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Hi, everyone.

Just want to take the opportunity to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your support and also to welcome the newest patrons to our project.

At this month's end and with only 3 pages left the curtain for the prologue chapter will finally fall. While celebrating this big milestone I also want to promote the second chapter since shit's getting serious for our protagonists and I would really appreciate every little additional support to spread the word then.

The website will get some new areas e.g. a community section were I post all kind of interactions with our beloved project members and other supporters - also including frequent FAQ panels. I'm also excited about the upcoming art trades with some talented artists who were willing to collaborate with me and want to share their own works with our community.

While we're on it: If you want to share any kind of fanwork related to Erlmaiden Discordia or know other creative people who have are interested in collaborations in some way or other please let me know. It's a nice experience where all participants can benefit from each other.

Let us breathe life into the world of Erlmaiden Discordia together!



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