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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the OC

Chapter 30Godly Domains

AN: Beta'd by no one! So let me know if there are any errors.


It was still early in the morning when I started making my way back to the food stand—the entire Hercules ordeal must’ve taken ten minutes or so at most—all the while browsing through my notifications to properly assess my gains.

[System Feature Unlocked: Perks]

For a moment I simply stared at the unfamiliar message, not understanding. And then my mind clicked to those LitRPGs, remembering one of the most hax abilities of any Gamer...

‘It can't be, can it?’ My heart beat in excitement as I quickly scrolled down the notifications. ‘Holy fuck…this is gonna be a huge game changer!’

[Perk Gained: Blessings of Hercules]

So Hercules actually blessed me before dying. I’d half believed it was some empty lip service given in a moment of weakness.

Bubbling with anticipation, I clicked on the perk.

[Blessings of Hercules: +10 Str, +2 Will]

Not bad. Not bad at all. 12 free stats? Yeah, I'll gladly take those.

"Thanks, man." I muttered, a genuine smile on my face.

But even more importantly… I've actually unlocked the perk options!

This had the potential to grow really overpowered. Not that I wasn't overpowered already—at least for my tier—but it gave me an even bigger edge.

Hopefully godly blessings like Hercules' could stack up, instead of forcing me to choose between them. If I could get blessings from various powerful gods, I could create a big stat boost right here!

Even without them however, one thing was clear to me….I was most likely the strongest Tier 7 being in existence currently, even though I’ve just started into it.

Seriously; in this entire world, was there any Tier 7 being who could hope to match me toe-to-toe? Considering how easy Heracles was to handle—even enhanced with an Ascendant’s blessings as he was—I just couldn't think of any. Perhaps those Satan class devils with their hax abilities could manage to surprise me, but apart from them, I felt confident in being the very best out of all Tier 7s.

Of course, Perks weren’t the only thing I’d received from this fight. There were also the levels to consider for executing Hercules…

[You Leveled Up: 607]


[You Leveled Up: 614]

8 levels. 8 levels for killing a god.

‘Well…it’s better than nothing I guess.’ Plus there was the quest from Ares to consider…after staying stagnant for the past few weeks, I just skyrocketed from level 601 to 614.

And yet, this did confirm one thing in my mind– if this trend continues, I will no longer be able to level up rapidly at once like I used to. At least, not without unlocking my next pair of wings….

Unless I could hunt down a Tier 8 being as a Tier 7 perhaps. Though considering my current spirit, it wasn't a completely impossible thing. Especially if I could lead them into some trap…

...Yeah no, I'd rather just wait for Tier 8 before going after any True Gods. As satisfying as it would be to experience a rush of levels, it wasn’t worth dipping my fingers into danger. Especially not against an enemy who I knew nothing about.

Navigating further down, I took in the second to last notification, feeling another bout of euphoria.

[Legendary Achievement Unlocked: God Slayer]

  • Kill a God before reaching your 16th birthday

Reward: +10 Levels, +1 to Divine Authority, +1 to all combat skills

‘...Wow, even a legendary achievement only gives 10 levels now.’

As wonderful and satisfying as my progress felt, it truly was crazy to see every source of leveling get nerfed, especially considering I had over 30 levels waiting for me in quests.

As I mulled over the last bit, suddenly a very peculiar thought struck me in the middle of my flight.

I had two ongoing quests for basically the same level of danger, but the quest I received from Zeus rewarded me 10 levels more than the one prompted by the system…

Now this could be the effect of getting a quest directly from a Supreme god, but I rather doubted it.

Which left only one conclusion to make…

‘Did the system reduce the rewards after I became a Tier 7 being?’

It sure looked like it.

‘So even the quests will start rewarding me less and less as the time goes on’. But by that logic, when I do become a Tier 8 entity, my already slow leveling will just….stall really. Come to a complete halt.

‘How the hell will I ever become an Elder god then, let alone the Supreme?’

‘….Whatever.’ I dismissed it a second later, my good mood too strong to ruin the party pooping realization. Especially when the final reward—that I’d been purposely not thinking about to savor the moment—finally came into my view.



