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Greetings, all my dear patrons! Welcome back to a new month! 

Firstly, sorry for the utter silence yesterday. I had a little accident; took a nasty tumble down my bike. No major injuries except scrapping my knees, and abrasions and burns on the back of my palms and knuckles: which made typing quite painful. I was going to post a very tiny update from my phone informing you all of the situation but holy hell was Patreon being a lil bitch. Probably busy cause it was payment day and all, but the site just wouldn't let me post.

Though the next update will be released tomorrow, so have no worries. It may drop a couple of hours late (cause I wasn't able to write a single word yesterday, would've to catch up a lot) but it will certainly come.

Now for the images posted above; I have for you today my versions of Susan Bones, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Cho Change, and Tracey Davis. The only one that I had a problem with was Tracey Davis....cause I realized (when looking for her image) that I just didn't know how to imagine her as. So I went researching, and received a minor shock as I found out that Tracey is not a canon character at all. Like, not even mentioned in passing at any point in the entire 7 books. 

.....Which basically means she can be whatever I want ;) So boom! The pretty grey-eyed, brown-haired girl is now my official Tracey. 

Also, I know Harry always described Pansy as a pug-faced girl, but that could also be his own biases. Plus. she's always sneering and taunting him, and her ugly expression could give her the pug-faced look. The only other person who describes her appearance is Rita Skeeter, as 'beautiful and vivacious' which could again be her own bias as she was targeting Harry/Hermione. Whatever the case, she's different here so meh. Who cares.

Anyway, that's all I had for today. Let me know which other characters you'd like an image of, and I'll see ya all tomorrow in the chapter updates. Till then stay safe, have fun, and peace!




I dont know if i missed it but is harry the eldest? And therefore the heir or is it jacob?


Yeah Harry is the heir, but it's not mentioned in the story cause the topic hasn't become relevant yet.


Hope you feel better bike accidents are no joke my Father still has broken bone from his last month


I'm much better, thnx. Luckily I landed safely from the fall, and the bruises have already dried up and subdued. Atleast, enough to not hinder me in writing.