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Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Chapter 9– A Family Reunion


11th August, 2007,

Hogwart's Medical ward

Harry Potter sat on the bed of a medical ward, quietly observing the next couple to walk inside the room.

Both were wizards, Harry knew this without using his skill. Why? Because both wore the same out-of-fashion robes the previous two wore.

The man stood tall and lanky, just under 6 feets. There were some age lines on his otherwise young face, and a unique haunted look in his eyes similar to what war veterans usually sported. Dark raven hair made a goose nest above his head, just as messy as Harry's probably were without two days of proper care, and a pair of square spectacles sat on his nose loosely.

The woman, on the other hand, was very pretty. One of the most beautiful women he'd seen in a long while. Her stunningly pretty face was crowned by red hairs, more vibrant than Natasha's, that flowed freely down her slender shoulders like hot lava. Even the small hesitant smile she wore when entering the room lit up the room with her beauty.

The main features though, has to be her eyes. The pair of Emerald green eyes, quite similar to his own, stared around the room with a crazed intensity, frantically searching until they finally rested on him.

Then, as if a damn burst open, she started sprinting towards him with a loud sob. "Oh, Harry!"

Instantly he was out of bed, a blue Wandless shield forming to protect him from the crazy lady as all thoughts of her stunning beauty left his mind.


The woman bounced off of his shield, and would've fallen on her butt had the man not waved his wand, suspending her mid-air.

The woman, Lily, didn't seem to care. She just righted herself and stuck her face right back against the shield, her eyes drinking him in with urgent need.

"Harry!" She whispered desperately. "Baby, it's me. Your mother."

Tears were starting to form at the corner of her eyes, and he felt a sting of discomfort. To be at the opposite side of a gaze filled with such extreme longing and pain was slightly unnerving.

"Look lady, I don't know you." He stated with hesitance as the other man came to stand behind her. "You are supposed to be my parents, but I'd always thought of you as dead till now. So how about you calm down and we can talk like civilised people, yes?"

The woman didn't even hesitate as she quickly wiped away her tears, nodding frantically. The man behind her clutched her comfortingly.

"It's fine, Lily." The man whispered, rubbing her shoulders. "He's here now. We'll all be together soon. But you need to control yourself, alright? For Harry's sake."

As the male comforted the female, slowly whispering in her ears, Harry frowned. Something was not right with the woman. Through this all, she had yet to take her eyes off of him. He had seen the look in many a crack addicts, staring at the drugs like it was their salvation.

She looked at him like he was her drug, the solution to all her questions in this dark world.

His eyes scanned both of them carefully, observing their status and looking for any indication of their threat level.

Lily Potter

Age: 31

Level: 65

Reputation: Exalted

Affection: 92

His eyebrows shot up at the last two pieces of info.

'It must be the new Gamer functions.' He concluded. Affection and reputation...his system had just given him a late birthday gift it seems.

A lot of his suspicions were quickly diminished through just a look at their status. If what his system said was true, and Harry trusted it enough to believe it did, then the woman held him to an exalted reputation. A status that was most likely at the peak of reputation bar.

After a moment or two, the woman seemed to calm down a lot. It was quite similar to that greasy-haired wizard, who was able to achieve supreme calmness after just a moment of concentration.

And if that man wasn't with Hydra, then he either went through mental rehabilitation of another organization...or he was using magic. The later was the most likely case when taken into consideration his new mother also seemed to know that skill.

Though her's was visibly less perfect than his. Harry could still see the desperation and want hidden beneath the calm curtain.

While the woman was able to form a calm exterior, the male was starting to fidget under his gaze.

"So..ahh...h-hey, Son." The man started akwardly, only to get elbowed by his wife.

"What he means is..." She started, taking charge, but quickly quietened when his eyes shifted to her. "That is..."

She seemed to forget what she was going to say as the two pairs of similar green eyes stared into each other.

Harry was...confused. Were they nervous? He could understand if the woman was going through some mental recovery, but even the male acted so...uncertain.

That was such a non-adult-like behaviour. Or perhaps his perception of adulthood was skewed by his wish to grow up.

He sighed. It looks like he will have to take the lead, cause the two seemed content to just devourer him through their eyes, unable to believe the reality.

