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Vlog #67 - Balloon Foot

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-11-16.



2 remember you are awesome. you're videos have helped make bad days better. i personally don't mind and respect that you are busy, so don't worry. and i may not be american but i do know the importance of thanksgiving. lastly hope the foot gets better soon in terms of swelling.


Thanksgiving is a very important day for family in the US. Since I don't really have one and the friend I'm going to visit doesn't have one, we'll keep each other company.


We always do wish you well, 2. Gout doesn't look like much fun, hope you're doing what you can to help clear it up. And we keep you company? You've done the same thing for me countless times over the last year. You're not alone. Don't be afraid. Many hugs and well wishes to you!


Thank you, Mitter. I really do appreciate the well wishing. I'm sure the foot will get better soon.


We're always there 2. Always there, always watching. Allllllways watching...


Holy bitch tits, Batman! That foot is huge! Is there any kind of medication that can treat gout and either make the flare-ups go away or cure it permanently? Glad to know we can keep you company. You keep me company just about every night with your videos as I have dinner. Sometimes I get a little behind in watching so I'll have 4 or 5 downloaded and ready to watch, which is why sometimes my comments are placed really late compared to when you posted the video. MFF is coming up. I'll definitely miss seeing you there. Wish you could make it! :D


There is no cure, but luckily it's a condition that's old as time and there are plenty of ways to treat it once it does flare up. I have meds for it, but they make me really sleepy. :/

Hikaru Katayamma

Have you tried wearing compression stockings to control the swelling? Also, where should I send steam game gifts? :D


It's not really the swelling that's the big problem but the pain. :) ...I don't know how to send a Steam game. I think you just send it to my account? 2_gryphon

Hikaru Katayamma

Sent a friend invite. Can't send it to you if you're not on the list.... from what I can tell.