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Some thoughts on the recent election.



I've been trying to think of how to do a show on this for a couple days, I will say it is nice to hear someone with a calm mind about it right now.

Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

We in europe are not so mutch afraind of what he will do as of wht he woun't. He threten to take away the only protection that holds back russia from occypy the baltic.

Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

And he can send trops to invade for 60 day without anny voting and he can send nuke whenever he wants without anny approval

Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

You have to understand that here around the baltic, here in Sweden and in Estonia And Finland we see Russia provoking and moving trops to boarder and we know that if Putin would like to we are just apritif for his military. And now Trump thraten to pull back protection of us. So now we see a Russia that are like old Stalin Sovjet. And we know without NATO, without USA we would be overrunned within days if Putin deside to pull up his army closer to the Atlantic. That is what scars us most here in Sweden, estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland.


I'm not sure what to think about that. Honestly, the US military doesn't really have any business there, I guess.


He can't do either of those things without approval. He can assign troops to *defend* the US if we're being attacked, but not to invade. And though he is the only one who can order a nuclear strike, he can't do it by himself. There has to be approval.


Well, hopefully if Trump does pull back our troops, the UN will find another country who can replace them perhaps.


An excellent and sober assessment of the situation. For all the fear and bluster in the wake of the election, President Obama and the Democrats are taking the correct tack, reminding us that it's not about parties, but coming together to try and make the country better. They are taking the high road that many feared would not have been taken had things gone otherwise. That said, the schism in the GOP remains, and even with majority control of the house and Senate, there is still disagreement between the President-Elect and the rest of the main party. Ultimately, I like comedian Seth Meyer's approach: we predicted his campaign announcement was a joke and were wrong; we thought he couldn't secure the primary over more mainline Republicans and were wrong; we thought though his actions and scandals he would never secure the presidency and were wrong; so let us hope our trend of incorrect predictions about the man continues into his term and he does truly put the nation and its welfare over his own.


I don't like either of them and now one is my boss, wonderful.


That's American democracy. You're always welcome to come to Europe where 3rd parties actually get some representation though. :P


If almost every public opinion on Trump has been wrong, why would they suddenly start being right? Also, do you not find it hypocritical as fuck that the Left was getting on Trump's ass for accepting the election results and then riots broke out within hours of Trump's secured victory. The Dems have a history of sparking violence towards the right, so playing nice while starting crap like this isn't beyond them. Obama and Hillary sure didn't care about working together when they thought Trump was losing. They're just going where the power is. Don't believe a damn thing either of them say.


The entire election was summed up really well by a Facebook picture I saw. "It's like watching two parents fighting over custody of you, when all we want is to be with grandpa Bernie". Or something along those lines. Now that it's over...well, eh, he won, oh well, let's just see what happens now.