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A new Poll is here! Though it's just for Harry's Perk selection (MS).

Before that however, I wanted to address a tiny SOW topic. I don't remember discussing it before (If I have, just ignore this) but I recently received some comments saying Amelia Bones' reaction to Harry (14) and Nymph's (18) relationship doesn't make sense. 

The thing is; I don't believe that underage stuff is really an issue in Harry Potter world. You have Hermione (14-15) dating Krum (at least 18) with no one raising an eyebrow (apart from jealous teens). Then you have Fleur (17-18) dating Bill (24) as well. So yeah...just don't see why Bones would raise a fuss about Harry banging Nymph. 

Anyway, let's head onto the Poll!

The perk selection is for Dexterity; and the options presented are: 

Flexible as Rubber:  User is capable of manipulating the body to an unnatural degree, achieving rubber-like flexibility.

Inhuman Acrobat: User is capable of performing incredibly complex gymnastics, achieving super-human balance.

Hawkeye: Weapons shall auto-aim at any target in a hundred meters range as directed by the User's eyes. 

Well, the options are pretty self-explanatory. The first one will allow his bones to bend like rubber, the second will give him balance almost at the level of MCU Peter Parker, and the third is just a cheatcode; enabling his aim to auto-adjust according to his vision (where he is looking).  

If you still have any doubts, let me know!

Now before wrapping this up; the last topic I wanted to talk about is on the changes I'm making for MS. Now that I'm retconning the plot anyway, I thought I'll take this a step further (also cause Lord Shiva put a lot of new ideas in my mind). So the Avengers timeline is going to be sped up. Well...everything is going to be sped up really (without rushing, don't worry), along with a lot of new plots that aren't in the movies. 

I will also be taking inspiration directly from Comics now, so expect some new characters to pop up now and then. Don't worry it won't get mushed up, I'm not dropping Mephisto right in the middle of New York or anything. Just expect some stuff outside of on-screen material.

Also, one of you guys wanted another pairing poll (for Carter), and now I've began thinking; Fleur and Dorea falls too short in comparison to Natasha, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, or Wanda...don't they?...so I'll hold another poll with both the world's characters and let you choose 1 new partner for Harry (if Fleur wins again, fair enough). Also, I'm saying one cause Rose might be replacing Dorea. (Who knows?)

Anyway, apologies for the late post, was just too busy with the chapter and MS' future.

Vote for the best option, and I'll see you all tomorrow! Peace!



Hawkeye would logically benefit Harry the most. If it affects his aim with spells as well it be a no brainer. Harry is already super op in close quarters and is very agile and dexterous already. Becoming an Inhuman acrobat doesn’t really do much for him.

Kevin lopez

Hawkeye makes the most sense given that he was raised to think about most situations from a tactical standpoint. Also to keep it from becoming overpowered add a range limit so he Isn't sniping people miles away while just aiming in their general direction


Oh there will be quite a few uses for it as well, some you're soon going to see. Also, he'll get another chance to pick Hawkeye again when his dex hits 100.