"Please, take a seat." He said, waving at the bed at his side as he himself retook his position. "And my apologies for almost Killing you."

The two broke eye-contact, coming back to themselves. With small hesitant smiles, his supposed parents sat down across from him.

"Oh, don't worry about yesterday at all!" The man enthused. "We attacked you first, so..."

Harry nodded.

He didn't regret attacking him of course. It was simply a polite courtesy.

Harry opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the woman.

"I'm sorry." She blurted out, her semblance of calmness slowly but surely eroding as her eyes filled up with tears again. "I'm so so sorry for what you went through, Love. It is m-my fault. I should've never... I would've never imagined my baby... I just.."

"Alright, enough." Harry ordered, her stuttering making him irritated. He ignored the confusing warmth that tweaked in his chest at the word 'Love'. "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Explain yourselves before you give out apologies. Better yet, start with introductions."

"I'm sorry." She apologized again, making him grimace. "I mean...my name is Lily. I'm... I'm your mother, Harry."

She leaned closer to him, her hand 'sneakily' trying to get ahold of his arm.

"And I'm James. Your father." The man cut in with a roguish smile.

"I see." Harry stated, smacking away the offending hand. "So you're my new... family."

Family...such a foreign word for him. Even when he was on the verge of being broken by Hydra, he never wished for a family.

Revenge on Dursleys? Yeah sure, gladly. Torture Hydra agents till their minds break? A right wet dream that was. But family? Never. He never once dreamed of it. He hated the Dursleys too much to even consider the thought of a 'good' family.

And now here they were.

The family part seemed to appease his mother atleast, because she quickly broke out in a wide smile.


He frowned again, pushing away the unbidden thought.

"Now explain to me," He started again, his eyes locking on the two. "Why you wished to apologise."

The woman turned to her husband, exchanging silent looks, before taking a deep breath and turning to him again.

"I was talking about...about that cupboard under those stairs." She almost spat out the words. "What those horrible people did to you. It was...it was my fault. Oh honey, I'm so so sorry. I should never have trusted Dumbledore. I should've known the senile old fool will mess up. Petunia...that horrible woman, she was my sister...she should've been better."

"Really?" He asked, geniunly surprised. Petunia Dursley Did Not look anywhere close to the redhead beauty sitting in front of him. "That ugly horse was your sister?"

The man snorted, then snorted again...before finally breaking down in laughter.

"Oh, aptly put my son." He wheezed out.

Lily on the other hand, looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"What?" He tilted his head. "Are you upset I called her that?"

"N-No! Of course not." She replied hurriedly, taking this chance to finally grab his hand and clutch it tightly into her chest.

A very very bountiful chest.

'Uhh, shut up horny brain.'

"Good." He continued. "Because she had some really colourful words for you two. Until a few minutes ago, I believed my father was a jobless bum and my mother, a prostitute. And they both died in a car crash."

Both of them grimaced, though James looked like he wanted to hit something.

Harry kept going. "I'm sure the Minister's already informed you, but I haven't been living in this country for a long time. Originally, I'd come here to...dish out some well-deserved justice on the Dursleys. Which is...to kill them. I hope you aren't upset about that."

Harry observed the two closely, looking for any indication about their thoughts on killing.

It was easy to conclude that these two would want to take him to their home.

While Harry itched to use his own cash and make his own way in this world, he also knew the advantages a magical house could provide. Not only would he be able to learn more about magic, he could also see about this Hoggy Warty Hogwarts quest, and how to complete it.

But that doesn't mean he'll ever live with some queasy civilians who thought of him as a monster if the info about his life came out.

And it will, he had no doubts. Sooner or later, it will. Too many people knew about his existence to hide the truth. Mystique Soldier was quite a famous assassin afterall. Or infamous, depending on the person.

He expected the two to show some horror...or maybe even disgust.

But instead, they took it as if it was a completely expected piece of news. The only reaction came from the woman, who decided to cash in on the opportunity and finally get close enough to put her hands around him fully.

"I would never be upset with you, honey." She hugged him tightly, and he didn't know if he should give into his instincts and cut her head off, or give into his hormonal reaction and cope a feel of those massive knockers slapping him on his face.

