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This month has been crazy and I haven't had a chance to talk to you guys as much as I usually do. I wanted to give you an update of what's happened and what will be happening soon.


Vlog #66 - October Patreon Update

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-10-29.



Don't back out of Anthrocon voluntarily, dude. That just means that douchebag wins. He may be a board member but you've got Uncle Kage on your side, so no worries.


What you just said hurts my mind. A member of the board at a Con where you have helped so many saying anything like that. I went to AC after I had my stroke and you helped me find some peace of mind. Helped me find a smile and remember who I was. Now its my turn to be there for you. I am not going to walk away from helping you. How can I be of help? Thank you for your time, From A Happy Mouse.


Huh, didnt hear of this one...Then again, Im not that much on twitter. You doing less and less live performances just means we have to rent a giant circustent out somewhere and create: "2-live-show-for-those-who-are-not-so-damn-easily-triggered-con" (Temporary nameholder)

Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

Well it seams it is you or the staffmember and this is something Kage have to act on. But it is sad that this would happen in a place that was supose be drama free and open minded. Sad to see this after all things you and Kage been spoken about acceptnens in fandom and at AC.


Having looked through said person's Twitter, I can confirm he's a feminazi social justitard, and though I'm agnostic I pray this triggered cult of SJW dies and rots to hell. As a person they'd probably label as racist, islamophobic and transphobic, I can't help but think that if more of them start popping up in the fandom, I'm probably leaving the fandom for a while. Especially, as I've seen at meets in the UK, where many of the organizers and staff are SJWs as well. Oh well. Maybe we need to start a new fandom called 'Furry, v.2.0: Be offended, biatch!', and deliberately go out of our way just to piss off SJWs, and get their blood pressure so high they all die of heart palpitations. But in all seriousness, please don't let them win. Start making people aware of their bullshit and when they start trying to boo you, get all your supporters cheers to drown them out. Show them that their whiney, never-had-any-real-problems-in-their-lives, asses can't be beaten by being annoying, ill-informed shites. Not performing means letting them win, and backing down to maintain peace is what empowers them to do more of this utter rubbish. I'll end with a quote : "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


You mentioned that you have to make Videos. First of all, don't think german. You don't HAVE TO make Videos, you WANT TO. I wouldn't mind, if you don't upload videos for a few weeks. Everybody needs a vacation every now and than ;)


And second, how does the other stav-members think about this whäääää on Twitter? It sounds very heavy for me that one person can have such a big impact at all of this. Sounds like the typical furry-drama to me. I hope everythig tuns out to be less dramatik than it sounds in the first place.


I am not usually one for making comments about situations but I do agree with what alot of people have said stating that the currently situation was blown out of proportions. I am one of the staff members for a local meet and help with the running of other meets aswell. I have also helped to run a local convention too. We have always had one MAJOR rule that if broken then you are removed as a staff member. It is the pinacle of our rules but is also simple "if you have a issue with the situation than you must remove yourself from it. That our role is to remain neutral no matter what. If it comes to you getting involved with the situation then you most remove yourself from any decision making". As everyone has stated that Anthrocon has always been agreed at being a lovely neutral place. but people cannot be allowed to create issues for those attending as it makes for a toxic environment which could destroy its fundamental foundations.

Skyfox (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-13 06:21:34 懐かしい……ありましたね。もう10年以上前ですかね……。
2016-10-31 00:24:44 I concur with what Schlosser said: what do the other board members and the chairman of AC say about this matter? Do they agree or do they think that one person was way out of line in trying to ostracize the guy who's one of the convention's star entertainment attractions? Please don't let this one whiny little bitch keep you from attending a convention you love and which collectively loves you. (On a halfway selfish note, now that you're no longer going to MFF, AC is the only con I ever get to see you at any more, unless you start attending MCFC every year.)

I concur with what Schlosser said: what do the other board members and the chairman of AC say about this matter? Do they agree or do they think that one person was way out of line in trying to ostracize the guy who's one of the convention's star entertainment attractions? Please don't let this one whiny little bitch keep you from attending a convention you love and which collectively loves you. (On a halfway selfish note, now that you're no longer going to MFF, AC is the only con I ever get to see you at any more, unless you start attending MCFC every year.)


Not sure when it became ok to go to a show and ruin it for everyone who's there to enjoy it...


Firstly, just keep chuggin' along 2, you're obviously workin' hard and it'll all come crashing together in an epic 2gryphon bombshell. Secondly, the advice here is definitely pretty sound. Don't give it up voluntarily! You could talk to Kage and bring your case (and evidence of your innocence) to him/the other board members and try to get it sorted. Making a video about it also seems like a good idea, to publicly clear the air. I wish you the best of luck! (sorry for being late to the party on this one)


At all the conventions of which I've been on staff... and that has been a lot, including the 2 conventions of which I was the CEO... we all had the same rules. You simply don't go shitposting about people publicly, much less a main stage performer for your convention. I'd like to think this guy just forgot to take his medication that day.


Holy crap! You just gave me an idea! What if, once a year, all the patrons that could manage it would go to a specific place and just party for a weekend?