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Hello and welcome my wonderful patrons! Hope no one was taken off-guard by the NSFW pics. I've cleared through patreon's rulebook, and it seems I'm free to post this content as long as I keep it to patron-only, so enjoy!

Though do keep in mind this isn't gonna become a Por*n channel, I'm just posting these for you lot to get an idea for the level of lewdness that my SOW characters have. The six images that I've posted are for Fleur, Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy, and Hermione. Apart from the proper portraits, all the lewd ones are taken from either discords or google-images. So if you're looking for this kinda content you can check those out (there's also the patreon watermarks for anyone interested).

Also, the images that I'd posted yesterday are official faces of those characters, but their physiques will be similar to these ones. Fleur for instance; I've posted another portrait of her beside the nsfw animated one, so just visualize her face on the busty body and you'll get an accurate image of what I imagine her to look like. Same with Dora; imagine her portrait on the lewd body and you'll get what she looked like when Harry banged her (though for Tonks you can also just take the lewd face as official, cause she's quite beautiful in there).

I'll see if I can find images for Susan, Pansy, Daphne, and all the girls/women that Harry might or might not bang. And yes, I mean proper portrait, not lewds lol.

Now for some daily update: I've barely managed to write a 2k words scene, bringing the chapter total (of MS Ch.18) to 3k words, leaving me a dangerous challenge of writing more than the usual amount tomorrow (probably 2.5k or so) while editing it as well.

So I'll quickly take my leave and go back to work.

For anyone curious, the respective chapters for each Tiers are such:

Elder Gods: Mystique Soldier Ch.18

True Gods: Strange Old World Ch.15

Minor Gods: Mystique Soldier Ch.16 

Demigods: Mortal God of Olympus Ch.26

Well, that's all for today, see ya in tomorrow's updates! Till then stay safe, have a nice day, and peace!




I'm pretty sure that tonks has a dick


either that or a elephant trunk in her pants