So he just stayed rooted in his seat, wary and aroused, letting the woman hug him tightly while enjoying the soft squishy flesh pressing against his mouth.

"You can call her whatever you want." She whispered. "You can do whatever you want, and I'll always love you. Dumbledore did say something about you having killed before...I just want you to know that I don't care. I don't care if you slaughter the entire country, you'll always be my baby boy."

That was... surprising. And very much unexpected. Though, how did the minister know he'd killed before?

Whatever the case, this makes everything much more easier.

"Just so you know Harry, Petunia was lying." James cut in, stating the obvious. "That stupid bitch was probably jeal–"

"James!" Lily cut him off. "Don't curse in front of him."

Harry turned to her confused, still hidden under her breasts. "You're fine with me killing, but a few words cause you problem?"

She ignored his words, tightening her hold around him. "I'm so glad you're back with us, my darling boy. It must've been horrible for you. We suspected you were taken in by death-eaters and tried to search throughout the entire continent with no luck. Should've known you'd be in a whole different continent. But now you are here and I promise you we will do everything in our power to give you a life you deserve. Just... forgive us. Please."

He focused his mind, not wanting to be distracted by those two globes of natural goodness that the woman was once again thrusting in his face. Though they were quite worthy of being distracted for.

Life, Harry was realising, had its own type of fairness. A type of fairness that loved to screw with people's expectations. There he'd been, merely a couple of days ago, thinking he'd finally hit the curb. Instead, life turned around and gave him a massive opportunity.

Now he had a pair of wizards loyal to him, guaranteed by his own system, and one of them was most likely willing to do anything he commanded her of. Not only could he now complete the next story quest, he could also grow insanely strong in a short amount of time.

Without Hydra's supervision, Harry was free to explore and learn any magic that he wished for, and now he was given a free ticket to the source.

Before all of this however, he needed information. Ignorance can no longer be tolerated. Only after he was sure he knew everything about this country, would he truly trust it enough to proceed with his plans.

"I have a few questions for you, miss Lily." He said, after a few moments of silence. "Should you answer them to my satisfaction, I will gladly forgive you."

Lily glanced at her husband, seemingly having a silent conversation, not unlike Snape and Dumbledore now that he thought about it...it made him wonder if those two were couple too? Perhaps.

He knew about gays and lesbians, so it wasn't far fetched that the same would be present in wizards as well. But the age discrepancy between them was quite mile...but then, who was he to judge? Especially after he's been perving upon a woman two decades older than him. He had no right to judge.

So Snape and Dumbledore may be couples. The info was useless but he will keep it in mind for...future blackmail or manipulation.

"Of course, Harry." The woman replied, bringing back his focus. "You can ask us anything."

And thus, the Potter couple spent the next hour quenching Harry's curiosity and thirst for knowledge.


11th August 2007, 

Unknown, USA

Voldemort looked in the mirror, staring at his perfect looks in appreciation.

He loathed to admit it, but these American skin healers were quite talented. He was completely unrecognisable from his previous reptilian structure.

He shouldn't have to care of course. He expected any being on this world to bow down in submission, regardless of what he may look. But he knew the importance of charisma. To gather an army, you must look the part of a leader first. And in time, they shall fall in line and grovel at his feets. He should know, his death-eaters were prime examples.

Then again, he shouldn't have to gather an army either. The power he possessed...what being could truly hope to contend with him? No one. No one...except for Dumbledore. Voldemort did not fear that old man of course, contrary to what so many people in that blasted backwater country may believe. No, he was simply cautious of the Old one's bag of tricks.

...And his ability to lead. Which was exactly why he needed an army.

7 years...7 years he'd spent recovering from those horrible wounds he received that accursed night. 7 years, he'd roamed these lands, waiting for the only mortal part of his being to heal fully; his body.

The horcruxes had done their job, giving a successful result in his path to immortality. Even a killing curse as powerful as his own couldn't kill him now.

Of course, he would know that too. He did eat his own killing curse to the face afterall. Somehow that pathetic tiny creature had made his power rebound to himself. The injuries that he'd Recieved that day...7 years it took to recover. Then again, was it any surprise? He truly was the most powerful being in existence. That it only took him mere half a dozen years was a testament to his own talent and genius, venturing so deep in the path of immortality.

