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Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Chapter 19– Hesperides and The Dragon


We flew towards the mount Tamalpais at a comfortable speed, not even at supersonic, taking time to talk amongst ourselves.

Well... more like me trying to convince Luke to tell me the prophecy while he being a stubborn ass.

"You do realise that we might literally be diving down to our deaths if we don't know what to expect?"

"Don't worry, the prophecy said nothing about our opponents." Luke promised me.

"What then? What did it say to make you so...so scared and angry."

"I'm not scared!" He snapped before looking away. "I'm just... I don't think we should pay too much attention to it."

"The decision is my in the end." He whispered so quietly I knew they weren't for my ears. But air was my domain, and I forced his words into my ears. "Even the fates can't make me do something I dont want to."

We flew quietly for the next few minutes before my senses started going hayware.

"Something is blocking my bearings, Luke."

"What? Could it be the mist?" He asked frowning.

"...Yes, it must be. Why is it so thick here? Damn even the natural kind... I don't think I'll be able to see through that." I muttered as I noticed the unnaturally thick mist; both the magical and the normal kind.

"Another protection for the golden Apples, I guess."

"...or maybe.." I started, a thought striking me when the cyclone of cloud and wind atop the mountain came into my view. "It could be for the Titan general imprisoned here."

"...maybe." Luke looked even more uncomfortable at the mention of titans.

Understandable, who wouldn't be nervous when you know the legendary Atlas himself was imprisoned on top of you holding the weight of the sky all on his lonesome.

Though I felt his discomfort had some other reason to it.

"We'll need to travel by land." I decided at last, finally fed up with the mist fucking up my senses.

 I landed both of us in middle of the thick mist swirling around us, on the road that followed the side of the mountain.

"Will you not wear your armour?" Luke asked me.

I was still garbed in the holed-up shirt that I'd made for myself.

"No. My wings are more than enough as armour." The armour still restricted my wings too much, to the point I'd rather not release them. Which could be catastrophic here, against the dragon. I'd need to be at my full strength here.

'I wonder if I should just create an armour with holes in the middle...'

The thought of wearing a torn up armour however, was quite unpleasant for some reason.

"I hope you're right."

"Take this, by the way." I said, removing my cube of emergency Ambrosia and giving it to him. "If you ever require it, use it immediately. Don't think about me."

My quest was to save Luke, if that failed it'll be all for nothing. He looked about to argue but clamped down as we reached our query.

The mist finally parted from front of us and I was able to witness a thing of beauty: The garden of Hesperides.

I stood stunned, speechless and awestruck.

It was magical. That was the only way it could describe it. Magical. As beautiful as Olympus itself, hell even more beautiful as I stood in front of it presently.

A silvery glow was covering the grass of the garden, flowers twinkled with such brilliance I could've sworn the darkness itself receded. And there, in the middle, polished black marble steps led to an apple tree.

The Golden Apple tree.

The golden radiance that it showered around it was just too...royal, that it must only belong to the greatest ruler of the world.

Hera didn't deserve this.

When I grew powerful enough; When I ascended the olympus; When I ruled these lands...

"It Will Be Mine."

But without the dragon. The disgusting dragon that clung to such beauty, wrapping it's thick scaled hundred heads around its braches and roots. Yes, I can do without that.

The sound of groaning broke me out of my trance and i turned to see Luke down on his knee, covering his eyes.

"What did you do?" He whispered out, rubbing his eyes slowly.

Wait... really? I never knew invoking my authority will start hurting people now.

"You should not have done that, godling" A lovely singsong voice declared grimly.

Four figures suddenly flared in front of us, four young women wearing white Greek chitons. Their hands and shoulders were naked, showing off their luscious creamy skin, with silky raven hairs spread loosely around their backs.

They were beautiful, they were gorgeous, they were ravishing, and for the first time since my rebirth, i felt myself stirring again.

Yep, puberty has definitely hit me. Fortunately, the gamer's mind must have activated some hidden puberty-safe mechanism cause I didnt start nose-bleeding, or stuttering like a pathetic child.

