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Finally, its here! (つ◕౪◕)つ━☆゚.*・。゚

God, i´m actually really nervous....(´ヘ`;)
Funny that my nerves always are weird when i´m about to Post Movies...
I really deeply Hope that you all Enjoy this one,
it is also a my Personal Thanks for all the Support and Patience ♡(ŐωŐ人)
Again, hope the wait wasn´t exhausting for you all,
and this makes up for it nyehehehe~
If this Movie makes some of you Laugh out Loud,
then my Mission is Complete ahahaha ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

Enough Talk!Have at You! Ψ(☆w☆)Ψ

Honoka Voiced by: CinderDryadVA

Male Dudes Voced by: Ivan E.Recshun

-Runtime 8 Minutes-

Honokas Diary-Sweet Memories 1K

Honokas Diary-Sweet Memories 2K 

Superb Thanks Goes to:

-Hentaiborg for the Awesome Editing Skills and all the Details, and of course the Audio/SFX. (✪ฺܫ✪ฺ)

-Spizzy Brah for the Technical Help and Creative Feedback (^O^☆♪

-Niarax for the Supersweet Commercial Milky Help,
hope we both share/collab some more ideas on the upcoming Projects hehe

ENJOYOOOOOO! (人´∀`).☆.。.:*・°



Hentai Borg

I am so happy to have the chance to work on something longer and on the funny side. It also was quite challenging on the editing. But it is hot and funny so it was totally worth the time and effort put behind. And as usually Cinder kill it with her Honoka.


An 8 minute animation with Honoka?! Maiden spoiling us now!


As always my Pleasure and Honor Baguette-kun! ahah Jokes aside, let´s give our Best also on Kunoichi Gaiden Season 2 oke? >=D


Really higher production value quality, love it. Hoping more of your older works get more remastered versions. Also diggin the artisitc design for the male model having the various girls name and logo as tattoo on his body. The number of tattoos increasing as your series progress would be great.

Lonely Soul

Quite the treat. Thanks to everyone who worked on this!


This is the best thing i have seen since i first watched your work.


Maiden, this movie proves that you never need to apologize for taking as much time as you need to work on projects, because the results here show that all the time, effort, and creativity that you poured into this movie are undeniable! Even if you felt nervous about posting it, I certainly hope that you feel proud of it as well, because it’s a true work of art! The Maiden Masher logo at the beginning is superb, and as always all the little details like the game menu opening screen add so much. The poses, angles, and animation are perfection…Honoka’s jiggly booty in the first flashback scene is absolutely mouthwatering 🤤 Parts such as the commercial and Mikey’s entrance definitely made me laugh out loud 😂 As usual, Borg’s editing/graphics/audio work and the work by the excellent VAs help elevate this movie to a whole other level. And one major thing I was really struck by is the how well you executed the characterization of Honoka by combining all these elements (and more) and crafting the narrative to really bring her to life. And that is what really makes this movie fun, fully realized, and truly special! Congrats and huge kudos to you and the rest of Team Maiden for another masterpiece!!!


Thanks so much Cap, dunno what to say really <3 Just Happy that i really managed to make so many People also laugh ahaha (人゚∀゚)


Give the most dominatrix gals space on each of his ass cheeks lol.


Winner movie, so sexy , so full of personality, it feels like we are getting to know her, instead of just seeing the raw sex scenes - which are still great. The sex here was amazing, 2 anals and an epic leg spread pussy pounding. Its great to have an English voice for her and this one suits her really well, she sounds so hot when talking dirty. Always a pleasure to see this maiden getting mashed. You made her a star :) Thank you all involved in this.