But Dumbledore...that old willy bastard hasn't been idle. To take the postion of minister, after so many refusals...Yes, the old man has been preparing for war. And voldemort had done nothing. Because he could do nothing. And now he cannot even return to England publically. Too risky.

So, for the last three years, he'd tried to expand his power elsewhere. With...not quite the level of success as he would've liked. Then again, no one liked to follow a horrendous looking serpent. Oh yes, lord voldemort understood how a mortal's mind works. Not that they lived long enough to say that a second time of course.

But now, finally restored to full, he could push his expansion to another level.

It was only a matter of time. Just a mere few years, and he will proudly knock upon the English doors.

But first, a meeting with his beloved death eaters will need to be had. Afterall, he cannot let Dumbledore grow even more powerful now, can he?

No, his death eaters had a job. And Lord Voldemort expected it to be done.


"So I have siblings?" Harry asked, late in the afternoon.

"Oh, yes. Two sisters, one of whom is your twin. You'll be meeting them soon. That is, if you come home with us."

She leaned back, staring in his eyes with hope and trepidation. "You'll come home with us, won't you, Harry? Dumbledore said you might not want to, and to give you space. But what does that senile goat know. He probably wants you to stay under his vision. As if I'll ever let him anywhere near you again."

He ignored Lily's question. From everything they'd informed him till now, Harry would be foolish to not take advantage of the Potter library. If what Lily said was true, then it was one of the biggest magical libraries in Britain, trailing Hogwarts library.

Another thing of interest was the vigilante group that the then-headmaster Dumbledore had formed in the 1986 wizarding war. The group was now legitimised under their minister, and was recognised as a special combat force for Magical Britain.

"And you said you too were part of this...order of spandex?" He asked, his nose wrinkling in distaste.

There was moment of silence before Lily broke out in delighted laughter.

"Oh love, N-No!" The woman stuttered between giggles. "Pheonix, Honey. Order of Pheonix. I swear to Morgana, if the order starts issuing skintight uniforms for us, I'll leave the group in a heartbeat."

"Wait, Why? What's a spandex, Lily?" James looked at them bewildered.

 Harry smiled at his clueless father. "Nothing to worry about. Now, Can you explain to me about... Hogwarts, please?"

"Of course, Love. Ask away."

"Why is it named as such?" He asked the most troubling thing.

The woman grimaced.

"Is this school some...animals medication academy? Where we learn about different magical skin diseases that happens to a pig?"

There was another moment of silence as his parents digested his speculation.

"Blood hell, I never thought about it that way." James muttered. "Gee, thanks for the image kid. Just what I needed after a long and stressful day."

Harry frowned. "Why else would that be any school's name? If anything, blame your school's founders. What kind of educational hub names itself Hogwarts?"

"The magical kind." Lily answered, her grimace now marred with exasperation. "You will soon find that people in here have a horrible naming sense, Harry. You need a special kind of patience to live in magical Britain."

"What's that supposed to mean?" A frowning James asked.

"I see." Harry said with a nod, ignoring the plebian in front of them.

"Since no one wants to tell me anything, I will go and prepare for our departure." The man said, standing up with a groan.

"James, No!" Lily yelled out. "Don't go to that bastard alone."

Her face was tense, and he got the feeling that she was suppressing her more colourful words due to his presence.

"I'll be quick, promise. You go take Harry back to godricks hollow. Sirius will be–"

Harry's magic leapt out towards the man, dragging him down to his seat again.

He wasn't quite done with his questions yet. As much as he trusted his system's judgement, there were things that he wished to make abundantly clear to the Potters.

And he will need Gamer's Mind to properly go through each of the scenarios.

[Gamer's Mind: Activated]

Calm logic washed away his passive lust and ease.

"Be seated." Harry ordered coldly. "I will need assurances before I agree to join your...family."

The two seemed to realise that they were still seated with a cold-blooded killer, though neither even twitched.

Lily did grumble slightly when he unwrapped himself away from her grasp.