Luke wasn't so lucky. "Y-you are..ah..the Hesperides." The 16 year old virgin stuttered out.

Pathetic. I was ashamed to be associated with him. 'Earth? Gaia? You hearing me? Swallow my friend up please.'

"We are, Luke Castellan." The woman besides the one who warned me said. "And we know who you are. And you, Mikael son of Zeus."

I called for their status to see their names.


Race: Nymph Goddess

Tier: 6 (Divine)

Level: 50 (Max)

Aegle was the woman who warned me, and looked to be their eldest.


Race: Nymph Goddess

Tier: 6 (Divine)

Level: 50 (Max)

And Erytheia was the one who seemed to know my name.

"What a beautiful boy." The one on the rightmost of the group said, staring at me up and down as a smile lit upon her face.


Race: Nymph Goddess

Tier: 6 (Divine)

Level: 50 (Max)

"Indeed. Simply perfection." The last one said, staring both of us closely. "You can stay with us, if you wish to. Both of you."


Race: Nymph Goddess

Tier: 6 (Divine)

Level: 50 (Max)

"Too true." Aegle agreed. "Leave behind this idiotic quest, you will gain nothing from it. Enjoy our hospitalities instead. We will not disappoint."

A seductive smile curved on her stunning face and I was ready to throw in the towel. Quest (which wasn't even mine) vs becoming the youngest boy to get laid and that to one of the most beautiful women you've seen? (Except mother, she's on a league of her own) Please, was there even a question.

"W-we can't." Luke stuttered out and I almost blasted him to bits before realising my own quest to save Luke.

20 levels or getting laid? ...was that even a question? Of course 20 levels. But I could have both if Luke could just...give up his quest.

"We never get any men to visit us." Hesperia said sadly. "Rarely do they come, only to become the Dragon's prey, no matter how much we warn them."

I decided to put the final nail in the coffin and start nailing something else, mainly the hot piece in front of me. "Luke, you were never too committed to the quest. If there is ever a chance to give up, it's now."

"No." This time the boy's voice didn't waver. "I must do this. If I want answers, I have to."

I had no idea what he was talking about, but the firmness fuelled by desperation was clear in his voice. My little me went down as I realised conflict was eminent.

 "Mikael." Aegle turned to me. "What you did, what you declared, it was foolish. Should Hera get a whiff of your divinity upon the garden, she will not let you live. And she will know, if you persist upon this quest."

"Join us, Mikael, the fairest to ever grace us." The girl took a step forward, towards me. "Let the fool fight the dragon if he so wishes, you will be safe amongst us. We will show you pleasures you've never known."

I licked my lips before sighing softly. "Oh, I will definitely join you alright. If not today then one day. It is just too much of a waste to let you four be... unattended for long."

I smirked at the redness of her cheek. "You do not speak like a young one should. But your words...you truly are your father's son." She then frowned sadly, staring at me closely. "I hope you survive today, Mikael. And I hope you remember your promise."

With that, she and her sisters turned away, raising their hands towards the dragon.

I realised what they were about to do, and let my wings flare. "Go Luke! I'll distract the dragon, you get some apples!"

I didn't wait to hear his answer cause the Hesperides yelled out Ladon's name and started singing.


Race: Dragon (Cursed)

 True Tier: 7 (Minor God)

Tier: 6 (Divine)

True Level: 620 (Max)

Level: 520 (Cursed Form)

Draconic Power: 2,750,000/2,750,000

Stamina: 2,625,000/2,625,000

Health: 2,610,000/2,610,000


Strength: 513 (613)

Speed: 507 (607)

Dexterity: 543 (643)

Endurance: 525 (625)

Constitution: 522 (622)

Mental: 29 (43)

Spirit: 550 (650)

It's cursed status was a little unexpected. None of Ladon's legends said anything about it. Had he been at his peak, I would've definitely abandoned Luke right there and then. 20 levels were not worth my life.

Still, this was my first tier 6. It would prove to be a challenging fight, no doubt.

'Dad, if you are hearing my prayer right now, then please don't turn me into a pine tree if I die. Turn me into some awesome monument instead. The eighth wonder of this world, if you will.'

