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Patreon Update #2

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-12-07.



Sounds like fun. With my job I would be very happy to listen to 2Sense again to come down a bit.


Wow, busy busy. Would hate to ask about Beercast. :P


We're basically going to have to reinvent it, but the basic idea of laughing at the dark side of the news will be at the foundation.


The original Mirror's Edge? Holy awesome! I can't wait!


Actually, I'm going to have to go back on that one. I honestly had the intention of doing it, but it runs like shit (15 FPS, even on my GTX 1070), there's dodgy mouse and keyboard support and the game keeps crashing on me. So... I might have to replace it with something else. :/


Dude, stoked about 2 Sense! While I'm glad Jibba's returning, I gotta say I'm curious as to how you worked it out, since I know you weren't too keen on the Skype thing - you must have a trick or 2 up your sleeve. Definitely Looking forward to Christmas now, which is handy since the Christmas season has been a bit of a dumpster fire for me this year thus far.


Yeesh! I heard a lot of bad reviews about Mirrors Edge, but I had no idea the port was unplayable. Then again, why expect much else from EA these days.:V