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How long do you bet it takes before our snowflakes out there see this and say, "OMG! 2 says we should love Nazis!" Want more videos like this? Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon



2, I know humanity bites… to be honest I'll like to just bring all the love and caring back, but only when one instead of a giant group it becomes fruitless. I still bring as much love and light as I can, even it may feel fruitless or pointless, it can still bring light into someone.


2, I know humanity bites… to be honest I'll like to just bring all the love and caring back, but only when one instead of a giant group it becomes fruitless. I still bring as much love and light as I can, even it may feel fruitless or pointless, it can still bring light into someone.


If the 60s was the decade of love, 2010s is the decade of hate and outrage. Just gotta be careful fighting the monster of rage, lest you become the same monster. Rage will consume and destroy you, and people will hopefully wake up to that eventually. I very much agree you. Keep sharing your thoughts!


Oh, also have you heard of or seen the Rageholic Yourube channel? A very talented guy who does good rants as well. I think you guys would get along well. :)


Hey 2, I want to say thanks. Not just for this rant, but for all your stuff. On the 14th my playlist in my car restarted and your folder of stuff is first on the list. I'm in the car for at least 2 hours a day and all your rants, Dear 2 Letters, music, LSD, and RFPs gave me a solid week of your stuff. I'm always so happy to hear it again, and feel kinda sad when it ends (although the next folder after it is Ashley Serena so that kind helps soften the end). So, thanks for all the stuff you have made and continue to make just to make the noise hole in my face go HA HA!


The whole Pewdiepie nonsense is stupid, and it's not just him either. Jontron is being frequently touted as a nazi because he went on Sargon of Akkad's podcast and dared to voice discontent with the modern day liberal left. The sad thing is that Jon also made a fairly thought-provoking point: the alt-right, as much of shitcans as they may be, may sadly be a self-fulfilling prophecy of the extreme left's crybullying. And it makes sense: when a normal, everyday guy can't go anywhere without being called cishet scum, racist, sexist, told to check their privilege, and such long enough, sometimes all it takes after all that is ONE screaming asshole calling him a Nazi to make him go 'fuck it', print an arm band and start polishing up his jack boots. I've said it before, but I'll say it again: "Beware you who hunt monsters, that one day you do not become a monster yourself". You pretty much summed it up in this video: the political climate these days is the 16th century. All we're missing are the fucked up buckle shoes and stupid hats.


Its a sad day when people get ostracized for comedy.


"You should be proud of how few people you hate, instead of how many." That sentence has been on my mind ever since this video popped up in my YouTube subscriptions, because it's such a perfectly formed antithesis to the kind of vindictive, unnecessary hate that's been so goddamned trendy in the last few years. People value and celebrate contempt in the same way they once did empathy, and enforce that pattern with ostracization and abuse if you don't conform. "Be proud of how few people you hate, not how many," seems like it should be the perfect, unassailable argument against that way of thinking. I wish I could believe they wouldn't stubbornly assail it anyway.