With but a thought, my white glove extended into a bow, and I took off into the air.

It was a thing of beauty, just like my other weapons. Bone white with swirling blue bolts of lightning tracing on the celestial bronze bow. This bow was one of the most overpowered bow in the world. Why you may ask? Because I simply needed to create multiple arrow sticks and they'll automatically be given a celestial bronze tip laced with manticore venom by my bow.

Basically, I will never run out of arrows as long as I have some demonic power in me.

I flew into a comfortable distance from the dragon, not too close to render a bow useless but not too far that the dragon would dismiss me as a threat and go after Luke. Then, I nocked my arrows and let them fly as the dragon arose completely.

A hundred heads, all extending to look like some abnormally thick and gigantic phython, flinched back slightly in pain and annoyance as the poisoned arrows started biting into their skin.

"Over here you overgrown old lizard!"

The Dragon was annoyed, no doubt. But not enough to come for me. Instead it started sniffing the air. Without hesitation, I flew closer before it can find Luke's scent. I was within it's striking range when I let another shower of arrows lose, this time aiming for it's eyes and nose.

The reptilian Dragon roared as my arrows sunk into its heads.

Now the heads finally came for me. Over a dozen heads extended out of its coiled body, and I started a fight for my life.

The dragon was fast as a lightning, and struck with the precision of a surgeon.

I dodged it's attacks, continuously keeping on the move because the dragon was fast enough to strike me in the time it takes for me to dodge one of its heads.

 I was constantly moving from one spot to another, never stopping, never giving it time to surround me, because if it did? I'd be dead. Or mortally wounded, atleast.

Even as I flew in the air, dodging it's head, I still kept a steady stream of arrows striking it constantly. The Dragon was definitely affected cause even more of the heads came over for me instead of searching for Luke's scent.

The game of cat and mouse went for a whole minute (which was a looong time for me) and I had to pay my atmost concentration to avoid getting bit or snapped in half.

Whenever the teeth came too close, I put some arrow in it's mouth. The poison from manticore made it writhe back in pain, but then another head took its place. Had it been a single headed dragon instead of this freak of nature, I have no doubt I'd have already killed it.

Not because it was weak (of course not, it was still a tier 6 dragon) but because it was too limited. It's movements were restricted by it being bound tightly around the tree, and so it couldn't show the full might of its tier 6 body. Which was why, had it been a single headed dragon, I would've dealt with it quickly.

But this one? No matter how many heads I injured, they would keep coming for more. But hey, atleast I managed to lure all the hundred heads towards me. I qas quite good at my job.

Maybe too good.

Cause I was hanging on a thin thread, where a single mistake could prove to be fatal. Atleast a dozen heads always attacked me at one time.

I dodged a few by getting out of their range and made a few flinch back with my arrows, then another dozen heads attacks me and rinse and repeat.

The only reason I wasn't getting completely overwhelmed, aside from its own crippled state, was the fact that I was using a bow. I didn't need to get into a melee with it, no. I simply needed to keep firing arrows from a safe distance and fly past it's huge heads when it decided to attack.

 But then some of the heads stopped. I continued my formula, but the heads stopped paying attention to me. And then I noticed Luke, flying in the air with a pair of winged shoes that flapped their tiny wings like a hummingbird.

The bastard has been holding out on me! ...But then again, I never told him about my own weapon. So it clears out.

But Still!

This created another problem though, the dragon heads were now going for Luke instead of me cause he was too close to the tree.

That just won't do.

I changed my weapon's form again, and formed the twin blades. I would get easily overwhelmed if I used a spear or a single sword.

Then, I summoned my lightning storm around me, and a sphere of supersonic wind and blasts of thunder covered me like a shield. This was the main reason why I wasn't too worried about wearing an Armor.

With the glowing blue and white blades in my hands and a swirling cyclone around me, I dove towards the Dragon's coiled body, slipping past it's multiple heads as they snapped at me only to be met with fierce storm and lightning.

