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Who I'm voting for in this election and why.



So I can understand why you hate both candidates so much, but I personally find Trump the better option of the two. Surely there's one you'd rather have than the other, even if if you find them both despicable. Mind explaining briefly why you dislike both choices so badly?


Dear 2 - I want to thank you for standing you and putting into words what my mind has been thinking. If i was to try to vote i would standing and looking at the name and not able to move. The sad thing is here in my part of PA is and it is coming from furs. How bad of a person I am for not voting. My choice is not to play the game and for me that is the only answer I have. Whoever wins means I am still going to loose. Once again I take my hat off and hold up a drink to you and say THANK YOU.


Don't mind the people who get angry if you don't vote. The only reason they get mad about that is because they think it's one less vote for the person they want to win. I'm pretty sure a Hillary supporter wouldn't be so angry if they knew someone who isn't voting would have voted for Trump. :)


Well, because they're both terrible. If I had to choose one, I'd pick Trump. Not because I support him in any way, but because his ideas are SO psychotic that most of them will probably not make it through the House and Senate in the first place. I prefer Trump basically because he's the one who would be the most ineffectual.


voting Hillary because W showed me how much damage an idiot with power can do...literally remember thinking "well he can't do that much harm" and gave us 9/11, Iraq, New Orleans mishandling (at the least)


Urm... As someone going into the military I'd full heartedly say that if you want to avoid a war, vote Trump. He respects the military leaders enough to actually listen to what they have to say. Hillary keeps poking Russia and has talked about a no-fly zone over Syria, which would mean going to war with Iran and Russia. Trump has talked about getting along with Putin and other leaders. Hillary has taken the biggest donation from Lockheed Martin than any other candidate in history, and she has been shown to lie to the public while telling her backers what she really thinks. She wants more illegal immigration into US, she wants to n


I'll vote for ya too 2, 2 for president! totally agree!