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Vlog #74 - My Future Studio

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2017-02-05.


Russell Tuss

Moving is sometimes good, sometimes bad. Always interesting to find things you lost in the last move. I have problems with wanting to enjoy my games vs. my upstairs neighbors from time to time. I got some sound dampening coverings and hung them from the ceiling and some sound absorbing acoustic foam from a place called "Soundproof Cow"

Anthony Blanker

There's probably no way to say this that won't sound odd at best, but looking forward to your thoughts on the topic of suicide. It's something that most people (I personally know) are unwilling to talk about, or just prefer to pretend doesn't happen. Really interested to see how the comments section is going to turn out, too. And good luck with moving. ^^ Hope you get that studio that allows you to do what you want, when you want to. Just don't forget sleep is also a thing that exists.

Robert Seth

Sounds like great beginning. New place, new studio, non smoking roommate. Fresh start is always great for creativity. I've read alot about what people have been say about you and your views and I've gotta say that it's laughable. I was always told that common sense is a flower that rarely blooms in they're garden but, damn. Keep up the great work 2 and don't let them get to you. Trolls will be trolls no matter what you say. Have a good day and enjoy your meal. Looking forward to your next video. Oh, have you ever thought about reviewing a game called dead space. I remembered from your review of spirit of Xanadu that I believe you said you liked space and horror games.


2, night is for sleepy time.


good luck with the move letshope everythng works out as you plan for and there wil lbe a smooth transition to the new place

Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

I looking forward to hear about you view on diffrent toppics. Else I agree with the comments so far.


I'll be interested to hear those story times. I have a friend who's been dealing with some terrible depression due to a terrible situation he's in with no hope of problems being fixed any time soon, which has been going on for many years now, and he's been having suicidal thoughts again. And I'm out of suggestions and ideas to tell him to help fix things.


Christmas? Oh, hell no. It better be before that!


Christmas? Oh, hell no. It better be before that!


Damn <enter> key does not do what I expect. Once I get to sleep, about the only thing that wakes me up is my intercontinental ballistic cat landing on my stomach. I can sleep through the phone ringing at full volume in my ear. And, that is a real phone with a real bell (kids don't know what those are).</enter>