Those that managed to get through the storm by sheer strength and raw power were met by my blades that passed through their scales like butter.

The heads were now confused between going after the thief vs going after the one who was desecrating them.

Some heads started biting each other and I took that opportunity to slice through one full head cleanly off of its neck and store it inside my inventory.

The dragon heads roared in fury and pain, and that was the moment both Luke and I took to dive towards the glittering golden Apples.

The wrathful heads instantly divided into two groups, one set came roaring towards me while the other barged towards luke.

The Dragon came with such fury that my sphere storm barely managed to deflect their paths off from me, while I took the deflected heads as cover to slice through other heads with lightning coating my blades, before I finally reached the apples.

They hung in front of me, juicy and delicious, inviting me to pluck one. I knew it was Luke's quest but I still couldn't help but close my hands around them, and with a snap the apple came free.

I immediately put it in my inventory as the heads came for me with a new divine fury.

[Skill Leveled Up: Lightning Storm] Lvl 5

The sudden increase in the intensity of the storm was probably what made me out of the dragon-head trap alive.

I waved my blade and directed my full Will to blast a gust of wind towards the other rearing dragon heads, taking the sails out of their ships. While I managed to get off relatively unscathed, the case wasn't the same for my partner.

Luke wasn't successful in taking an apple, instead he was smacked aside like a rag doll by one of the dragon heads. But he was so close to the main body that the dragon attacked him using its claws.

 His whole focus shifted at not getting ripped to shreds by the claws, but he got so tunnel visioned that he forgot about the heads.

"Luke!" I yelled as I flew towards him with a blast of wind.

With my storm and blade I cut a straight path towards the boy but I knew it would be too late to completely defend him. I came just in time to plunge my sword into two heads when the others struck.

Fortunately my warning came in time because he immediately dove towards me, dodging a dragon head by a small amount and deflecting the other one by his sword. But he didn't see the claws attacking again.

I couldn't take him inside my sphere of storm, we were in midst of dozens of dragon heads and would get chopped up in no time if i stopped the storm.

I panicked slightly and without thinking further, I blocked the claws and sets of teeths with my wings, covering luke beneath them while letting the wings outside of the protective sphere of my storm.

A pained scream escaped me as the claws and teeths tore inside two of my wings.

My arms weakened even as I smacked another pair of heads aside. My blade loosened even as I launched bolts of electricity and huge spears of Holy light to keep the dragons at bay. My storm wavered even as another set of dragon teeths thrashed around them to get to me.

I fell to my knees, slowly squatting away with Luke besides me. I took an absent glance of my wings and noticed their...state.

One wing was cut in half, a mixture of golden ichor and blood covering the stump; the other half of it was being chewed upon by one of the dragon heads. The 2nd one was in a ruined state, tears and hole as thick as my body littering them.

[You are Poisoned: Ladon's Poison]

Luke covered for my slowing self, and I forwent my twin blades in favor of the great sword, while also creating a massive demonic barrier to keep doing my job as my storm finally gave up.

But just a few seconds later my Lvl 5 barrier was being riddled with cracks, no matter how much demonic power I supplied it with.

Luke was screaming something, and I focused harder on him.

"Don't give up!" He said. "I'll hold them!" Even as we bumbled backwards.

But we wouldn't make it. I knew it in my heart. As we were going? We wouldn't make it. And like a snap, my decision was made.

I concentrated my power, and dropped both the barrier and sword. The pressure on Luke increased dramatically, but I only needed two seconds.

We were just about to get skewered when my power solidified finally, and I summoned down a bolt of divine lightning from the sky, bringing with it the fury of a god.

More heads had latched around my legs by this time, even as my two still-functioning wings tried to shield my upper body from futher dismemberment.

That all stopped however, when the bolt of divine lightning fell directly on the Dragon's main body, and the dragon heads jerked back as thunderous boom reached our ears.

 Their jerk also meant they let my legs go...but they did so while digging deep down my shin bones, cracking them into pieces and tearing my skin apart.

I didn't feel the pain. Something was dragging me but I didn't feel the pain.

