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Hello everyone!

This will be my first 'update' post in a while. I feel conflicted when it comes to scheduling announcements since I used to be someone who didn't want to stall my supporters with 'empty words' and always felt that I have to show progress stuff alongside my plans. That often resulted in more pressure and more unintended workload, because I didn't want to make an empty-handed impression each time.

This post here is an exemplary case, since I intended to make this announcement right on New Year's Eve but couldn't find the right time to finish my artwork (above) up. So instead of giving you a sign that everything is still moving forward, I ended up sitting on this huge piece of artwork and was super obsessed with refining it.

I think I need to change my way of thinking a bit, since the 'silence' that I convey with every passing day makes me unnecessarily anxious - which pretty much summarized my overall struggles with my project last year.

In this sense, I believe the best would be to simply show you my plans for this quarter of the year. It may sound a bit overly ambitious,  but I put much thought into these, because I hope I can find my drive by setting all of them in stone.

Plans for the 1st Quarter - 2021 

  • Redraw/Remake of my first chapter
  • Redesign of my website thaumana.com
  • Shop openings with focus on fanart merchandise

General goals for the year 2021

  • Getting faster with my drawings
  • More promotion of my manga
  • Expanding my projects to my Youtube channel + more video content

The part about "getting faster" in particular is a cornerstone measurement which will impact all my other undertakings. I spent the last days with experiments on my new brushes and eventually found a style which makes it easy for me to create lineart and color work within a short amount of time. Furthermore, these refined brushes will hopefully help me to get my manga pages done much faster, so I can finally present and release my chapters with a feasible frequency. This way I can also keep my focus on my commissions and my shop content without neglecting my manga as strongly as last year (due to all my paperwork and tax research for the shop).

As for my website, I think a big redesign and restructure will be necessary since I also plan to change the overall presentation of my manga step by step. For now my idea was, to keep the old version of my chapters in parallel during the release of my new redrawn versions until every page has been replaced to avoid some narrative confusion. I hope that especially this part will go smoothly.

Last but not least...

I don't want to miss the opportunity to thank you for your loyal support and encouragement, which includes my recent supporters too. I'm pretty bad when it comes to putting it into the right words, but I still really want to say how grateful and happy I am about every new supporter as well as every supporter in general who increases the chance to lift a big portion of my everyday stress. Your help really REALLY means a lot to me.

Since December, I've also been into animations and managed to incorporate those short projects into my Patreon (because they are really fun and a nice change of pace). This is why I want to mention, that there are multiple videos on their way which includes a special acknowledgement for every supporter that pledged my Patreon so far! I'm certain that this year will be a real banger regarding my project since I already have tons of fun with my work despite the struggles - and I hope you will look forward to all these things as much as I do!



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