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Vlog #78 - Booted from AnthroCon

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2017-03-15.



This would be my first anthrocon. But I don't think I can bring myself to go. The fact that this decision has been made, for the reasons it has been made, make me sick. I don't know if I want to be apart of something that would do this. I'm really sorry to hear that this happened to you. I really hope these people can come to their senses.


I've only been part of the furry fandom for a short while during my teenage years and even that was more from the sidelines. This was about 12 years ago, but even then the furry fandom was always filled to the brink with drama. Whenever there are furries there is drama, always, no exception. Now it's 12 years later and all those teenagers who caused said drama have grown up into the SJWs of 2017. Special little snowflakes who think they have the right not to be offended. Now apparently some of those morons made it onto the AC board and are determined to turn their furry convention into some sort of safe space where no one is offended. It was bound to happen at some point really. Even if you were allowed to perform this year, chances are some moron in the audience would have been offended and complained anyway. Consider this a sort of career advancement. You started with music and stand-up comedy and now you're running a successful YouTube channel. More people are watching your content than the total number of people who ever saw your live shows. And you're still a great entertainer. People love your stuff. Maybe you can find a different outlet for your comedy (I'd still love to see new shows) but even if you can't, don't feel bad. Nothing lasts forever and AC isn't some holy grail. In fact if they keep this attitude up they might quickly wither away in a few years time anyway.

Anthony Blanker

With Philip DeFranco taking a break, this might just take the prize for the stupidest thing I'll hear on the Internet this week. WHAT? Removed from Anthrocon over saying 'you probably shouldn't punch a guy for talking'? I can't think of words to accurately describe how much that makes me want to strangle someone. Hope your weekend makes you feel better, though. Sounds like it's going to be fun.


Having learned about you not long before you started podcasting maybe I'm a bit to used to your brand of comedy. Yes there are times when even I think "WTF 2" but then I move on because I know sometimes that just happens. In my mind this is a good thing because I know Anthrocon was worrying you quite a lot and now for better or worse you have that stress dealt with even if it isn't how we would all like. I know you are aware, but I have to say it. You have a lot of people out in the world who like your stuff, and even consider you a lifeline for when things get rough. Just know we are here for you, even if all some of us can do is put another tic on the viewed counter :)


Another case of the spineless caving into the noisy. I have been a supersponsor at Anthrocon every year since 2002 or 2003 but 2016 was my last year it seems. If enough of the silent majority vote with their wallets, that may talk louder than the incoherent screaming from the perpetually triggered.

Robert Seth

What the hell! Screw them! I think the lack of notice was in poor taste to say the least. What a bunch of spinless, self entitle, whinnie little snow flack, triggered dumbass's! My friends and I were planning to someday go to anthrocon in hopes of seeing your show and experience what we thought would be a fun con, but after this horse shit, screw that noise. I'm so sorry 2. At least your not banned from anthrocon and you have your YouTube channel, friends, family and fans who support you. Have a safe and fun trip. Can't wait to hear about it.


My first reaction to the news of this was anger, but I have done what I can to let that go. I am still upset, though. I have had the chance to see you live a few times, spend a few brief moments speaking with you, had some of my own words read out on your shows, and the pleasure of listening to your material for close to two decades now... We are getting old, Bird. I found your works during my early high school years, during a time when I was questioning a lot of things about myself and the world. Through you I found the fandom, found good friends, and; at times; found a reason not to end it all. You have always put your thoughts and beliefs out there, never held back, and always supported others in doing the same; even if you disagree with them in the long run. Your shows have drawn in thousands of viewers/listeners and surely have raised a few dollars for many worthy causes. Hell, I know I donated to help out a shop owner that had been 'bricked' that I would have had no clue about if I had not heard it from you. You have touched many, many lives out there. I am sad to hear that, for now at least, this may be the end of your convention stage shows, but I am glad to see you finding some bright points to the situation... Alright, I know I am rambling on. I may be an amateur writer, but I suck at putting my personal feelings down sometimes. Take care, my friend and know that you do have our love and support.