Darkness fell around me rapidly, and I closed my eyes, not having any more strength to move. My mind took a single glance at one final system message as I lost consciousness.

[Resistance Leveled Up: Poison] Lvl 6

And then my world went blank.


Luke Castellan sat under the shade of a broken boulder, far away from the garden of hesperides.

He had gotten away from the Dragon as the Hesperides had started singing to calm down the beast. 

Dragging the body of his friend with him, Luke had crossed the wall of mist to leave the lure of the golden Apples behind.

For the last couple of hours, Luke had tried his best to nurse his friend back to health. He had fed him two blokes of Ambrosia, trusting Mikael's divinity to not inflame his body up by the overdoes. 

But the Dragon's poison must be too powerful, for he showed no signs of waking.

So Luke had turned to the gods, disliking the need to do so, but understanding that his friend's life was on the line.

He had prayed to his father, Hermes. Prayed and begged to save his friend. But of course, Hermes didn't answer. The god didn't even care for his own son, how can he care for Mikael? No, Hermes was useless.

So Luke had turned to Zeus. The king of Olympus, the father of gods, and most importantly, Mikael's dad. Yet, Zeus did not answer.

Luke begged, not for himself but for Zeus' own son. Yet, the god did not answer. It shouldn't have come as a surprise, considering what happened to Thalia, Luke should've been used to it. But that wasn't the case.

Luke was angry. Very very angry.

Because he realised, no matter what he does, the fate will not change. The prophecy that he had tried so hard to ignore, came to the forefront of his mind.

You Shall Go West And Face The Hundred-headed One.

You Shall Fail And Become The Hero That Which Turned

 To Walk The Path Of Your Dark Fate.

And Thus Earn The Fateless One's Hate.

What prophecy was worth listening to, if it said that you will fail from the start.

Should he have simply given up? Was he the reason for Mikael's current form? Perhaps, perhaps not. But one thing was clear. Even the fate wanted him to reject the gods.

His dark fate and the hero who turned...it didn't take a genius to figure it out. The only thing luke wasn't sure was the fateless one thing. Only a god can be truly free of fate right? Or did they have their own creepy old women who gave them warnings. What even could be worth warning beings of such power and immortality.

Perhaps that's what Apollo does, warns them all about things that mattered them the most— Don't go to toilet today, you will be taking a huge dump and be late to your post-office duties, Hermes! Don't rape that woman zeus! She will pop a kid more powerful than you and the child will come back for revenge! Don't pick fight with that God ares! He will embarrass you pretty badly.

Luke let out a broken laugh, feeling more free than he ever had even as he realised what he was about to do. His decision was made now, stressing over it will do nothing for him. He will join Kronos and that was that.

Perhaps he may even convince Mikael to join him someday. If the boy remains alive after today, that is.

Luke wasn't so sure he would.

And so Luke slept truly for the first time in a long while, no longer afraid of the dreams.

 No longer afraid of the entity that awaited him.


[Slept on bed for 6 hours]–

Mind, Body, and soul at 100%

I opened my eyes, feeling well rested and refreshed. The view of naked sky and the high walls of the mountain greeted my eyes, and I remembered the last moments before my unfortunate push into the sleepy lands.

The Golden Apple was sitting inside my inventory, with a cut-off Dragon head keeping it company.

'Nice, just what I like for dinner; Apples with Dragon heads.'

A snort escaped me, making someone curse besides me as they moved up in my vision. Luke rubbed his sleepy eyes, looking like he just woke. He finally noticed where the noise came from and his eyebrows went past his hairs.

"How the...you are alive? Oh, you are alive. You are...healed too? What?" The bewildered demigod stared at me up and down as I finally stood on my legs, feeling restless and active.

"Of course I'm alive." I replied with a roll of my eyes. "Now, where are we?"

 The boy simply stared at me as if he couldn't believe I was awake, before releasing a sigh with a shake of his head.

"...Don't know. Still in Marin County though."

"Well then, let's go. No need to waste our time here. Did you get an apple?" I asked the last with faint hope, but I knew the answer even before he said it.

"No. I don't need it anymore."

