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Hello and welcome all, to a new month and a new Poll! If anyone's still having any issues navigating through the chapters, let me know through comments or messages.

Today's poll, like I said yesterday, is once again for Strange Old World. And it concerns the fate of our resident jealous teen, Jacob Potter. 

So my question is, would you be terribly bothered with Jacob going dark? Not evil or any sudden bs like that. Just an angsty teen who had no idea of what the world is, and ends up making some horrible mistakes. Sort of like a young Snape.

From the 2nd or 3rd chapter of this story, I had this idea of Jacob's character arc taking him through some pretty fucked up situations, all meant to broaden his horizons. The first was naturally to make him join The Alliance (or death eaters, but Alliance seems more novel). Not only would it allow me to show you things outside of England through a familiar Pov, but it'll also open a lot of new doors as far as plot goes.

I've come to realize however that my plan was entirely too predictable and cliché, cause I got a lot of comments and reviews sort of calling it out from the start, and not liking the idea at all.

It's one of those things where you know that this and this person, who is close to MC, is gonna be his enemy in the future, and you can't help but be frustrated. You see it a mile away, like a dark premonition, but there's nothing you can do save for warning the author off of it.

And I've realized it now, but am still ready to do it. So I wanted your opinions on this. My question isn't if Jacob should go dark or not, but if it'll bother you any should he do go that way.

It's fine if you guys are skeptical about the plan, I'm sure I can convince you otherwise with time. Just let me know if this'll be an instant deal breaker for any. 

Once again, I'll probably only change my decision if the voting is like 90-10 ratio against me. 

Well, that's it for today's Poll. If you have any questions unrelated to the subject, feel free to comment it here, it's fine. Or you can msg me if you want. 

Hope you all have a wonderful March, have fun and peace!

P.S: I didn't want to bring any irl stuff here but it's just too much to ignore. If there's anyone even slightly related to the stuff happening in Ukraine, my heart goes out for you buddy. Hold on tight, and hopefullly things get better. I know words don't mean much, but just know we're all praying for you. Peace and good luck.


Andrew Mckeown

Generally prefer the author to stick with their gut, for what its worth I cant see even a slightly reasonable person joining those who have tried to kill either themselves or their family. Like the idea of him going dark (whatever that means) more if their was a third side to go for. Even inaction is considered morally wonky in certain circumstances if a neutral side was chosen.


Honestly, I think the idea is a bit more original than you might think as generally, the "Other Brother" going dark or doing something dark has almost always been due to the manipulative influences of Dumbledore or being raised as a spoilt brat or arrogant jerk rather than the brother going dark due to their own choices and then mistakenly taking that first plunge on their own. The truth is that tragedy and loss can often be a catalyst for someone to start doing things that normally they would never do. It's the whole A to Z pathway to villainy. A to B doesn't seem like a major thing but with each step closer to Z is rationalized until eventually, you begin to be able to rationalize things you at the start would see as nothing short of monstrous. However, that is why some of the best villains actually see themselves as the hero of their own story, it's all about perspective in the end. Regardless of which way you choose to go, I feel that your writing so far leaves me feeling that it will come out pretty good and interesting and that you should trust your gut on this matter.