I've never been to AC, so it's not like I can say that I'm not going anymore; they don't have my money that I can withdraw. But because of this mentality, I can say that I will not support them. If enough people are of the same mindset, and do withdraw their support, AC will either have to acknowledge the problem, or deteriorate to nothing. Honestly, I'd hate to see AC fade, but if this is how they represent themselves then maybe they should. :/


Welcome to the Post-fact era 2!


its sad that I was in a chat with staff for a certain con that I shall not say what that is. But they really bashed and cheered at the fact that you wasnt allowed to play at AC cause they dont enjoy your form of comedy. A few people did try to defend your style of comedy but got destroyed by the vocal majority and some where even removed cause they went against the flow. I am so tired of the world doing that if they dont like something they will remove it so it doesnt exist with what happens with a certain politician. Its sad to watch this happen even in general work environments literally anything anyone can say is taken way out of context. even if there isnt a context there people will create it just to watch the show that unfolds. I hope you just keep your head up and walking along as then they will either become bored by it all or actually wake up to the real world.


Its sad the ones who should be the most understanding (furry) are the ones that bring out the hate card. I will still stand next to you. I still look up to you and what you stand for.


Tch. And people wondered why I decided to drop furry. The good news is that I truly believe the polical climate now WILL calm down: Social Justice Extremism is 2005's 'emo'. It's a fad. Something to wear and live to be part of the in crowd while still feeling special and unique. And if it isn't, then those people are going to be real, REAL surprised when the people they keep calling nazis finally snap, pull on the jackboots, and start stamping for real, because as it turns out, REAL fascists response to protest and dissent is "Crush them.", not "Let's pose a counterargument."


If only this weren't happening everywhere, maybe I'd be a little more surprised. Either way, if AC wants to die, it's doing a great job pissing off the thousands of fans you have. Frankly, the fandom's only been getting worse with SJW malarkey for the last few years and I'm feeling less inclined to be involved in it, especially after news like booting out a long standing icon of the fandom. Guess you know who your real audience is and who actually cares about you, because the fandom as a whole certainly doesn't. Change isn't always for the better, and I can only hope the current counter culture to this shite will catch on eventually. Hope you find the best way to make the most of this. Cordially, Ted.

Robert Seth

I just had a thought though; Why not do a live stream of your comedy show. Everyone would get to see it. 😁


I look forward to the videos you'll be posting in the future, now that you don't have to walk on eggshells to try and avoid what.. well, ended up happening. I'm a new Patron, now that I can afford to do so, and am wishing you the absolute best of luck. I am, admittedly, sad that I won't be able to see one of your live shows again.. Last one was in 2004.


I always hoped to make a third trip to the USA one day and come to Anthrocon. But with the US fandom and the US politics I am not so sure it would be a good Idea. Which would be a shame, since I loved it as a kid in Florida and as a teenager in Yellowstone.


How in the fuck can a handful of triggered whiny crybabies be more vocal and get more of a change than the thousand or so people who filled that ballroom every time you were on stage? For years, seeing you was like half the reason I've attended furry cons. Protecting free speech is one of the most anti-nazi ideals there are, because thinking back to nazi Germany, saying the wrong thing or expressing the wrong idea could get a person killed. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and realize that not every controversial topic or differing opinion is there only to offend people. Quite often it's there to make them think, but sadly such people fail at the thinking part.


dude the moment you open up more $100 members im all in. you have saved my life and relationship in the past few months. growing up military i was mildly offended and disagreed with your military rant but you know what i did? i deleted that one form my my zune and kept listening to the rest of your stuff. you are probebly one of the most down to earth youtubers and internet celebrities. me and my girlfriend love you and DJ ear and she asked if i was gay when i started this video. i will defend you till he day you advocate genocide and violence and love your work till it becomes boring. until then i love you man and keep being as angry heretical and anti PC as you can be.


welp. another reason to tick off for not bothering to go to the USofA


You know man, I have been watching you for the past... well, since you were before you were 'big'. It is sad that our country has gone to little 5 year olds and a 6 year old who thinks he's better than everyone, and all seem to have the thought processes of 'wah wah wah I'm gonna go tell my mommy!' attitude. I will ALWAYS stand beside you and your work, whether in YT or here in Patreon. I just hope that this country wakes up before something might actually happen not by the 'neo-nazi' group or something that could be worse, whatever that may be (no more free speech?).


He actually used to- the 2sense show, Jibba and Bunny were in it too, when he was living in California. As far as I know, he wants to restart that, but that's something I can't answer about, only he can answer for that.