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Hope you're all having an exquisite day. Myself? I'm just too freaking tired right now, so I'll get straight to our new polls.

Today's poll is for Strange Old World, and is kinda urgent cause I may have to change my plans for the next chapter.

I've been getting quite a few comments, not just from you guys but all cross the three public platforms, to add Tonks in the pairings.

My original plan was for Tonks to patch up with Bill but maintain a steamy affair with Harry on the side (Sorry Bill fans). It would've been all sorts of fucked up, kinky hot shit, with plenty of emotional drama.

So today's Poll is simple: Should Tonks be properly added in Harry's harem? Or should I continue with my original plan? You decide!



I also really find the idea of Harry's brother being driven mad with jealousy when he finds out that all of the women that his brother has. I mean his hot mother, his Milf crush, Bella, his dream girl, Fleur, Fleur's mom, Appoline to he no doubt will have the hots for, and now the young woman that he spent the early years growing up as his big sister. I can't help but laugh thinking of his reaction.


I was indisposed for 2 days I came back and my wish is true