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Welcome my favorite group of people in the world! Hope you've been enjoying your life.

Now for our latest poll results, I would once again like to reiterate that this might not be the final choice I end up making for the fic. I already had plans for Mikael's domains, and the poll was more to see your opinions and get some better ideas.

So without further ado, the top 5 domains that you lot would like Mikael to have (from highest to lowest) are:

  • Beauty & Desire: 43
  • Holy Power: 42
  • Divine Power: 40
  • Energy Creation: 25
  • Sex: 19
  • Demonic Power: 19

So these were the top choices selected, and I'll be choosing any three for Mikael's domains. Energy Creation, like I'd said the last time, is important to both plot and character, so it's a confirmed one. 

I've also been giving a lot of thought to beauty and desire ever since its top 5 position was confirmed. It hadn't been in my plans originally, but I could see the appeal.

With this, Mikael will actually become a new age Adonis, who himself was a god of beauty and desire (he inspired this option in the first place), and I could see many....interesting effects taking place due to this lol. 

Anyway, the third will either be Sex (which had been my original plan) or one of the powers (most likely Holy or Divine). The reason I was thinking about selecting Sex was cause I really liked the sound of 'God of Domination and Debauchery'. And if debauchery were to be a major domain, what could be its minor form? Sex. Thus the option.

God of Holy Power on the other hand, doesn't have quite the same ring to it, does it? Also, what could be its major form? Maybe I'll just stick all the energies into his domains. Idk, as I said, I'm still undecided on the last one. It will most likely be between Holy power and sex though.

Well that concludes another poll! Thnx for your participation!

On other news, SOW Ch.16 is coming along nicely. I've just hit my daily goal of 2k words, and will try to write some more though probably won't succeed (I'm quite drowsy now).

Another thing I wanted to talk about....I got a PM yesterday accusing me of posting the same chapter again and again. Just to clarify, no I'm not posting repeat chapters. Its just that when I unlock a chapter for a lower tier, the higher ones also get emailed (I think?). So while it may seem like you're getting the same bloody chapter, you're not. Every tier unlocks a new chapter each 3 days. If anyone's still having some problem navigating through the chapters, pls let me know. 

You can also use the tags (which are at the top) to filter through the posts.

Anyway, that was all for today. The next update's on 24, and I'm off to work on it some more.

Have a nice day y'all. Take care, stay safe, and peace!


Orion Chung

Last one let it be Holy power


How about you combine demonic, holy and divine into one called holy demonic divinity


Hehe, not a bad name. Just a bit dorky. Which, now that I think about it, suits well in dxd lol.


Yeah probably for the best. He will still have some more to choose when he becomes a True or Elder god, so the top 5 domains from the poll will all be in his repertoire I think.