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Update and Poll

  • Mystic Odyssey: The Chronicles of a Demi-Wizard 3
  • Mystic Odyssey: The Chronicles of a Wand-wielding Demigod 1
  • The Mystic Born of the Ancient 6
  • From Hogwarts to Olympus: A Demigod's Odyssey 30
  • From Hogwarts to Olympus: A Wizard's journey into the World of Supernatural 0
  • The Wizard of Olympus 6
  • Others 2
  • 2023-09-08
  • —2023-09-10
  • 48 votes
{'title': 'Update and Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Mystic Odyssey: The Chronicles of a Demi-Wizard', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Mystic Odyssey: The Chronicles of a Wand-wielding Demigod', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'The Mystic Born of the Ancient', 'votes': 6}, {'text': "From Hogwarts to Olympus: A Demigod's Odyssey", 'votes': 30}, {'text': "From Hogwarts to Olympus: A Wizard's journey into the World of Supernatural", 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'The Wizard of Olympus', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Others', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 10, 10, 12, 39, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 8, 11, 39, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 48}


Hey! Just posted the new chaps, hopefully you've all been enjoying them. Thought I should update you all on my past week or so, as well as finally make the poll to finalize the name for my new fic.

It has been an interesting week, to say the least. Got my medical results back finally. First, the good news: I don't have a tumor! Yep, I've been completely tested and declared risk-free of any potentially life-threatening condition due to my Tinnitus, so you won't be getting rid of me anytime soon. 

Now, the slightly bad news: there is a very large chance the Tinnitus is here to stay with me for my remaining lifetime. The doc said there are no more medical procedures for me now; my diet is clean, I don't have a tumor...there's really nothing they can do, 'cause Tinnitus doesn't have a cure. He had me take therapy, to control my stress and negative reaction to it, but I don't plan to go back there again as it's really a waste of time (no offense to anyone who feels differently). It's really just about preparing me to live with Tinnitus rather than actually try to eliminate it, and I feel like it's something I don't need right now. 

Despite my recent struggles with it—been having some real massive sleep issues, as I averaged 3-4 hours sleep per day in the last week—I feel like I'm slowly getting used to it. Most of the time, I have to specifically remember that it's even there before it starts causing trouble. As long as there isn't absolute silence, I can go about my day as usual without any disturbance...until, of course, it's time to sleep. 'Cause that's one thing I just can't do without silence, which is when Tinnitus really likes to run around my ears in full blast. Still, even that is something I'm beginning to adapt to now, slowly but surely. Sooner or later, it will just be white noise to me, something I can ignore at will. 

But bottom line? I'll live. I'm happy, I'm writing again, and even with my new life-companion, I feel good going about my day...so yea, I'll survive. What more can you ask really?

Now, for this poll: I have a number of titles in mind. The current one just doesn't feel right I think, 'cause 'Demi-Wizard' sounds more like 'Demihuman plus Wizard' than 'Demigod plus Wizard'. I'll still put it in the Poll tho.

These are all the ones I've come up with that suits the story I wish to tell....except 'Mystic Born of the Ancient' which was suggested to me by my beta. If you have any suggestions as well, I'm more than willing to hear. Just to give you something to work with, here's the summary of the fic: 

There are a thousand different paths to greatness. For some it is simply written in destiny...others must claw it through blood and tears one agonising inch at a time. Harry Potter cared not where he fell; he would rise up above the rest all the same. Even if he must drown the skies in darkness and flood the Seas in red.

And that's about all for today. I'll begin working on MGO, as soon as I post MS for the Elder gods. But before that, maybe another couple of polls for Mystic Odyssey? We'll see. Till then, a good day to all, and happy weekend!


King hand axe

From Hogwarts to Hades: A wizard should know better!.


I literally just posted a review on FF saying I wouldn’t subscribe to Patreon again and yet here I am again lol, hope too see MGO updates soon, glad to see your doing better even if not everything is going great


I honestly wouldn't have blamed you, but I'm still glad you're here! Will be starting work on MGO next ;)