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Hello and welcome all! Hope you've been enjoying the recent chapters!

Now I wanted to address this real quick; I've recently received an exit survey saying they were pissed off at only receiving 3-4 days of subscription (they joined at 26th of last month) and having to pay again for this month. First of all, I really hadn't thought that this could be an issue (I assumed patreon informs you of these things), which is why I never addressed this before. Now for anyone still confused, let me quickly clarify:

Patreon's policy is to collect the money on the 1st of each month and I have absolutely no say in this. So if you join towards the month end, you'll still have to pay again for the 1st of next month. In this month, for instance, your subscription will run from 1st of April to 30th of April, before getting renewed at the start of the next month. It doesn't matter at what date you join in April, your subscription will get renewed on may 1 if you decide to stay. And I don't have any rights/ability to change this system. 

Well, hopefully there are no more misunderstandings.

Now onto other things!

I have for you today a Strange Old World Poll, with a simple question; What do you want to see next?

Now that the World Cup arc is over, we'll be heading into a different territory, and I don't want to go into it blindly (like I did with MS lol). So out of all the options presented, what are you looking forward to the most? 

Note that the final product will be a balance of everything without a doubt, and the plot pace is likely to be just as slow as the World Cup arc, but what topics do you really want me to get absolutely perfect in SOW? Like, really want me to put all my focus in?

Let me know your thoughts below! 

Now for the daily update...I've managed to complete my daily target, and I have to say I'm really excited for the next MGO chapter. Things are about to get real saucy once he gets his domains ;)

Well, that was all for today. Tomorrow, I'll try to post images for Thalia, Annabeth, and rest of Mikael's harem.

Till then, take care, be safe, and peace!



While personally, I think that at this point the overall focus should be on the consequences of the events at the World Cup. Of the listed options I definitely think things like Harry's relationship should be a the forefront as Harry is our main character and that it was this event where so many of them had very important events that would affect their relationship with Harry, Tonks, and Harry's encounter, Lily and the loss of Jacob and potentially James, the death of Fleur's father, and how him being dead now affects both Fleur and Appoline. Heck if I am being honest, I really think the only one of Harry's relationships that didn't have a majorly emotional shifting event occur, was Bellatrix. Though I would admittedly also really like to see at least a little bit of Jacob's perspective maybe do the whole every little bit we see small snippets back to Jacob's perspective to kind of show that the Jacob sections and the Harry sections are basically happening at the same time, kind of like how you often see it done in films to show concurrent events happening in 2 different locations.


Many of the other options such as Harry getting stronger could be shown during moments of Harry's relationship development such as training with Bella and Lily to show Harry's getting stronger, Jacob's plot giving hints towards the Grindlewald plot like maybe he hears one of his speeches to his soldiers, or the whole British politics could be covered when he talks with Tonks or Bella as they are both Aurors and would be privy to this kind of info. Finally, let's be honest, Harry being a badass would pretty much work in anything even Jacob's plot to a minor degree. I think that would be something that would show just from Harry's interactions with other people in general. Sorry for the long posts. Just had a lot to say about this fic which I have REALLY come to enjoy. P.S. added smut is never a bad thing either LOL Keep up the awesome work.