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A mysterious and empty station on Europa. We have a mystery to solve! Want more videos like this? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon



Where's your facecam? I kinda like just having your voice. Edit: Aw shit, I didn't wait for you to say why. How silly of me. I like it regardless.


Yeah, it'll just be for this game for now. Depending on what people think about it, I might do it more in the future.


Finally getting around to beginning this series. First of all, this game looks awesome! The graphics and the design of the ship and base are superb. Gotta love those artificial gravity floor tiles, too. Second, about face cam, I like having the face cam on the games. It really never distracts me from watching the game itself and I really only focus on the face cam if you stop playing to talk or rant about something, or if you have some hilarious reaction to something (ie. the alien jump scaring you in Alien Isolation or the zombie thing in the mine caves running at you in Ethan Carter) in which case I back the video up just to specifically watch your reaction. Those are the best! My only gripe about face cam is when the box covers some pertinent bit of information in the game, like how it covers your health and shield bars in Bioshock. Rather insignificant, though, and it's easy to overlook that. Given a choice, my vote is in favor of face cam.


Very much noted. Most people like the facecam. A very few like it better without. And a good portion of people say that it should depend on the game and the content. I will mull this all over and decide what to do after the Retromania session is finished.


Also, when a game completely breaks you with something hilarious like in Layers of Fear when the baby ran into the wall...yeah, we totally need to see that.