Race: God/Angel/Devil Hybrid

Tier: 7

Level: 624

Divine Power: 6,697,000/7,200,000

Holy Power: 7,080,900/7,200,000

Demonic Power: 7,119,000/7,200,000

Stamina: 5,990,070/6,240,000

Health: 6,101,000/6,440,000


Strength: 644 (30)

Speed: 664 (30)

Dexterity: 654 (30)

Endurance: 624

Constitution: 644

Mental: 52

Spirit: 720

Points: 22


Blessings of Hercules


Combat Skills–

Divine Spear-Wielding (4/10)

Divine Swordsmanship (3/10)

Master Archer (7/10)

Godly Skills–

Divine Domain (???) (Lvl 1)

Celestial Lightning Bolt (Lvl 4)

Divine Lightning Storm (Lvl 4)

Eletric Healing (Lvl 4)

Divine Authority (Lvl 5)

Lightning Travel (Lvl 6)

Wind Tornado (Lvl 7)

Lightning Storm (Lvl 9)

Electric Discharge (Max)

Divine Lightning Bolt (Max)

Flying (Max)

Lightning Manipulation (Max)

Wind Manipulation (Max)

Air Manipulation (Max)

Holy Power Skills–

[Angelic Form]: 4-Winged Angel

Holy Lightning Discharge (Lvl 5)

Holy Lightning Manipulation (Lvl 6)

Holy Weapon Creation (Max)

Holy Power Manipulation (Max)

Demonic Skills–

Energy Creation (Lvl 1)

Magical Item Creation (Lvl 2)

Defensive Magic: Aegis (Lvl 2)

Lightning Manipulation (Lvl 7)

Concealment (Lvl 8)

Hypnosis Magic (Lvl 9)

Object Creation (Max)

Demonic Power Manipulation (Max)

Defensive Magic: Barrier (Max)

Magical Skills–

Mist Manipulation (Lvl 8)

Mist Sense (Lvl 9)

Mystiokinesis Sense (Lvl 9)

Other Skills–

Expert Blacksmith (3/10)

Expert Actor (6/10)

Expert Lover (8/10)

Expert Seducer (9/10)

Master Charmer (2/10)

Master Strategist (2/10)

Master Unarmed Combatant (6/10)

Master Hunter (6/10)

Master Tracker (9/10)

Divine Chess Player (1/10)


Lightning Resistance (Max)

Poison Resistance (Lvl 9)

Pain Resistance (Lvl 6)

Mystiokinesis Resistance (Lvl 6)

Celestial Radiance Resistance (Lvl 6)

Magical Affinities:

Divine Lightning: 70/100

Holy Light: 70/100

Lightning: 90/100

Light: 90/100

I tried—really tried—to savor my biggest reward with patience, and distract myself with my combat skills' upgrade…

But the moment my eyes fell upon the twinkling question marks, my mind clicked it almost involuntarily.

[Prerequisites met]:

  • Divine Authority Lvl 5

  • Tier 7

  • 700+ Spirit

[Perk gained: Divine Domain]

[Select Your Domain as a [Minor] God (0/3)]—(?)

  • Beauty & Desire (93%)

  • Divine Power (92%)

  • Holy Power (91%)

  • Demonic Power (90%)

  • Adaptability (88%)

  • Spear-wielding (88%)

  • Electricity (86%)

  • Suppression (86%)

  • Swordsmanship (85%)

  • Greed (85%)

  • Sex (82%)

  • Seduction (80%)

  • Archery (80%)

  • Western Winds (79%)

  • Strategies (66%)

  • Rebirth (65%)

  • Fortune (65%)

  • Energy Creation (65%)

  • Arrogance (60%)

  • Vengeance (57%)

  • Slaughter (54%)

  • Decimation (50%)

  • Mischief (47%)

I came to a complete halt in the middle of the sky, levitating between the clouds as my eyes flickered up and down the list. My heart beat wildly, an ecstatic smile on my face that grew with every option that passed my vision.

The list went on to include all the things even remotely related to me, though decreasing in percentage with each option.

I didn’t understand what the percentage meant, nor why I wasn’t given more important domain choices like ‘War’, ‘Lightning’ or ‘Destruction’. What I did understand however, was that—after this day—I shall be considered a god in all the word’s meaning—my mortality be damned.

And that was enough for me to get giddy with excitement. ‘Will I now create a divine form for myself!?’

That’ll be so fucking wild.

I didn’t dive into domain selection directly, wanting to approach it like unwrapping a gift. So the first thing I did was to click upon the question mark, revealing a new set of info.

The percentage marks your compatibility with a domain. The more compatible you are with a domain, the more power you can draw from it.

  • Note: Your compatibility is liable to change, depending on your day-to-day activities.

Compatibility…so basically, these are the domains that I represented the most? Though it was a little surprising seeing beauty and desire top the list. Sure, I was handsome and all, but to that degree? And why was Holy Power above Demonic anyway? I didn’t have a specific preference, and utilized both at equal amounts…didn’t I?

Why then…?

‘Must be the wings.’ The realization hit me. ‘They’re a big part of my Identity.' 

Makes sense.

The options presented had a bluish hue to them, informing me that I can view them for further details.


God of Suppression (Minor)—God of Domination (Major)

I blinked, mind whirling.

‘Okay, that makes more sense.’

My current option is a minor domain, but it can turn to a major one later down the line. Perhaps when I became a True god?


I started viewing each of the options from the very start, excited as a kid in a mall, trying to gauge each one’s capabilities.

