
And see you all Soon! ♡(ŐωŐ人)
And Happy Halloweeeeeeen!ψ(`∇´)ψ




Happy Halloween!

Hentai Borg

Oh, yes it sure was a complex project to work on with the audio for me. Very interesting to balance all the performance and audio clip who a good listening performance.


😍😍thank you and happy halloween


Great animation and voice work to all the ladies. And Happy Halloween.

Jeffrey Lane

I love how calm Marie is throughout, in spite of the length she's taking there (not sure I could be so composed myself... I get way too excited at how damn cute she is). Saying that, though, one of the girls clearly loses it somewhat - Honoka maybe - as she starts squealing loudly at around the 1:30 mark. (^u^;)


Happy Halloween. Hope you all have a great time! Thanks for this lovely work :D

Jeffrey Lane

I didn't know that! Truth be told, I've only ever played the first two games, and not a great deal either really. Ninon Beart is my go to fighting game character from Maximum Impact 2, although thus far, no-one has done anything much with her, except Retnec Ecivres with his ryona videos. (^_^)


Of course as expected, this is most definitely a Honoween treat! 😁 Phenomenal work on this, Maiden! It’s yet another Mashterpiece, and a more than worthy homage to the legendary animation by Fluffy Pokemon! The level of time and effort that you clearly put into this is astounding, from both a technical and aesthetic standpoint. Your usual mastery of animating facial expressions is on full display here, with all the visible variations between the ladies showcasing their different personalities. This and the variation of pacing between the different ladies make the scene feel so “natural” and full of life. Plus the usual Maiden details are there, such as Nyo tapping her fingers on Mai’s shoulder. Incredible work as well by all the VAs, who again brought so much life and distinct style to each character too create a true Symphony of Smut! 😁 Kudos as well of course to Spizzy and Borg for their contributions 🙏 All the work that everyone put into this has more than paid off to create something truly amazing!


When you wonder how Honoween can be topped, then she brings FIVE friends along to the party, fantastic job to all involved in the making of this masterpiece.