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  • Poll_58_Remaster.mp4



As i said on my Last Info, here is the first Remastered Version ( ÒㅅÓ)
Most are Personal Picks, but im also Open to Suggestions if some of you wanna see some older stuff getting a Clearer Remastered Version (=゚ω゚)つ)゚∀゚)

(know that not everything can be remastered, especially when a model got a update the whole scene is useless)

Here you can see how it looked before

Dunno what i was thinking using all those weird Filters XD

Anyway, hope you all still Embrace this one ♡(ŐωŐ人)





Remastered? Holy shit, this is like winning in lottery <3


Yeah, this one was definitely deserving of a remaster...especially with remastered Mr. Moo! 😂 Looks beautiful, Maiden!

Sourcefan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 07:11:01 Im used to gaming remasters, this I like much more :) A nice idea and good to see how much you have improved.
2019-07-10 22:32:20 Im used to gaming remasters, this I like much more :) A nice idea and good to see how much you have improved.

Im used to gaming remasters, this I like much more :) A nice idea and good to see how much you have improved.

MaidenMasher (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 07:11:01 Thank You Sweet Dave <3
2019-07-12 17:20:01 Thank You Sweet Dave <3

Thank You Sweet Dave <3