God of Beauty & Desire—God of Beauty, Desire, Craving, Lust & Aponia

‘So beauty and Desire don't have a higher form?’ Or was its higher form just a bunch of add-ons? Meh, who cares. It was the lust and craving aspect that were worth my attention anyway.

God of Divine Power—God of Divinity

Nice. Though its implications just went over my head.

God of Holy Power—God of the Bible

Great. Next please…

‘….Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on for a hot second.’ I came to an abrupt halt as my mind properly clocked the title.

‘God of the Bible? What kind of domain is that?’

Wasn’t that just a title given to the Christian God? Was I being offered the position as the leader of an entire religion, just based on a single domain’s choosing?

It was…a little mind boggling really, and I had to wonder if I was being scammed by my system. Or perhaps, getting myself dragged into something I’d rather stay away from.

‘Maybe it'll force me to act like a goody-two-shoes once I accept? Adhere to some pre-selected rules and laws?’

I sure as fuck wasn't going to follow the ten commandments. It'll ruin all the pleasures of life!

Whatever the case, the possibilities were limitless.

Plus, I’d never thought what I'd do once my 16th birthday was up and I finally got freed of the Greeks. What exactly were my plans for the future? I can’t exactly go and work in some corporate office, and neither did I want to.

Perhaps my system was fixing me a job as the god of Christianity? Looking out for my future and all.

Snorting, I restarted my tour through the options.

Only a few domains managed to catch my attention though.

God of Sex—God of Debauchery

Now this domain promised some epic fun.

How will the selection affect me though? Will I just get authority over sex? Like, instead of just being able to crush pebbles, I could exercise control over sexual acts? I will need to properly experiment with my domains it seems...

The next few domains that caught my attention were much lower down the list. All the others were just too boring for me to consider them seriously.

Like Spear-wielding or archery; their superior domain was just 'god of warriors' or 'god of battle'. I liked fighting, but I didn’t wish it to be all that I represented.

Unless it was something really badass like God of War.

But the ones that did catch my attention were all nearly as badass too.

God of Decimation—God of Destruction

God of Slaughter—God of Annihilation

Both were equally epic-sounding, and both made my blood roar with anticipation….

The only problem came with the fact that my compatibility with them was shit.

…And I had no plans to change that.

As fearsome as they sounded, I wasn’t going to go on a rampage—killing people and destroying cities—just to increase my compatibility.

I didn’t consider myself a good person by any means, not by a long long shot; I was a massive asshole to people in general, I loved fucking other men’s wives and girlfriends with no guilt whatsoever, and I could be a gigantic hypocrite sometimes—with an ego as big as my dick.

And yet, the idea of massacring innocents just to get some fancy title didn’t sit well with me.

Perhaps I might become more evil as the time passed, when I forgot even the small vestiges of my previous life. Perhaps I would become more desensitized in taking mortal lives, as I age past a century or two in my almost immortality….or perhaps I’ll have enough targets to kill in the upcoming war.

Whatever the case, if someday I manage to represent death and destruction more, I’ll find a way to choose these domains.

But for now, I was forced to—sadly—drop the domains from my mind.

Instead, I moved my attention to a domain on an entirely different side of the spectrum, yet just as epic-sounding as the previous two.

God of Energy Creation—God of Creation

God of Creation. The God of fucking CREATION!

Yep, definitely want that title. Then again, who wouldn't? Only a God of Destruction, hehe.

‘...okay, that was bad.’ Ouch.

Now, selection time.

The energy Creation was selected without too much thinking. Yes, it had the same problem like the other two domains with compatibility issues, but the difference was: It was bound to increase soon.

Energy Creation was something that I was going to put a lot of focus on; just as much as my three main powers. More than that, I would gladly work my ass off to push its percentage as higher up as I can.

The other two I selected were Holy Power, plus Beauty and desire combo.

Holy Power was a no-brainer. With such a juicy title and great compatibility, I would be a fool to let it go.

Beauty and desire came solely from the fact that it was the domain I represented the most…according to my system. And that wouldn’t be changing anytime soon…

Of course, it had nothing to do with stroking my ego by becoming the god of beauty and wants. Who would even want to become a god like that? Yeah sure you could most likely influence other people’s—or even god’s— thoughts and desires, and look the epitome of perfection in everyone’s eyes…

But I didn’t want that, no sir.

…Well, maybe a little.

As I selected the three options and hit confirm, I felt an unnatural heat suddenly forming inside my chest. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but I knew I’d never felt it before.

Down it went from my chest to my stomach, dropping to my waist, legs, and even dick. The same happened to my upper body, and I couldn’t force back the gasp that left me as it climbed my eyes—forcing them shut—and head.

