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Hey bird, I'm finally getting around to watching this series so I hope you'll see this comment so late to its posting. First of all, you have my total thumbs up on this idea of turning some games into a story time. Maybe it can be like those excerpts of your life that you told during RFP, I dunno. Those story times, like your super secret shows at cons, are really good to hear and definitely make a person think. Your story about Goldie taught us all (or me at least) about placing oneself in another person's shoes and taking a moment to think with compassion for even someone you feel hate for, and your story about giving up your religious beliefs give those of us who have also given them up long ago some perspective from another person's path through all that even if the mutual life stories are completely different. Second, you said here and have said in the past that you feel fear about getting out there on stage to perform your comedy, or fear of pursuing some new endeavor like making gaming videos, afraid that people may not like it or won't be entertained or whatever. But something you've also said in the past when giving advice to people who were dealing with fears is, don't be afraid; unless something is an actual risk of real tangible harm, don't be afraid and don't let fear control your life. (I admit, that's advice I have an extraordinarily difficult time following, but I'm trying.) The fear you have with your gaming videos and every new idea you come up with is nothing more than fear of the unknown. Everything in life is an unknown until you actually experience it in some way and gain firsthand knowledge, and it's through that knowledge and experience that you break through that fear of the unknown. Your fans have followed you for years and your fan base is always growing, so you're doing something right and that gives you the knowledge and experience to know you have nothing to fear. Some ideas may flop and some ideas may flourish, but you won't know unless you try and do them. Third, in a thought jumping back to #1, your idea of making some game series into story time and letting viewers talk about the stories in their life is a great one because it not only lets people get to know you a little bit more, but also gives a place for so many others to talk about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in life and have a place where they'll be heard or read. It gives people an outlet which helps give their stories meaning.


I don't know if there's enough I can write to truly respond to this. But I wanted you to know I read it and I really enjoyed reading it. It's a long post and I appreciate that you took that much time to talk to me. Thank you for your words and I will definitely try to keep them in mind when I'm making future videos.