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What type of chapter do you prefer?



3-5 days is a good balance I feel, depending on the scenes and what you feel the chapter needs to meet a good conclusion. If you were to go to 1 mega chapter per week, it'd mean readers waiting 3 weeks between each story update, so if a Patron is following for only a single story, they may only get 1 update per month. Slower updates would also affect visibility on the free platforms that all rank by date updated, reducing visibility to new readers.


Yeah, that was my thinking as well. I might go for a 12-15k chapter when writing a huge climatic conclusion to an arc, but that'll be once in a couple of months or so.


Definitely think that the 8K every 4 days is the happy medium as it won't feel like there is a sudden drop in released chapters while giving you that extra day should something come up and you need it for some IRL stuff. Plus I also think that sometimes super large chapters can actually be counterproductive especially if the author ends up in a situation where they feel like they have to add stuff into a chapter that doesn't necessarily fit just to pad the word count. So overall I think the 4-day option makes the most logical sense.


Yeah that's true, tho I do usually try to cut off anything I feel is unnecessary so I won't say I'll pad it with useless stuff. I make a list of povs/scenes that I want in each chapter before starting to write. Still, 4 days is most likely the best option.