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Hey, you all wonderful people! Welcome back to a new month! Huge thnx to all of you for sticking around!

We're gonna start off the month of May with....a third perk poll! I know, I know. I should've spread them out over the past couple of weeks but...'sigh'. There were supposed to be four in total but now I think the last one I'll choose by myself (for Dex).

Also, this next chapter is most likely going to be the last in Hogwarts before Harry's marvel quest. The difference between pre-Hogwarts Harry and the current Harry should be very clear (even tho its been only 5 months since), so expect some op ass-kicking stuff.

Well, moving on, this perk selection is for speed, and here are your options!

  • Body Flicker (Active): User can burst out in explosive speed to cover a short distance, leaving flickers of his images behind to confuse the opponents. Speed increased by 35% every flicker.
Skill duration: Instant  
Skill cooldown: 4.5 seconds
  • Sprinter (1/10): When sprinting, User’s movement speed increased by 25%.
Skill duration: 5 seconds
Skill cooldown: 1 minute
  • Explosive Dash (Active): User can burst out in explosive speed to cover a short distance. Speed increased by 50% every dash.
Skill duration: Instant
Skill cooldown: 5 seconds

Note: One Dash is equal to User’s two strides.

The last two were already explained in the last speed poll, the first one is similar to explosive dash, just 15% slower but with the ability to leave his mirror images behind...btw the speed that he'll achieve with each flicker (once his base speed hits 100) will be faster than any animal in the world (hitting around 170 km/h or so with a single flicker....and almost 190 km/h every explosive dash).

Well, there you have it! Choose the one you think is the best, as you'll be seeing this in tomorrow's chapter.

Also, Harry is guaranteed to get at least 1 active perk this time....I haven't posted it yet cause he'll discover it only after using the skills...but these active ones have increased stamina usage. Just a tiny bit, but it'll be noticeable to Harry.

Lastly, I've been experimenting with how I write these perks in chapter. What would you prefer for the next chap? In this format:

  • Pro Runner: When running, User’s movement speed increased by 10%.
Skill duration: ∞    
Skill cooldown: None

or like this (which I presented in Ch.20):

Pro Runner: When running, User’s movement speed increased by 10%.
  • Skill duration: ∞
  • Skill cooldown: None

Anyway, that's it for now. I'm quite a bit behind schedule, barely wrote 4.5k words in total these 3 days due to IRL issues (was in graveyard half the freakin day), so I might not be able to hit the 8k target...but you'll still definitely get a chap tomorrow!

So till then, take care and have a great Sunday! And I'll see you in the next batch of chapters.

P.S: Stupid me forgot to create the damned poll the first time. Smh.



I personally think that either Body Flicker or Explosive Dash is the best option mainly due to it being an effective technique when it comes to avoiding a sudden attack plus the cooldown all things considered is not as bad as what I would have expected for such a skill and as such well worth the what either skill can potentially offer if strategically used, something that Harry is rather good at.