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Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-11-30.



Soooo..more Two Sense, and what amounts to new Radio Free Potato, but with video games? Sounds like awesome to me.


Look forward to it all. Hope your ass kicking of the last couple months has helped give you perspective on what you want to focus on for now.


I still haven't even begun to watch the Dear Ester series. That and Deadlight are in my downloaded video queueeueuueue, and with MFF starting tomorrow I'll be getting even further behind in watching your videos. I like to leave comments for them as ideas come up but lately I've been watching series that you're already done playing so they're really late to the party. Anyway, doing a story time/RFP sort of thing with games sounds very interesting. I always liked those segments in RFP where you told a story of your life, and that's something that's been missing from the Beercasts (well, stories of that length rather than the shorter stories you do tell on Beercast). Yay for 2 Sense! It'll be good to see Jibba again. I hope you've found a good source for Gore News. If not, there's always the option of having your audience send you potential GN news stories as they come across them. (As I write this I'm looking out the window at a little bird hanging upside down from the soffit on my house. They give no shits about gravity.)


Glad to hear that Beercast and 2 Sense are both coming back soon! One of these days, I really need to send you some beer for the show. There's a lot of local craft breweries around here, so we have a good selection of quality brews to choose from.