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Hello and welcome to all of you wonderful people! This post is a little late, but I was working on the chapter and got a bit carried away.

First of all, a huge welcome & thanks to all the new patrons, especially those who've subscribed for the entire year; appreciate the trust and support! Also, I hope you were all aware of your pledges renewing at the start of each month (if you decide to stick around) before you subscribed.

Now today I'm gonna be posting multiple polls to decide the next batch of Perks for Harry (which you'll see in MS Ch.21). 

This one is for Endurance.

Toughness I: User shall gain resistance to all Damages.
Damage Resistance (2/10).
Stamina Freak: User's Stamina consumption shall be decreased by 50%
Invincible (Active): User will gain a temporary period of complete invulnerability to all forms of damages and negative status effects.
  • Skill Duration: 3 seconds
    Skill cooldown: 10 Minutes

Pretty straight forward all three of them. Damage Resistance (2/10) means 20% resistance to all attacks that can deplete Harry's health. Stamina consumption decreasing by 50% means he'll be able to go on for twice as long before his stamina hits rock bottom. Invincible will just make him completely invulnerable to everything from magic and bullets to Dormammu's spikes and reality stones' might....so three seconds of utter invincibility!

Yeah, the last one sounds a bit too op and I'm wondering if I should change it to 'Physical damage' only. But it is just three seconds (yes, a lot could happen in it, but its still a couple of secs in the end). So let me know what you think. Is it too op? Or am I worrying for nothing?

 Well, that's it for now. Choose the one you think is the best, and I'll see you all in the next poll!

P.S: As you might've guessed, I'm making the perks as I go. So if you've got any suggestions or ideas, I'm all ears. You can also discuss it on discord, where I'll be posting this poll as well (the actual results will come from here of course ).



Stamina Freak is just overall better as while the Toughness upgrade is good as in Invincible both come with flaws in that Invincible has to be activated meaning that if he is caught by a surprise attack it is literally worthless, and while Toughness is great the Stamina Freak is literally a benefit to everything Harry does as it basically doubles the effects of anything Harry does that requires stamina in someway which is just a massive improvement. I find it so amusing how increased stamina is something that in a lot of situations people tend to overlook because it is inherently the most unflashy kind of enhancement you can get yet it also tends to be one of the most useful simply due to how many applications or things stamina is a factor in.