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Let us keep the Month go on in a Good Tone, shall we?

Preparing also some "New Year" Sweetness,
now that Xmas Goodies are done and ready for you all.
So be ready for some Sweet Treat Soon c⌒っ╹v╹ )っ

Besides that here is another WIP´s for something upcoming which i had to do it,
always wanted to pose her like this but in SFM it was......well its sfm so no more words needed (¬_¬)

Didnt decided if im gonna Render in Cycles or Eevee, so i better show both Versions<3

Im in Kasumi Chan Mode lately, as you can see ahahaha (Love this Women)
More Blender Sweetness on the Way(人◕ω◕)

Special Thanks to
Hentaiborg for the Awesome Edit and Audio/SFX,
You Da Best Bro! (つ◕౪◕)つ━☆゚.*・。゚

For those who wanna Grab the Ayane Poster and/or the Weekly Maiden~
-Weekly Maiden
-Ayane Chan

Thats all for now <3

Wish you all a Super Special Awesome Weekend,
Stay Healthy and Beautiful as always Sweet Mortals (ʃƪ¬‿¬)




uuuuuuf ayane looking great Maiden &lt;3


Gorgeous looking Ayane model! 😍 It's awesome to have her join the roster, and it will be exciting to see the roster continue to grow! Amazing Kasumi WIPs too! 🤤


Looks good. We should have more of her. 😋