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Vlog #75 - Pizza Time

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2017-02-08.



If you like garlic you should try pizza hut or domino's hand tossed, they have garlic in the crust. The hardest part is getting it home without eating it.


I'm a big history fan myself (majoring in teaching history in fact)! What documentaries did you watch?

Russell Tuss

There are two kinds of pizza that I like. Hot pizza and Cold Pizza.


For some reason after watching Half life episode 19 i knew there was going to be a Vlog about pizza, n__n i hope it was a nice one although i personally think BBQ sauce in pizza is a bit odd.


Damn, now that makes me want pizza! And I can't make any at home because I'm out of pizza sauce. That, and I don't currently have enough cash in my wallet to go order a pizza somewhere. Too lazy to go to an ATM either. Hmmmm...what flavors of ramen noodles do I have?


The pizza sounded nom except for the onions. Those are right out. Never tried bar-b-que sauce on a pizza. I shall have to try this. And what you don't cost in food, you cost in cheap booze! I know this for a fact. :)


I actually LIKE more expensive booze. But as long as I'm being taken care of by people who like my work, I'm not buying any Lagavulin. :)


Oh, I watch all kinds! Right now, "The American Experience" and Dan Carlin's "Hardcore History" are my favorites.