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Transgender bathrooms. Yes? No? Let's discuss. Do we need protection laws? Do bathroom laws improve the situation? Should we have new bathrooms or revolutionize the way we use them? These are my thoughts. Want to support me? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon



Suddenly Patreon spam! Hope you're keeping good care of yourself, you're the only you you ever get! I've missed so much of your content these last couple weeks, and that makes me a sad panda. Training this week involved tear gas, sleeping in the rain, and screaming your insides out while stabbing things with a pointy metal stick on the end of my rifle. It's all been good fun though. ^_^ However, I don't totally agree with you on the bathroom issue, but there are points I can meet you on. Would love to discuss things with you once I get the chance. Salutations from Camp Pirbright. :)


I stil think unisex bathrooms should be a thing. Seriously, there are stalls for people who wanna sit, urinals for those who wanna stand up. If you are one of those who wanna stand, you will most likely only stand next to people with a tallywhack!If not, Im gonna be impressed! If you are a stall-person, there is no problem! Its a bathroom! Take a shit! And for those who think pervy men/women are gonna pretend to be transgendered just to look at girls/boys in the bathroom, they will do that regardless of the rules! They will still go in there! Shit guys! Just take a shit!!! Hell, eat some street-meat burrito before going nr.2, and you will evacuate the building, pronto! When you grew up, you took a shit on the same toilet as your mother/father/brother/sibling even though the seat was still warm! Why is this suddenly a problem? Is it because its a strangers heat? Then hold it in until you get home! No, you wont get AIDS from a toilet seat, no matter what Alex Jones tells you while taking his shirt off!