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Hello there, my illustrious bosses! :)

Just wanted to post a quick note to apologize for the Patreon spam I just dumped into the channel. I was unable to update Patreon while I was away, so this was just me catching up. 

It's good to be back with you guys. Onward and upward!

- 2 Gryphon


Robert Seth

Your good 2. I hope all is going well for you.

Russell Tuss

Oh noes, you were in Oregon? I missed an opportunity to buy you a beer! (Portlandia region)


Hey 2, in case you didn't see my question posted to one of your other pages since you were out of town I'll ask again here. How does one gift a game to you? I saw a great new game coming out on Steam soon and I want to be able to get it for you, but I don't have the slightest clue how steam works.


Buy it as a gift on steam, and then you can email him the link to redeem it on his account. Hope that helps. :)