"Of course, Harry." James was the one to answer this time, amicably spreading his arms wide. "We understand. But please, I would appreciate it if you could count yourself in our family as well."

Harry hummed, his mind gathering the politest words to describe his feelings.

Independence was one thing he valued the most. Right below magic and above internet. Even Shield hadn't forced him to do anything that he wasn't willing to do. And no one else will. Not even his family.

And he intended to let them know it right away.

"Let me make one thing clear between us then, something that is very important to me. I am not, and will never be, under any authority that I do not trust. Neither the government, nor yours. I've lived the past six, almost seven years, on my own, without any kind of authoritarian figure, so I hope you'll understand if I'm...unwilling to listen to your every word. Like every parent expects their child to do."

Did he want a family in the first place? No. He did not wished to be tied down to a group of people that he may not fully trust.

The world was too large and mysterious to limit himself to such a thing. His main goal will always remain to experience his life, and everything it has to offer, in full. While strengthening himself to survive that experience as well.

Everything else was simply a side quest.

"We understand." Lily nodded somberly, looking not even a little upset. "You've been through too much to follow our words without any questions. You have every right to your freedom."

She slowly got up, cautiously removing her wand with one hand raised in a sign of peace. Of course, he still prepared to defend himself, even knowing how helpless he'd be against two wizards.

A good thing she never pointed her wand at him. Though he did feel a light wave of magic suppressing the sound around the medical room.

"Just an extra precaution." She answered the unasked question, once again taking a seat beside him.

Her face was decidedly more grim and serious than it had been the entire day. "Now, I want you to believe me when I say this Harry, as long as you don't intend to slaughter your siblings in their sleep, your father and I are fine with anything you do. The many years that we'd spent in St. Mungo's had convinced us of one thing very clearly; There is nothing more important in this world than family. We were young and foolish when we risked our children in that war. Now? Now neither of us give one flying galleon about this country, or it's people. So you truly don't need to fear any judgement from us. We may not know what you went through, but we've experienced a hell of our own."

James approached him as well, laying a hand on his shoulder. "Family comes first, Harry. Whatever you may have done, whatever you will do in the future...neither of us care. As long as we are all together, safe and sound, we will be happy."

The honesty and intensity behind their words convinced him to drop the Gamer's Mind. A strange unfamiliar warmth once again spread through his chest as he mulled over their words. He felt a strange...kinship with them. His parents may not know what he really was, but they'd faced their own share of suffering and pain. They understood him, to a certain degree.

'What an unusual family...it will indeed be a shame to not complete it.'

Truly, there was no reason not to atleast give them a chance.

 He should never have doubted his system. His fellow Potters were trust worthy, and Harry was ready to give his new family a try.

"Alright, but do know that staying with someone like you will be a new experience for me. So I have some conditions..."


Have you ever imagined, what it would be like if you were that last speck of toothpaste stuck inside, and someone squeezed you out of the tube with all their might? Him neither. It just wasn't the sort of thing a person imagines on a daily basis.

So it came as a right shock when he experienced it first hand. The feeling of your being stretching out to impossible limits before completely breaking down...it was horrible.

He wasn't a fan of Apparating. But as he looked around at the change of scenery and realised they've actually teleported a massive distance, he knew he was going to learn it anyway. It was too vital a skill to let go due to some discomfort.

Of course, he fully intended to make his own changes to the spell...when he learns how to.

"Welcome, Honey." Lily whispered softly beside him, and Harry had to catch his breath as he took in the absolute monstrosity in front of him.

It was a castle. A mini-castle that had a modern look to it, making it similar to an enormous manor...but Harry still considered it a castle.

"It's massive." He uselessly commented.

"This, my dear son, is our ancestral home, The Potter Manor." James proudly stated. "Every generation of Potter has lived in here. Though we do have other properties, and a cottage in Godric's Hollow that I'm dying to show you. You spent your first birthday there you know."

 Harry absently nodded, his eyes still taking the enormous 'Manor'. Huge pillars supported the entire manor, glinting bright gold under the sun. Gold and red seemed to be a thing in his new family because even the massive gates that guarded the manor was golden, and so were the walls.