[Perk gained: Divine Domains]

[Divine Domains gained: Beauty & Desire, Holy Power, and Energy Creation]

[Authority over the selected domains upgraded significantly]

[Skills Created: Authority of Beauty & Desire, Authority of Holy Power, Authority of Energy Creation]

When I opened my eyes, a golden glow had enveloped my entire body inside a thin cocoon. It died down slowly—though I could still feel my increased power—and the cocoon opened up to reveal my grand presence to the rest of the world.

I'd finally unlocked the Divine form.

"Let's go, baby!" I roared, my pale skin now glinting with a perfect golden hue. "There's a new god in the town!"

I whooped in the air, blasting through the wind like a divine arrow as I restarted my journey into a random direction. “Worship me, insects! The God of Beauty, Desire, Holy power, and Energy creation demands your servitude!”

I frowned in the midst of celebration, coming to a quick halt. ‘…..That’s a bit of a mouthful isn’t it? But how the hell am I supposed to introduce myself now?’

Meh, whatever.

With another cry of joy I restarted tearing through the sky. “Show me your wives and daughters, Mortals! Let their desire for my divine dick grow! Mwahahaha!”

With excitement still coursing through every part of my veins, I opened the skill tab to quickly check the new Perk.

[Divine Domain (Lvl 1): +10 to all Physical Stats, +10 to Spirit]

...Alright…it wasn’t bad. But it wasn't the complete Divine form, was it? My Tier was still the same, and the biggest advantage of Divine form—Minor or Major—was that it increased an entity’s Tier.

Though the Perk was still on level 1, so perhaps it might come as a special ability at Lvl 5…

‘Gods, I hope my system doesn't fuck this up.’ Divine form had the potential to surpass my wings by a long mile. Even a Minor god’s Divine form could push me to an Olympian’s level right this instance.

But that hope could easily come cruising down if the System refused to increase my Tier, offering only levels like the golden apple.

Hopefully not.

Finishing my experimentation, I let my Divine form die down and opt to simply experience the wild wind whipping past me soothingly as I flew across the states towards my destination.

Throughout the journey back, there was a new kind of surety pulping in my heart. A surety coming from the knowledge that I will eventually match the world’s strongest.

I’d been a little uncertain, back when I’d crossed Tier 7 but nothing truly changed, and a part of me—hidden and quiet—had been worrying over my hybrid status. After all, I wasn’t actually a god.

At least, not fully.

And so, doubts had formed within me silently. What if the system decided that my blood was too diluted to achieve godhood? What if my progress stalled for the first time in my life, forcing me to scramble around for answers and solutions? What if I never manage to unlock my domain?

I would’ve been forced to stay content as a pseudo-god, never managing to match the might of the Olympians. Oh sure, I could’ve compensated with other Gamer skills no doubt, but the things that make an actual god, a god—Authority, Divinity, and Domain—would’ve always been out of my grasp.

Not anymore.

With my domains unlocked, I was pretty sure I could match—or even surpass—the Authority that Dionysus had released against Percy back in the camp. And while Dionysus had been in his mortal form then, it was still an awesome achievement.

Seriously, how many beings in this world could hope to match Dionysus? Surpassing him, even in his mortal form, was still a powerful feat.

I wasn’t going to be content with that, of course. But it was still a great start for a newborn god.

When I finally reached the fast-food stand—after making a trip around the whole of America—Annabeth and Percy were already waiting for me—looking completely drained and beat up.

‘Hah! Did Ares send them in a trap too?’

I landed silently just behind the miserable duo.

“Hello there!" I cheerily greeted my teammates, putting my arms around their shoulders—absently realizing their clothes were wet.

Both of them lurched straight, stumbling out of my grasp in alarm, their hands upon their weapons as they turned to me….only to find pure white teeth flashing in a wide smile.

"So, how did your quest go?" I asked, ignoring Percy’s look of annoyance…and Annabeth’s suddenly pink cheeks.

Percy glanced at Anna, who seemed to force back her blush through sheer will.

"You tell him, it was your plan." The girl snapped.

"What? Was I the one scared by spiders?" Percy scowled. "Or the one who launched us in the air?"

"Shut up, sea-weed brain." The girl folded her arms.

"Wait, what did I miss?" I cut in with a frown.

"Nothing!" The duo replied in sync.

“Oh really?” I drawled, one of my eyebrows raised in skepticism. “Why do you look like a pair of wet kittens then?”

"We could ask the same from you, you know." Annabeth’s gaze sharpened. "The entire state of Colorado experienced a magnitude five earthquake a few minutes ago. You wouldn't have anything to do with it, would you?"

"Really?” Now both of my eyebrows rose up. “I wouldn’t know that. I was in the air.”

It was slightly surprising though. Hercules absorbed the brunt of my attack, so I hadn’t assumed the damage to spread too much. I could only imagine how horrifying the destruction would’ve been, had it fell upon the naked earth.

"Weren't you looking down?” Annabeth pressed. "You should've seen the destruction."