I was surprised to note the satisfaction on his face. It was like looking at a new Luke; no longer hurried, no longer purposeless, no longer angsty. His face held a small sad smile and I knew he'd decided. Whatever was troubling him for the past few months, he'd made peace with it.

Good for him.

"C'mon then. We'll be going back to the camp at full speed." I said, removing the metallic helmet and shield that I'd made for luke.

I looked back at the mist one last time before letting go with a sigh. "I don't want to spend another minute here or I'm afraid I'll go back to the garden and release a fucking divine storm on that Dragon, even if it destroys Hera's garden."

Luke laughed with mirth, and I was almost shocked to know that it was genuine. Did he let go of all the jealousy and envy he had towards my powers?

"You know what, kael? I'll be right beside you to spit on her ruined garden if you actually do that."

"Ayy, that's what I'm talking about. Now come. We have a long way to go."

And thus we started our journey back to the camp. As I flew, i decided to check out all of my notifications. And there were a lot.

[You have entered the 6th Tier (Divine)]

And finally. Finally I've left the mortal world behind. Just the thought send me over the moon.

In the last four years, I've gone from a weak tier 1 mortal to a true tier 6 divine powerhouse.

I might've had to start from the weakest, but I was more than any demigod could hope to be; new or old. I could most likely fight ladon one-on-one, without Luke, and etch a win. Of course, he wasn't a fair opponent to brag against, considering his current state, but it was still a feat worthy of acclaim in this world.

On the other hand, my physical capabilities had increased drastically. Especially my speed.

And even theoretically knowing that this kind of speed was possible, it was mind-blowing. I was travelling 58.6 kilometers every single second. Could anyone imagine that? 58.6 kilometers in a single second? To put into perspective, the sound travels at the speed of 343 meters per second. Right now, I was way past supersonic speed, and I was way past hypersonic speed, hell I was even way past atmospheric entry speed, controlled or uncontrolled.

The air around me was burning, and I could see a noticable fiery shield in front of me. The hot flames were biting my skin, trying to melt me down. But my constitution, and my suddenly absolute control over the air, was rendering it harmless.

Hell, my control over wind was so high right now, that I could likely hold the air together in front of me from splitting, and travel completely safe while still maintaining my speed.

 So high was my control and authority over sky, that I was able to form a cocoon of air shield around Luke, to keep him from disintegrating from existence, and then drag this cocoon with me on equal speed.

Unfortunately I hadn't thought of doing this until the boy had already gone unconscious, which was way before I even hit my max speed.

What a shame that he can't see our incredible return journey. Entire cities were literally passing under me every second, entire states were just a quick 10 second leap. I flew like a missile, but faster than any could hope to fly.

Soon though, I reduced my speed by a lot, and took my time to glance at my other notifs.

[Quest Completed: Keep Luke safe]–

  • Bring Luke back to the camp alive

Rewards: 20 Levels.

[Unique Achievement]–

  • Fight and Survive against a Tier 6 being before reaching 16.

Rewards: 10 Levels, 1 to all skills.

Holy hell, the achievement was bigger than the quest. 20 levels is all well and good, but 1 to all skills? Not just combat but all skills? Yeah, that seemed like a huge reward to me. If I remembered correctly, I got this kind of reward the last time for a legendary achievement.

This explained my perfect control over wind and air.


There were also a bunch of skill level-ups aside from the 1 to all, but I couldn't be bothered to go through all of them. So I just bought up my status.


Race: God/Angel/Devil Hybrid

Tier: 6

Level: 516

Divine Power: 2,375,000/2,375,000

Holy Power: 2,375,000/2,375,000

Demonic Power: 2,375,000/2,375, 000

Stamina: 2,580,000/2,580,000

Health: 2,680,000/2,680,000


Strength: 526

Speed: 556

Dexterity: 546

Endurance: 516

Constitution: 536

 Mental: 44

Spirit: 475

Points: 23


Combat Skills–

Master Spear-Wielding (7/10)

Master Swordsmanship (4/10)

Expert Archer (6/10)