He couldn't take in the entire manor due to it being too big and them standing too close too it. But from what he could see, it was extravagant. Made for dastardly rich family. Something he would've never dreamt about.

"Come on, Darling. There are people waiting to meet you." Lily said, taking ahold of his arm gently.

Harry let himself be guided inside, all the while his eyes shifted from one thing to another. They passed through a giant set of red doors as they entered the manor, and he came upon another shocking site.

Flying clothes. James casually dropped his cloak to the ground, but instead of falling they simply levitated to the racks and hung themselves. And then he removed his shoes in the middle of the doorway, and they quickly snapped towards a shoe rack, rearranging themselves.


"This might be a lot to take in, but remember, we are here for you, okay?" Lily softly murmured at his side.

He gave her a tiny nod before proceeding to follow James' example. And sure enough, his pair of torn sandals quickly flew towards the rack, looking quite out of place with the other stylish and polished footwears.

Magic, he realised, was so much more than he'd first imagined. What a shame that the only thing he'd learned to do with it was fighting and killing.

James didn't wait for them, excitedly going deeper down the hallway before cupping his hands in front of his mouth. "Come on, people! Guess who's here!"

Only silence greeted them.

"Girls!" He yelled again. "Look's who come home!"

Silence maintained its dominance.

James looked back, confusedly scratching his head. "Did they get bored and leave?"

And then it happened, with the sound of an avalanche, the entire manor shook beneath their feets, and the doors at the end of the hallway suddenly opened with a bang.

"Welcome home, Harry!" Chorused a multitude of people that Harry couldn't see due to the massive storm in front of him.

Colours flew everywhere, red and gold glitters raining down the sky with banging firecrackers erupting in front of his eyes. Mini rockets burst with a satisfying pop, and the coloured glitters started rearranging themselves into a huge 'WELCOME HOME' right above them.

It was loud, it was flashy, and it was irritating.

"That's enough!" James bellowed, his wand swishing in air, and all of a sudden the mixture of sounds stopped completely and the firecrackers vanished from site, though the glittering red and gold 'WELCOME HOME' remained.

And as the entire commotion finally came to a stop, Harry could make out the figures of over half a dozen people standing at the opened doorway.

Instantly, three people separated themselves from the group as James loomed over them. One of them was a stern looking woman who folded her hands.

"I tried to tell him it's a bad idea but...well, you know Sirius." The woman said with a sigh.

One of the three on the other side fell to his knees, his hands clutching his head.

"I planned that for so long! Why, why prongsei...how could you do this to me?" The man sniffed.

"Sirius, stop being a nuisance." The stern witch snapped. "You are leaving a bad impression on your godson."

"Yes, dear." The man meekly nodded, standing back up.

An instant later he seemed to forget the reprimand and began smiling widely at Harry, bowing deeply with a flourish. "Sirius Black, the best prankster in the continent and your personal dogfather, at your service."

Harry nodded, concealing his grimace. "A pleasure, I'm sure."

"Now now, that won't do. No one should be this tense. But I have just the thing that'll make you relax. Let's go and celebrate this auspicious day with some fun!"

The other two that stood behind him cheered. One was a little girl, around his age perhaps, the other was a grown woman who was jumping like a little girl, so not much difference really.

The rest of the adults stared at the three in exasperation.

"Please honey, not now." The man who separated from the group muttered at the cheering woman, pulling her back by her arm.

He was a tall but unkept man, with a shabby robe and wrinkled pants, looking as exhausted as a marathon runner who'd just finished the race.

"Hello Harry." The man politely greeted, extending his hand. "My name is Remus Lupin, an old friend of your parents."

Harry stared at the hand for a quick second before shaking it. "Good to meet you Mr. Lupin."

"Please, call me Remus."

Harry gave him a nod. "Very well, Remus."

The rest of the group introduced themselves, and he quickly sorted them into groups. The clown was sirius black and the stern woman was his wife, Amelia Black. The exhausted looking man was Remus lupin, and the excitable woman was his wife, Sara Lupin.

The last two were Rosalia Potter, his twin sister, also the other culprit in Sirius' gang along with Sara.

And Dorea potter who looked a little moody, quickly leaving for her room after introducing herself.