"My attention was... elsewhere."

The arrival of my favorite waitress brought a much needed interruption, and I wondered if I had some time to experiment with my newly gained Authority over desire. To my great surprise, one look at my face and she stiffened up to a complete halt, her eyes going wide as a saucer.

"Ooh! Ahh...h-hi!" She stuttered out, her face glowing beet red. The next moment, she turned around and ran back inside.

"...What?" I blinked, confused.

Annabeth awkwardly pointed at my face, her own face reddening again as she looked everywhere but me. "Umm...you didn't put the…uh…the mist on."

‘What…?’ Frowning, I checked around my face with mist sense…only to find the mist mask still in place, completely intact.

‘Must’ve been due to my new domain.’ I theorized. ‘The beauty aspect must’ve enhanced my looks passively.’

"You know what? Fuck that.” I grouched. “I'm not increasing it even more."

The world deserved to bask under the presence of their new god. How will I gain their worship and awe if I didn't let them gaze upon my perfect self? It would be even better to drop the mask completely but I didn’t want Anna lite becoming a useless blushing maiden.

Thankfully—or unthankfully, as I was about to find out—the moment was broken by the sound of a familiar Harley.

The War god came to a stop right next to us, killing off his Harley's awfully loud rumble.

The sight of the god summoned forth my irritation, tearing my good mood into pieces. Now that I knew Ares was also mixed in with this ascended being—and most likely played a role in Hercules’ death—whatever positive opinion I may have cultivated for him was drowned under a new wave of anger and disgust.

"Well, well, well" The War god gave a lazy sneer, clapping slowly. "You all survived. I'm impressed."

"Would you shut the fuck up?" I kindly asked the god. "I'm not in the mood to deal with your bullshit."

The god's eyes snapped at me like a laser and the fire in his eyes grew in intensity, a sneer of contempt staring back at me. "…do you actually think you’re an Olympian now, little brother? Think your pathetic drop of divinity is enough to match me? Yes, I can feel your domain…father would be proud. What are you the god of, again? Pretty faces and little brats?”

I snorted. “You take an awful lot of pride in your strength for a god who got his ass beat by a mortal once. At least history isn’t filled with embarrassing stories of my defeats all around the world.”

Then—just for the sake of it—I spat at his feet. “Fucking loser.”

Rage bubbled within his eye-sockets, his power extending in all directions as the world lost its color. I knew Percy and Annabeth were on their knees now, and I could feel his powerful Authority spreading quickly, his divinity a second away from coalescing into his Divine form.

More than that however….I felt his desire. It was almost physical to behold for my senses; his desire to shred me apart and stop me from reaching further, his desire to nip the bud on a rapidly growing god who might gain the attention of his lover…

And I simply shut it down. I didn’t know how exactly, but one moment there was an overwhelming desire to destroy brewing in front of me, the next my Authority extended towards Ares in a graceful wave and suppressed it down before it could reach its peak.

[Skill Created: Desire Manipulation] Lvl 1

Ares blinked, the fire within his eyes diminishing. The world returned to its original color, and the War god simply stood staring at me with incomprehensible eyes.

Beside me, Percy and Anna lite slowly pushed themselves back to their feet, but my eyes were locked with the War god.

“You know…” Ares started, eyes judging and reevaluating. “I thought you were like that coward Adonis…but no. No…you remind me of…Eros.”

Then the War god shuddered, his voice quietening for the first time since we’d met him. “Even father and mother fear Eros. You never know when you get hit by a random arrow of love and start screwing a donkey, thinking it the epitome of romance.”

A shake of his head and the War god was back to his sneering form, a little subdued but still a jackass. “Really though, I don't see why y’all are so angry. You should be grateful for my generosity. You finally achieved godhood because of my quest, didn’t you little brother?"

I scoffed. Some things never change.

"You sent us to a trap." Percy snapped, glaring at the god as he finally found his voice.

Ares replied with a wicked grin. "Bet that crippled blacksmith was surprised when he netted a couple of stupid brats, eh? You looked good on TV."

What exactly happened? Now I was definitely curious.

Even more so when Percy shoved a polished glinting bronze shield at the god angrily. "You are a jerk."


[Ares’ Shield (Divine): Made of Celestial Bronze, the shield increases User’s Authority over Bloodlust and War.]

Good...but not as good as Stormbreaker. Hehe.

The War god spun the shield on his arm, before changing its form into a bulletproof vest—that glinted golden under the sun—slinging it upon his back.


…But not as good as my Stormbreaker!

"Here's something as an extra reward." The snobbish god slung out a blue nylon backpack off his Harvey’s handlebar and tossed it to me.

It was filled with a bunch of Ambrosia cubes and nectar straws.

"You promised me news about my mother." Percy interrupted as Ares got ready to leave.

"Think you're ready to handle this?" The War god glanced back, smirking. "She isn't dead."

