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Hello and welcome to another post by yours truly. Before we begin with our new Poll, I want to discuss with y'all something that has been biting my mind for quite a while now. 

I told you last time about people leaving with the reason that they aren't receiving the benefits that I've promised, but it was just too vague for me to make any sense. Well I got a new exit survey, and thankfully they explained it just a little more.

'It feels like I'm just constantly re-reading chapters.' So roughly this was the reason given, on top of not receiving the benefits promised, and it has made me think that maybe there are a few of you who haven't been able to read the latest chapters that were unlocked for your Tier.

Each three days, I not only release a new chapter, but also unlock the next chapter for each Tier. So you get emails for all 4 chapters that I've posted or updated, and only 1 of them is meant for you. Till now I just sort of assumed you'll know which chapter is unlocked for your Tier but if not then I'll start marking what your next chapter is from now on.

Tomorrow, these are the chapters that will be unlocked for each Tier:

For Demigods: Strange World Ch.10

For Minor Gods: Mortal God Ch.23

For True Gods: Mystique Soldier Ch.13

For Elder Gods: Mortal God Ch.25

You can just click on the 'Chapter' tag on the top, which will present you with just the chapters. From there, It'll be easy for you to know which chapter is meant for you.

Hope this helps, now on with the Poll!

Today's Poll is for Mystique Soldier, to decide what secondary ability Harry should have. Do note that none of the options that I've presented are omega level in power. They're just minor/useful abilities that won't be a game changer by themselves.

 Also, halfway through making the list, I realised that Harry doesn't really need anything for combat. Thus were born the abilities Pheromone Secretion and Mechanical Mastery. Both are simple abilities like the rest. Mechanical Mastery will grant Harry with Tony Start level of genius with machines. 

Pheromone secretion is my new personal favourite as it'll grant Harry the most noble ability of seduction. So he'll be able to make any woman all hot and bothered.

There are nine abilities in total, and this is definitely the last X-men ability he gains (for now ;)) so choose wisely!

That's all for today, I'll see you lot tomorrow with a new bunch of chapters.

Till then, hold on tight, and may the best ability (Pheromones secretion) win!





Bruh people are really going to waste a power on pheromones? We already know the harem already it isn’t even needed. Compared to some of the kickass powers available in the poll this is such a waste. Harry is a fcking wizard duh he can use magic, legilimency, potions and pseudo Veela magic he could create to make his own pheromones. We really should be voting for stuff he can’t achieve with magic. I think everyone used their little head for this poll and didn’t think it through.


Personally I'm very glad with the choice. For the past few days I was thinking of just scrapping off the 2nd ability. Cause once I went over Harry's build, I realized he was already too op, and if an ability that could remove his main weakness was selected, I might end up completing his build a little too early. There would be nothing for me to work on. Especially considering I have plans for Mystic arts, Vibranium, Extremis etc etc. Pheromones is a fun little ability that won't help him in a fight....unless his opponent is some sexually frustrated woman. Also, Harry would never create something like Pheromone secretion by himself, as it provides nothing for his goals.