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Now let us take a look at the next new character who will appear in the 2nd chapter. Detective Gilly Camo Parker is a corporal, a professional sniper and Special Assistance Agent of the Walpurgis Chaos & Terror Enforcement Agency. A calm and cold by-the-book foil to detective Woodstock's enthusiasm for crime investigations and exuberant zest for action. 'Cammie' seems to know something about Leroy's past and bears a grudge against the Malevolus clan. Her strongest Ultima is Invisible Investigation, which allows her to turn her body completely invisible for a short amount of time. The duration of her invisible state depends on her Obolus, which can be fulfilled by chewing chew gum and subsequently popping the blown gum bubble. The louder the sound of the bubble pop, the longer Cammie's invisibility will last. For that reason she prefers chew gums of the brand ME-GUM-IN which products are considered making the loudest bubble pop noise on the market.



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