The god's smirk widened as he waited for our reaction….but all he got was two blank faces.

I sighed. "Tell us something we don't know."

"You know about metamorphosis?" The god asked with a frown.

I rolled my eyes. "Duh."

Ares huffed. "Well, there you have it then. Your mother's alive and you have a quest to go down the underworld. What more could you ask for, eh? Now piss off."

He kicked his Harley, bringing the bike roaring back to life. "See you around suckers! And you…stay away from Aphrodite and we could be the best of buddies."

And off he was, down Delancey Street. The roar of his bike slowly died down in the horizon and I turned to the two.

"I hate him." Percy declared.

I sighed, patting his shoulder. "Now? So do I, kiddo. So do I."


For our journey to Santa Monica, I created another car for us; a large SUV more than comfortable for the three of us.

And yet, I knew I had some torturous time ahead.

Honestly? I was starting to hate driving. It was one of the most boring activities imaginable. Not only did I have to sit in a disgustingly slow & confined place, I also had to keep the crowd of other vehicles in focus, each more impatient than the other.

Worse than that, all the attention need to be on the road, so you can't even get lost in thoughts and drive absently, because the Americans had some of the biggest clowns in the world, and you never know when a dumb fuck will accidentally start showing suicidal tendencies.

But still, I persisted. I just wanted to get this quest over with as fast as I can, and start exploring my new skills. I hadn't even tried the Energy creation skill yet, which was just a shame.

"That pine-tree bead." Percy’s voice mumbled from behind. "Is that from your first year?"

I observed the tired duo from the mirror. The level of my boredom was matched by their exhaustion and restlessness. Percy was clicking his heels on the car floor while Annabeth stared out of the window absently.

The question brought all of our attention to the beads hanging around her neck.

"No." Annabeth twisted the camp necklace to show a bead with miniature monsters fighting against a group of demigods. "It’s the battle of half-blood hill. Every August, the counselors choose the most important event of the summer and paint it on the year's bead. I've got the Monsters war, Thalia’s pine tree, a Greek trireme on fire, a centaur in a prom dress—now that was a weird summer..."

I snorted. I wasn't in the camp for the last one, but the first hand accounting of the event that I got was freaking hilarious.

"And what about this lightning bolt?" Percy, pointed at the odd bead marked with a bolt of lightning tearing through the ground.

"Mikael's wrath." She replied quietly, glancing at me from the corner of her eyes. "The counselors wanted to honor Mikael’s part in saving us. So they settled on a bonus bead for that year."

"Wait, Mikael’s what?" Percy asked, confused. "Is this about you Mikael?"

I shook my head at the boy. "I'm disappointed in you, Percy. You really never saw that hell hole beside Thalia’s tree?"

"Wha... that was you!?" The boy exclaimed.

"Come on, seaweed brain." Annabeth chimed exasperatedly. "You can't be that clueless."

"Hold on a minute." The bewildered boy shook his head, growing incredulous by the second. "You're telling me the stories about you almost destroying the whole long Island were true? But that was four years ago! You had to be what…nine? Ten years old?"

I hummed. “What’s your point?”

The boy spluttered.

"Well…some of those stories are exaggerated." Annabeth answered, subdued. "But yes, Mikael did shake the whole island."

"Wow." Percy muttered, before going quiet.

There was a blessed silence in the car for a few seconds before Percy’s ADHD kicked in again.

"Right," The boy cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uhh….that College ring. Is that from your father?"

Annabeth didn't respond immediately, but when she did, her voice was even quieter and softer "…Yes...it is. My dad sent it to me folded up in a letter, two summers ago. The ring was his main keepsake from Athena. He wouldn't have gotten through his doctoral program at Harvard without her…but that’s a long story. Anyway, he said he wanted me to have it. He apologized for being a jerk, said he loved me and missed me. He wanted me to come home and live with him."

"That sounds nice."

"The problem is, he lives three thousand miles away now. I can't just leave the camp behind forever like this. I told him to come back to Virginia. He refused. And that's that."

I frowned.

That sounded like the silliest excuse to me. Anna was a demigod—a Tier 4 being—having crossed level 200. If she ran all the way from Long island, she’d need at most 2 hours to reach San Francisco.

The real reason for her rejection—at least, the one I concluded—was her reluctance to trust in her step mother, no matter how many reassurances I’d given her. So everything the woman said was filtered through Annabeth’s image of her, making their relationship more complicated than it needed to be.

"You think you'll ever try to live with him again?" Percy asked.

The girl gazed at the passing cars as I sped us up—finding a nice chance to overtake two cars at once. "Please. I'm not into self-inflicted pain."

"You shouldn't give up." I heard Percy mumble. "You should write him a letter or something."

"Drop it.” Anna snapped, her voice suddenly gaining a cold edge. “My father's made the decision of who he wants to live with. And I've made mine."

