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Professing my love for Beanie Weenies. Stories about moving when I was young. Discussion on whether or not punching non-violent people is right. Also thoughts on how much of a nerd I am. Want to support me? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon



Yeah. If you say that people should be free to speak, even if you disagree with it, somehow, you're a Nazi.

Russell Tuss

As someone with personal experience dealing with Neo Nazis and Skinheads; I have personal experience in punching them, but most of the time it was already a fight by the time we got there: "I may not agree with what you're saying, but I'll defend your right to say it. " I also believe we need to make more effort to show that we don't want their behavior emerging ever again. I think, that, like Slavery, the genocide of the Native Americans, and Racial Segregation, the White Supremacist "idea" should be wiped out, left to be part of the history books. A horrible horrible history marker and that we need to find peaceful ways of re-mediating these people back into productive society. What makes someone hate? That's a discussion I'd love to have. If we could remove the reason to hate, the world would get better, because we'd all be doing better with a little less hate (the I'm ready to kill some motherfucker level of hate).

Russell Tuss

Also, when you're done with Lifeless Planet, are you open to suggestions for games that could take up a long chill relax time?


If you have a principle you only stand for when it's comfortable for you, you don't have a principle; you just have something you like to say sometimes. To be honest, I think Nazis getting punched is funny, and satisfying, and deep down I feel like it's what they deserve, but that's a world away from the principle of the thing. I agree with the Nazi-punching sentiment but not with the act. We fought WWII because Nazis invaded Poland and committed crimes against humanity, not because they said some shit.