Harry couldn't careless.

 "Oh, just you wait till I bring the kids over for dinner party." Serius Snickered, rubbing his hands together. "It's gonna be so great! Everyone finally together. Prongs, you have to allow this mate. You can't just ignore it. Five of our kids will be attending Hogwarts this year. Wait...you are going to Hogwarts right?"

The last one was directed at harry.

He shrugged it off. "Maybe. We'll see."

Hogwarts...he hadn't put much thought in it. Magic was something that he definitely intended to learn. But joining a school would mean letting himself be under someone else's authority, something he was loathe to do. What if Hydra has already infiltrated the school? Harry would be a sitting duck, ready to roast and carve.

While he must definitely find a way to complete the Hogwart's quest, he would've to be cautious and careful.

"What's there to see? Hogwarts is the best in the whole world! C'mon prongslet, you can't rea–"

"Sirius." Lily interrupted the man. "We will talk about it later. Harry's had a tough day and needs all the rest he can get. Come, Harry. I will show you your room."

Harry gladly followed the woman, leaving the large group of adults behind.

Finally getting a chance, he started looking around the manor again. They climbed up to the next floor using a wide spherical staircase from the main hall that they were just in. The corridors were wide and luxurious, decorated with moving posters and pictures. The setting of the manor was incredibly open, with bright walls reflecting off light and keeping the rooms warm. He hadn't expected such a huge manor to have this level of natural light.

"So? What you do you think, Love?" Lily prompted, looking worried like he was about to deliver a verdict. "How do you feel?"

"Uncertain." He stated, before quickly following at her disappointed face. "But it's home. I'll get used to it."

She gave him a wide smile. "And we will all help you in it. There is a lot this world has to offer, Harry. Believe me, you will enjoy it."

She closed the distance between them, once again taking him in a tight embrace, and he had to consciously stop himself from jerking away.

He will definitely need to get used to casual physical contact. Kara and Steve were never this physical, so he never got a chance.

They restarted their journey through the corridors, with Lily maintaining her closeness by wrapping a hand around his shoulder.

"We are here." Shr announced as they arrived at the end of the corridor, a dark red door guarding the last room of this floor. "Will you remember the way?"

"Of course."

"The whole room is yours ...oh, what am I saying," She shook her head, looking almost as exhausted as the Lupin guy. "I mean the whole house is yours so you can go anywhere you want really. Though there are still places that could get dangerous so if you find yourself in any trouble, just give a shout to Misty. She is our house elf and will be more than happy to accommodate you."

Harry nodded. "Thank you."

The woman looked hesitant to leave, shifting her weight from left to right. "Well...if you need anything you can send me anytime alright? It doesn't matter what time it is, I'll always be available, so don't hesitate."

"Of course."

She gave another smile, and a very smothering hug, before turning around to leave.

 Harry entered his new room, very much eager to explore. Why? Because the room was enormous. Bigger than any place he'd lived in. It would be better to call it an apartment really, what with inbuilt toilet and bathroom. There was also a massive king sized water bed that he jumped upon with a satisfied sigh, letting his body loosen.

It has been a long and tiring day, even though he hadn't done much physically. Mentally? He was completely drained. This was another reason why he didn't like using gamer's mind too much anymore.

Guess he could shift the exploration part for later. Now was the time for some rest.


AN: The last chapter for today, hope all of you enjoyed it!

Harry's school life is going to start soon, and damn I'm excited for this. His real path to power will start in Hogwarts, and I have some grand things planned for him.

I'll also be posting some Polls soon, and your (True Gods) votes will carry double the value. So whichever options you select, I'll logde two votes instead of 1 when making the final Poll results.

Hope this was worth your support. When we complete our first goal ($250), I might start posting a chapter per 3 days, so definitely stick around.

Really appreciate you guys, thank you. Have a good day, and as always, See ya!



Interesting to see Harry's reactions, especially the split between him being concerned at trusting people but feeling a sense of kinship and camaraderie with his family. Curious how he adapts to people who dont register on his system as highly as lily and james do due to their unique circumstances like i suspect amelia, sirius, remus, sara, and his sisters will. Love the detail on what voldemorts been up to