We passed in tense silence as I maneuvered us through the road, finally clearing most of the vehicles ahead and giving me a chance to really put our SUV to work.

"So," I broke the silence, finally gaining a moment of respite. "You guys want to tell me what happened in that park now?"

Amidst their groaning and my laughter, I spent the rest of the evening in their amusing tale of recovering Ares's shield. And how they became Olympus's new little celebrities. For all the wrong reasons.

Soon, the night spread its darkness and the kids yawned in sleepiness. Annabeth, for some reason, chose to move to the front and took a seat beside me. I created blankets for both of them and they soon dozed off in the car—which had plenty of space to accommodate them. I didn't stop to rest, driving on in the midnight silence with my windows down.

The caressing wind was soft upon my face as I rode us through the night. The only bit of entertainment came when a few cops chased after me for crossing speed limit…and some near death accidents where I almost murdered a few bike riders—before remembering to give a fuck, and let them live—and then breaking through one of those roadblocks, not stopping the SUV even once—though the kids did get up when the crash happened.

All this trouble I caused purposely…before magicking them away and finding new ways to mess around. Anything to stave off boredom really.

But still, through thick and thin, I persisted upon my boring path—all the while cursing Zeus for making this more complicated than it needed to be. As the kids went back to sleep—Anna lite looking like the cutest doll beside me, properly tucked inside her blanket sweetly—our vehicle finally passed the Grand Junction before entering Utah, and didn't stop until crossing St. George.

In the early morning of the next day, we crossed through the borders of Nevada, making our way to the city of sins—and America's personal playground—Las Vegas.

The kids woke up late in the day, just when we passed by Park MGM, though currently known as Monte Carlo. We passed the real MGM grand, and also Luxor hotel and casino, whose magnanimous pyramid towered above us grandly.

I whistled at the beauty of the city—even in broad daylight. "Yeah, we're definitely spending some quality time here on the return trip."

I had no intention of leaving without spending at least one satisfying night in the city. After all, the real beauty of Lag Vegas can only be properly experienced when the darkness crawls out.

The kids didn't say anything, simply gaping at the grandiose city.

"What do you think?" I glanced at Anna beside me. "Should we book our stay in some five star hotel? Venetian maybe? Or even Bellagio. Cash is no problem for us. And everything in Las Vegas strip is bound to be great."

We were soon greeted by the smaller replica of the statue of Liberty, and my eyes scanned the structure, looking for any differences.

"Yeah, that'll be great." Percy readily agreed, sleep leaving him completely as the statue came closer.

Annabeth, still sleepy, yawned widely. "Hotel sounds good. You should take a nap too, Kael. We won't have any time once we reach Hollywood."

I hummed.

My attention was soon taken by a sliver of Mystiokinesis spreading through the air. It was coming from inside a sideways alley and I—being me—drove us after the trail. We came upon a dead end, with only one structure in the vicinity: Lotus Hotel and Casino.

There was a huge neon flower at the entrance, its petals surrounding the door, breathing with a gentle neon light.

I couldn’t see a single tourist in the vicinity, but the shining chrome doors were wide open.

The smell of lotus blossom was heavy in the air, mixed with an unnatural tang that let me instantly know this wasn't a normal casino.

‘Maybe a special place for demigods or supernatural creatures to rest?’

Whatever the case, I felt no worries.

After parking away from the entrance, we left the car; with Percy carrying Ares's backpack, Annabeth switching her watch to shock mode, and me chilling in my godhood.

The doorman looked suspiciously friendly, smiling at us from afar and waving like a long lost friend. "Hey, kids! You look tired. Want to come in and sit down?"

The man looked pretty normal to my senses though, and even to my 'Observe'.

Now I was getting curious.

"Thanks for the invite." I waved back at the guy, dragging my two uncertain friends along.

The moment we entered the casino, our eyes were greeted by a long lobby stacked entirely with games.

"Woah." Percy exclaimed beside me, his head snapping in every direction like a bumbling hillbilly.

And by games, I didn't just mean video games.

I could make out a giant waterslide that spiraled around the glass elevator like a snake. The transparent elevator itself went straight up at least forty fucking floors. The entire casino was open to our viewing pleasure—with no walls barring my eyes—and I could actually see the ceiling of the 40th floor. There was a climbing wall stacked against one side, and a high platform where people were actually trying bungee jumping from. There were even virtual-reality suits with working laser guns.

And then there were the video games. Hundreds and hundreds of them in, and each with a display the size of a widescreen TV.

‘This place is absolutely wild.’

It had everything you could ever want in your entertainment list. From pool tables to go-carts, anything you may need, the casino seemed to have.

There were even stunning blonde waitresses gracefully moving around with trays and plates, and my eyes followed their curvy rumps with professional interest.