Godly Skills–

Divine Authority (Lvl 3)

 Divine Lightning Storm (Lvl 3)

Wind Tornado (Lvl 3)

Lightning Storm (Lvl 6)

Divine Lightning Bolt (Lvl 9)

Electric Discharge (Lvl 9)

Flying (Lvl 9)

Lightning Manipulation (Lvl 9)

Wind Manipulation (Max)

Air Manipulation (Max)

Holy Power Skills–

 [Angelic Form]– 4-Winged Angel

Holy Power Manipulation (Lvl 8)

Holy Weapon Creation (Max)

Demonic Skills–

Hypnosis Magic (Lvl 6)

Concealment Magic (Lvl 6)

Lightning Manipulation (Lvl 6)

Defensive Magic: Barrier (Lvl 7)

Object Creation (Lvl 7)

Demonic Power Manipulation (Lvl 8)

 Magical Skills–

Mist Manipulation (Lvl 5)

Mist Sense (Lvl 5)

Mystiokinesis Sense (Lvl 5)

Other Skills–

Basic Blacksmith (7/10)

Advanced Actor (6/10)

Advanced Hunter (10/10)

Expert Tracker (2/10)

Expert Unarmed Combatant (2/10)

 Expert Strategist (3/10)

Expert Chess Player (10/10)


Lightning Resistance (Max)

Poison Resistance (Lvl 8)

Pain Resistance (Lvl 5)

Mystiokinesis Resistance (Lvl 3)

Magical Affinities:

Divine Lightning: 70/100

Holy Light: 70/100

 Lightning: 90/100

Light: 90/100

Ooh, boy. So Lvl 10 was indeed max level. And so many of my skills were coming close to being maxed; Divine lightning bolt, electric discharge, lightning manipulation, flying, Holy weapon creation...

All of these only needed another level and boom, I'm perfect. I'll need to start creating more overpowered skills soon.

The thing that troubled me however, was my level. In another three years, gods are most likely going to try and make my life difficult, especially that bitch Hera. Originally my main goal was to get to Lvl 600 atleast but now I wondered if I can actually come around to an Olympian's level? I'll have to get some more of these quests for sure.

If 1 quest consistently gave me 10 levels, then I only needed 9 more quests to reach Tier 7, and become as powerful as a minor god.

9 quests...yeah, that was fine. I had plenty of time for nine quests.


Yeah, right.


 AN: Chapter 19 done! Hope you all enjoyed it.

Now some things about Ladon, I've decided to change his backstory a bit. In PJO, Ladon is too strong for Heracles and so he uses Atlas' help to get the apples. In Dxd Heracles just straight up slaughter's Ladon to get the apples before being revived as an Evil dragon by Khaos bridge.

Then there's the fact that in PJO Ladon's just a beast and in Dxd he can talk and stuff.

So in this story, Ladon is Forcefully captured by Hera, had his powers and mental abilities locked up, and made to guard the Apple tree. So basically, he was as strong his Dxd counterpart once upon a time, but is now just a mindless beast like the PJO one.

Apart from that, Mikael's now Tier 6. For those who forgot, that's like a peak Ultimate class Devil, on Grayfia's level. So he's stronger than an average Ultimate class Devil, or a High-class Dragon, but weaker than a satan.

That's it for today, let me know your thoughts down in the comments.

See ya!


Orion Chung

So basically he’s Peak ultimate Class and he needs to reach Tier 8 is when he has enough strength to protect himself specially from Hera because she’s definitely around Tier 7 or 8

Lord Shiva

I’d actually wager Hera is tier 8 or 9. She is an elder god after all.

Ilay Hyams

So how come he hasn't gotten another pair of wings? Because rn he is only 2/6 pairs done while being peak ultimate.


In Dxd, wings are just a representation of power, they don't bring anything else to the table except the ability of flight, and other minor things. But for Mikael, wings are another source of power in themselves, giving +50 lvls every time he unlocks one. Which is why he needs to unlock them one by one, and will get +50 lvls everytime he does. So it basically makes them independent of his current Tier. Hope this was helpful :)