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New patreon only series! 

Did I go over the top with a vore video? Maayybbee.

Finishing off patreon requests tomorrow and then opening up more polls for you all to vote on new videos and what happens next! 


Eat Me: An Alice in Wonderland inspired Roleplay



This went above what I was expecting, the setting is cool and I honestly want to see more, good work


No you din't owerdone it with the vore, but what i missed is some tricking to get in to belly and being digested i guess? I mean we know he/she will come out of her back? Or butt? or.. idk, but the point is he will live there was baraly a trick to get in doors mouth. Also the bunny already spoiled a lot about that queen eats everyone who nehaves badly, it could be more of a secret till last minute. Hoping for more trick talk about getting in someones belly, pretending its a cozzy plazy n stuff (in part 2?). I think part one was really just intro.. din't even got that exited lol Anyways, ty for ur hard work!