As the new god of beauty and desire, it was my divine duty to examine what a woman can offer. And these women seemed like they had a lot to offer.

"Hey!" A well groomed bellhop greeted us, smiling widely. "Welcome to hotel casino! Here's your room key."

"..ah...I don't think..." I cut off Percy's stammering by taking the key.

"Thanks, man." I replied with a smile.

The guy laughed. "Oh, it is my pleasure. Entirely mine!"

He then extended three green credit cards to each of us. "These are your LotusCash cards. They work in the restaurants and any game or machine. Well, that's it folks, I hope you have a wonderful time here!"

"Wait!" Percy called out. "How much is on here?"

The man frowned, his eyebrows knitting together. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, when does it run out of cash?"

The guy laughed politely. "Oh, you're making a joke. Hey, that's cool. Enjoy your stay."

Percy shot me an uncertain glance and I just shrugged. Maybe there was some devil magic here to supply unlimited bucks.

I couldn’t care less. My focus was already on a very hot item bent over a billiard table, revealing her shapely bottoms to my appreciative gaze.

Sadly I needed to freshen up first, so we took the elevator upstairs and checked out our room. It was a suite with three separate bedrooms and a bar stocked with expensive wines and quality drinks, along with bags of chips and sodas.

There were also some fluffy towels laid neatly upon a rack, water beds with feather pillows, a big-screen television with satellite, a hotline to service room, and a high-speed Internet.

After touring the rooms I went outside, heading for the balcony. It had its own hot tubs—filled with steaming water—under the open sky. There was another tub beside it, completely filled with ice cubes. Buried between them were over a dozen beer bottles, laying luxuriously in the icy tub like kings.

There was also a skeet-shooting machine, along with a shotgun, so you could launch clay pigeons right over the Las Vegas skyline, and shoot them down with your gun. Probably illegal, but the heavy mist covering the casino negated such worries.

Which was most likely why no one was around the entrance except the doorman.

The balcony gave us a mind-blowing view over the Las Vegas Strip and desert, which I knew would be even more shocking in the night, when the city of sins and light truly begins to shine. I went back inside to see Annabeth plopping down belly-first on her chosen water bed.

"Oh, goodness," She exclaimed. "This place is—"

"The coolest thing I've even seen!" Percy cut in. "So cool it blew away my clothes."

The boy had new clothes in his hands, looking like the perfect size for him. With the clothes still hanging upon his arm, the boy picked up Ares's backpack and promptly threw it in the trash can.

"Wouldn't need that anymore." The boy announced with a childish glee.

I snorted. "And who do you think will remove the supplies, Percy?”

The boy blinked at me.

“Go back and pick that up. There are cubes of ambrosia and nectar in there.”

As the boy scrambled to follow, I decided to properly freshen up too. We each had our own bathroom—as big as a living room in an average house—packed with various shampoos, soaps, body washes, and anything we might or might not need.

After a long shower—in which time I felt myself harden in need again—I quickly dressed up in form-fitting clothes—White and blue of course—tight enough to show off my body and impress some ladies.

The other two—all bathed and dolled up—were sitting on the couch; relaxed, watching Nat Geo wild.

Annabeth’s cheeks flared up as she noticed me, eying my chiseled abs with the discretion of a cat, before clearing her throat in discomfort. "So uh…what now? Sleep?"

Percy, on the other hand, had a giant grin on his face. "Or play time!?"

I gave a short laugh as the duo stared at me like excited puppies. "Yeah go ahead and have fun. I'll be doing the same."

The kids had never ran faster in their lives.

I followed in a slow saunter, my smile widening with every step. It was time for some fun now. After all, I must properly research how my powers work…

And the casino was a perfect spot to explore desires.

It was bound to be a pleasurable day, and I intended to enjoy myself to the extreme.

All in the name of research and experimentation.


AN: And finished! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Finally, Mikael has unlocked his domains. Did the scene feel too anticlimactic? I just couldn't find an easy way to make it more epic. Anyway, like we'd selected in the poll, his domains are Holy Power, Beauty and Desire, and Energy creation. Mind you these won't be his only domains but that'll come when he becomes either True god or Elder god. I haven't decided yet.

Anyway, the next chapter will likely be the second to last one in this arc, and chapter 32 should bring in some big revelations. Including dxd characters.

Also, just a teaser; that Ares bag doesn't hold the bolt. It really is just a gift  from Ares. What happened to the bolt then? Find out in the next chapter!

Well, that's all for today. If you find any errors pls let me know. I'll see you all tomorrow. 

Till then, have a wonderful time. Peace!

P.S: If you have any cool skill suggestions for his new domains, do let me know.



Getting to the good stuff, Thanks for the chapter. Also does this hades have Lilith captured as well.

Robert Stevens

Oh can he control the heaven system then


He should be able to, yes. Though I haven't thought that far yet.