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Thoughts on why I'm doing this series, getting a channel strike, intelligent design, atheism vs religion, Want to support me? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon



Unfortunately, atheism and theism aren't a single disagreement like you put it; they're the respective roots of entire trees of disagreements. Yes, they both want good education, but one side thinks "good education" involves abstinence mantra in place of sex ed and Adam and Eve stories in place of evolutionary theory. They both want a good government, but one side is going to favour and elect the political candidate who wants to protect them from the godless gay scourge. The branches on those trees spread out and upward to a point where you can't find enough open air to fly a paper airplane.


To be fair, I DO get along with some people who believe in God, and yes, it's possible because we put aside our differences. But my point is that we have a LOT of differences to put aside in order to get along. To the point where I'm basically a completely different person around her. So yeah, it's not a simple as you make it sound, 2, by a long shot. People have to be REALLY willing to modify their own behaviour in that situation.