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WOOOOSH! (つ◕౪◕)つ━☆゚.*・。゚

Hope you all doing Superb as well Folks! (人◕ω◕)

First of all, Sorry if this Project/Movie taking a bit Longer then usual as i´ve mentioned(人゚∀゚)
But trust me when i say, the wait´s gonna be more then worth it(´∀`)♡

Really dislike the idea to skip a Month,
but it is the same like last year with the "Sweet Memorys" Movie i had to as well (★O∀O*)◇+。

And no way i wanna Rush this hehe

Be Patient and Stay Tuned Oke? (人◕ω◕)

Also much more Surprises on the Way also Coming Up!
(More Info Very Soony!)

Wish you all a Super Special Awesome Start into the Next Month,
Stay Healthy, Honokalicious and Beautiful Sweet Mortals! (ʃƪ¬‿¬)

One Last Tease before i go back Working on Hanuka her Sweet Bootey he 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

(No worries there are more Poses in this Project)





The lips animation in the preview alone looks superb, keep it up brah!


This one animation that i'm looking forward to viewing. #Honokalove.


Maiden, with all the amazing animations you have created for us over the years, there is no need to apologize for the time this one is taking, especially when you post teasers like these! 😍 These WIPs look absolutely incredible, and we all know that meaty Honoka’s thicc booty can’t be rushed! 😁 Take as much time as you need to continue working on this upcoming Mashterpiece, and best of luck! ❤️


Meaty Thicc Hanuka just for you all <3 Thanks for the motivating kind words Broah (人゚∀゚)


Honoka is get bigger in all the right places.. Yum


This is going to be great #Honokalove.