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The Boss Show - February 2017

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2017-02-20.



good morning 2. blech i dont like wasabi. i love spicy food but wasabi is a weird kind of spice. would love more rants and angry bird. angry bird makes me happy. looking forward to more two sense. didnt listen to much back when it was radio but i remember the "party whistle" thing so it was fun keep on rocking man


I'm actually really eager to see the new incarnation of 2 Sense. I loved that show so damn much. I think you had some of the best discussions (and disagreements) with Jakebe in the very beginning. Also, 2, what are your thoughts on having a series of a more creative or open-ended sort of game? Something that doesn't necessarily have a set ending, but a long-term lifespan. You could have it run for a while, but put up episodes a bit less frequently, or when your number of active series run low. And you could potentially end it at any point, if it's just not working out. I'd be interested to see if there are any sorts of game genres that you'd like to try out.

Robert Seth

Hey 2. How's it going? I hope all is going well. I'm enjoying your game play of f.e.a.r. I've never had the opportunity to play it, so watching it has been interesting. By the way love the galaga shirt. You rarely see anything pertaining to arcade games anymore. Oh,I'm also looking forward to your new rants and bird bawks; Myra Fri what I've seen online is definitely something I'm gonna buy. Will it be available on Amazon? I've been trying to watch older videos to catch up. Two questions for you. Have you ever thought about playing a game called dead space for one of your videos and have you ever made any comedy videos. I was showing my folks your rant on dumpel trump and between fits of laughter, mother asked " I wonder if he has a DVD video? He's hilarious!" Well, have a good day 2 and sorry for the small book I wrote. Later😊


Did ya know you can extract cyanide from almonds? =P


Miss watching all your videos, only get to watch a few every week. I hope in a year's time I can drag you to the UK for a couple days. I will give you booze and noms! Wish me luck in army training, it's starting to get tough. Have a great one!


I love those almonds!


I'd say don't worry about 2 Sense being so different. It's been so long since the last time you guys made an episode, it's almost like you're starting out with a brand new show that will have its own look and feel. I'll definitely be a watcher! (Not necessarily able to watch it when it's live.) No prob with canceling the morning gaming show. You have a lot of things going on! No kidding about the crazy weather! Here in the lake effect snow belt of Michigan, in past years I was asshole-deep in snow. Right now, my daffodils are coming up, the peeper frogs are making noise in the marshy part of my woods, and I've already found a tick crawling on me. Last weekend I was doing yard work, stark naked, in the middle of February. Crazy but I'll take it since there's nothing to shovel or plow. I'm just waiting for that blizzard to hit. That's awesome how much progress you and Alectorfencer have made with that book. You two definitely have a lot to be proud of! That's awesome having so many patrons and so many YT subscribers. You've become kind of an important part of my days, watching your videos at night when I have dinner. No matter how shitty my day may have been, you help me escape that for a while with lots of laughs and showing me various video game worlds that I've never seen before, and I really appreciate that so I have to say thank you.


I wont mind what the new form of 2 Sence is to be honest. Long as you do you it will be good.