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Vlog #79 - Another Trip Coming

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2017-04-06.


Robert Seth

Hey 2, glad to see your in better health and spirits. How was your trip? Hope it was a blast. That's hilarious. Anthrocon screwed themselves out of a good thing and now your doing even better. T shirts would be awesome! Friends and family that I've showed some of your shows to have wondered if you had some sort of merchandise and this would be awesome. Well, have a safe and amazing trip 2.


Have a safe trip 2, look forward to seeing where your adventures take you.


Well, haven't had the trip yet. It's coming up in about 4 hours. But I promise I'll film lots of stuff and show you guys what happened. :)


Have a good time in Oregon, doing... Oregony things. Just make sure you don't overwork yourself to the point of falling over. Doctor's orders! Probably. I'm not a doctor. But I have got a stethoscope. May the Bree bree with you.


I'm confused, what is this about a "boss show" ? What is that?


When you decide which invitations you are going to accept, let me know so I can plan to attend. Both to see you live (which does not happen as often as it used to) and to support cons that are not being taken over by the noisy minority.


Consider the whole gurney-on-the-tarmac thing in the realm of, "I like getting new stories, I just don't like the getting of new stories." I'd be interested in t-shirts!


And has Anthrocon actually gone from banning you from the stage to outright banning you from the con? Either way, it's absolute bullshit. People have gotten away with all kinds of shit and not gotten banned.


As far as I know, I'm not banned from the con. It'd be hard for them to do that since I haven't broken any AnthroCon rules. :)